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00:00:40:28 - 00:01:05:39 Dr. Paul VAX facts this book hits bookstores December 10th. You can get a copy now by going to VAX Facts book.com, where you can get a signed author's copy, where you can order an e-book, or you can also preorder the book if you are seeing this message before December 10th. You can also order this book at any bookseller, any bookstore, wherever books are sold, and preorder your copy. 00:01:05:53 - 00:01:16:16 Dr. Paul Get this book for your loved ones, for your family, for yourself, and let's get healthy. 00:01:35:20 - 00:02:06:27 Dr. Paul Good morning. Welcome to Pediatric Perspectives, where we are looking at children's health challenges with a different perspective, one that includes critical thinking. One that's not afraid to give you the honest truth and delve into some of the tough questions. I am honored today. My guest today is then Hunnicutt. She's the founder and director of Moms Across America, one of my favorite organizations, a nonprofit, by the way, so you can help support the incredible work that she's doing there. 00:02:06:32 - 00:02:28:24 Dr. Paul We are going to touch on food testing, specifically gluten free. Oh my gosh, this is so important, Zen, because so many of us have had to go to gluten free eating because we don't handle gluten very well. Maybe you can start off by, telling us why that's so. Why is it that gluten has become a problem? 00:02:28:24 - 00:02:31:05 Dr. Paul And then let's get into what you found. 00:02:31:10 - 00:02:59:51 Zen Honeycut Absolutely. Well, we tested because, many of our supporters who are moms, mostly, told us that they have been eating gluten free and, mostly organic produce for years, for probably over ten years now. And yet they and their children still have gut issues. They have, gut dysbiosis, perhaps leaky gut holes in their small intestines and, and maybe even anxiety or other behavioral type issues. 00:03:00:01 - 00:03:17:04 Zen Honeycut They didn't notice an improvement when they first went organic. But then over time, you know, eating organic and gluten free, they noticed that they still had some persistent issues. And they were asking me, why was this the case? And I said, you know, I don't know. I'm not a doctor. I'm so glad you're a doctor. And you're on here, too. 00:03:17:04 - 00:03:42:29 Zen Honeycut We'll discuss this. But my suspicion was that the gluten free food, which is often not organic, would contain glyphosate because most of the ingredients that are in gluten free food like peas, lentils, beans, corn or soy are crops that are often sprayed with glyphosate as a drying agent before harvest. Now, the farmers might say, we're use we're spraying a weed killer, a pre harvest weed killer. 00:03:42:34 - 00:04:09:05 Zen Honeycut But that's really a euphemism for a desiccant, a drying agent which allows the farmer to spray the entire crop. The glyphosate dries the crop out because it's a key. Later, it's basically grabbing on to those vital nutrients and minerals and making them unavailable. Pretty much killing the plant. And then the farmer can harvest it faster and, not have to wait for Mother Nature and, you know, fickle rainstorms or whatever coming along. 00:04:09:05 - 00:04:36:32 Zen Honeycut So it is more convenient for the farmer. However, those glyphosate residues, according to the scientists that we've talked to, do not wash, dry or cook off. And, we consume those glyphosate residues. And there has been an incredible, correlation done by Nancy Swanson and, Stephanie Neff that shows the correlation between celiac disease and glyphosate, the use, the increased use of glyphosate on crops and the increase of celiac disease. 00:04:36:32 - 00:05:13:39 Zen Honeycut And that is celiac is a disease, as I'm sure you can discuss Doctor Paul of the gut. And and glyphosate does cause damage to the gut microbiome. So we believe that people who have gluten intolerances and according to, Doctor Zach Bush, who's a triple board certified doctor, that the gluten intolerances and perhaps even celiac is not really an intolerance to wheat, which we've been eating for thousands of years in most cases, especially the heirloom types, it's actually a reaction to the glyphosate and its harmful properties. 00:05:13:44 - 00:05:36:05 Dr. Paul So that's why you have a comment on that? Because I have had so many patients who are, gluten intolerant, severely so, some of them probably actual celiac, which is a person who cannot have any gluten whatsoever go to Europe and be able to eat bread and pasta and pizza and have no problems, which speaks to exactly what you're talking about. 00:05:36:16 - 00:05:58:34 Dr. Paul We use so much glyphosate in this country, that our food is just so contaminated. And, I mean, I started this journey because as a pediatrician, I was seeing kids regressing into autism and just not doing well with chronic disease. And I focused on the vaccines. In fact, I've got a new book coming out called VAX Facts, which is going to really set the record straight. 00:05:58:39 - 00:06:19:57 Dr. Paul But you started this journey in a different way, still looking at toxins, right? Your kids, you saw them being affected and you really focused in on food, which is, I think, one of the big sources of toxins. And now you've got research that I think is going to be shocking, but so important for us to know that just going gluten free is not enough. 00:06:20:02 - 00:06:32:34 Zen Honeycut Yeah. Well both issues I do want to address the vaccine issues. Both issues are very important. In fact, we did some crossover when we tested five childhood vaccines for glyphosate and they were all positive. Doctor Paul. 00:06:32:36 - 00:06:33:17 Dr. Paul We were. 00:06:33:18 - 00:07:04:10 Zen Honeycut Shocked, especially since we had tested 20 baby formula samples or feeding. Pediasure feeding tube liquid samples. And only six were positive. So mathematically, to have all five childhood vaccines be positive for glyphosate was really disturbing. And the MMR vaccine had 24 times more glyphosate than the other vaccines. And we believe, that's because when Doctor Anthony Samuel tested 14 of childhood vaccines, he, corroborated our evidence. 00:07:04:10 - 00:07:30:22 Zen Honeycut Right. I think he found 11 or 12 of them also positive for glyphosate. He found 30 to 35 times higher. The amount of glyphosate in the MMR vaccine. So both of the MMR vaccines had higher levels of glyphosate than the other ones. And we believe this is that Anthony himself said that that's probably because they live virus needs to have a higher amount of gelatin in the vaccine to keep the live virus, viable. 00:07:30:27 - 00:07:54:54 Zen Honeycut And the MMR vaccine was the one that had that the others did not. And the gelatin comes from pigs, which are most likely eating GMO grains sprayed with glyphosate and glyphosate does go into the tendons and the bones and the bone marrow and the muscle tissue and pig tendons are ground up and made into, gelatin. And that's what's in vaccines to stabilize the live virus. 00:07:55:01 - 00:08:10:26 Zen Honeycut So I know I digressed a little bit here, but I wanted to address that. I'm we're not saying just because we mostly focus on food, that vaccines aren't also issue. It is the total toxic burden. And we want to empower parents to be able to do what they can, you know, to learn what they can to do what they can. 00:08:10:26 - 00:08:22:23 Zen Honeycut Because we know there's a lot of toxins from the air, from their neighbors, from the schools, from. Right. There's toxins all over the place. But we want to empower people to be able to do what they can, where they can, to lessen that toxic burden. 00:08:22:28 - 00:08:46:40 Dr. Paul You have had this incredible focus, especially lately with moms across America, of testing our food. Yes, more toxins and, this new information that I really would hope you will share well with our audience is about the gluten free products and what you found, because so many of us have turned to gluten free and even organic, which isn't always a guarantee that it's going to be clean and safe. 00:08:46:40 - 00:09:06:58 Dr. Paul Right? Yes. What? First of all, thank you for doing all the testing that you all are doing. That is so important because I learned I've already learned some things by going to Moms Across America website and looking at some of the results. And it's like, oh wow, I was eating that like hummus and not always organic. And it's like, oh dear. 00:09:07:03 - 00:09:21:43 Dr. Paul So dive into what you have found because our audience and everyone needs to know which things in particular to avoid. And then more in general, how to approach eating healthy and minimizing toxins. 00:09:21:48 - 00:09:40:50 Zen Honeycut Absolutely. And and I do want to address, just very briefly before I talk about exactly what we tested for gluten free foods. The context for our testing is not to vilify these food brands. I've been on entrepreneur for small company before. It is challenging to have a company. We are not out to vilify any small food brands or manufacturers. 00:09:40:55 - 00:10:02:00 Zen Honeycut What we want to do is to transform the food supply and health in America and beyond. That is our overall goal. And in order to do that, we have to get to what? So we have to see what are the facts, what's happening here and what can we do about it. And we actually test these food brands because we want to find out who's doing the right thing, who is sourcing from great places. 00:10:02:09 - 00:10:20:25 Zen Honeycut Let's celebrate them and let's hope to sway, you know, the rest of the industry in that direction so that we can all have access to safe, nontoxic, nutrient dense food no matter what our budget is, right? We really should be able to have access to that no matter what our socioeconomic background or our race or, you know, anything. 00:10:20:36 - 00:10:42:56 Zen Honeycut So that's our context. We want to celebrate the companies who are doing the right things. And we've already been starting to do that. We're very happy to report, well, sad report that only 44 out of 46 of the gluten free samples that we tested. Oh, 44 out of 46 of them were positive for glyphosate. That means only two did not have glyphosate in them. 00:10:43:01 - 00:11:08:57 Zen Honeycut And that was Edwards and Sons rice crackers and lesser evil popcorn, the only two out of 46 that did not have glyphosate in them. And one other brand had, you know, to trace amounts. And I think I have that on my on the website here too. And moms across America talk. But they you know, there were not there were not many was live g free cornbread mix only had trace levels. 00:11:09:01 - 00:11:37:03 Zen Honeycut And the other top ten of the lowest levels of glyphosate were made good. Strawberry Krispie squares, tin, quijada, brown rice, pasta. That's really great. I eat that a lot from Trader Joe's. Rudy's soft white sandwich bread. Was glad to see that Judy's is quite a big brand for many people. Barilla Penny pasta was number seven. Shah's plane New York style bagels, Whole Foods brand 365 sandwich bread and Shah artisan baker, white bread. 00:11:37:03 - 00:11:58:44 Zen Honeycut So Shah's was on there twice. So shout out to them. That was great. That they were on the top ten list. Meaning the, the, you know, being the cleanest, least contaminated for glyphosate. But what we found were it was, you know, again, 44 out of 46 positive for glyphosate and glyphosate was the most prevalent of all the pesticides. 00:11:58:44 - 00:12:36:00 Zen Honeycut We tested for 236 other pesticides. And unfortunately, not all of the organic brands that we tested for were the lowest levels. Some, some. There were a few other conventional brands that had lower levels of glyphosate, but the top two that were not detectable for glyphosate were organic, so that was good to know. And, it was, you know, 95.6% of the samples contained higher than 0.1 parts per billion, which, according to Doctor Dan Huber, is, shown to be harmful, especially sex hormone changes and liver and kidney damage. 00:12:36:05 - 00:13:18:22 Zen Honeycut So this is very concerning, Doctor Paul, that the very chemical that is suspected to contribute to celiac disease and gut dysbiosis, which causes people to go eat gluten free in the first place, is also being found in 95.6% of the samples that people are eating purposely to be healthier and paying top dollar. By the way, the best way to eliminate glyphosate intake is to not eat, grains and chickpeas, the highest levels across the board in testing, for glyphosate in 7800 food samples by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. 00:13:18:27 - 00:13:43:52 Zen Honeycut This was prompted by the tenacity of a Indian activist named Tony Mitra, who lived in Canada and went after the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, and they tested 7800 samples and found glyphosate in pretty much like 100%. I believe it was of the chickpea samples or chickpeas or garbanzo beans, whichever you want to call them. Yeah, and also oats, very high levels in oats because they are sprayed with glyphosate as a drying agent. 00:13:43:57 - 00:14:07:46 Zen Honeycut Wheat was also very high. Wheat is sprayed with glyphosate is a drying agent. And these are all if they're not organic, but some organic samples did have some contamination. According to the detox project, about 20% of, certain protein powders in the grocery stores were positive for glyphosate. Some of that was fraudulent, you know, for fraudulent labeling of soybeans or lentils or peas. 00:14:07:51 - 00:14:38:34 Zen Honeycut But, mostly, if you want to avoid glyphosate eating organic is one of the best ways. But also, if you just want to avoid grains, you're most likely to avoid it. And I think that's why the paleo diet is so popular right now. I think it's people reacting to glyphosate, and our testing for gluten free samples showed that the highest level that was ever found in human foods by the lab that we commissioned was in a chickpea pasta by Banza. 00:14:38:34 - 00:14:42:21 Zen Honeycut It was a Bonzo Cavatelli pasta, and it was. 00:14:42:21 - 00:14:44:24 Dr. Paul Chickpea beaten that before. 00:14:44:29 - 00:15:26:49 Zen Honeycut That. But it is high in proteins. Chickpeas are high in protein, so people are often choosing chickpeas because they're high in protein. And honestly, I think it's being pushed more now or perhaps funded more now. Because there's a whole push for regenerative farming. And regenerative farming often uses chickpeas as a cover crop. However, if it's not regenerative organic farming, the regenerative farmers may be using glyphosate as a drying agent on that cover crop in between the planting of the crops, and they may be selling their chickpeas, you know, to, brands. 00:15:26:54 - 00:15:59:51 Zen Honeycut I don't know whether they're saying regenerative or not, but many, many of them are saying, you know, selling the chickpeas as a higher protein source for things like pasta or pizza dough or, you know, all of those types of things. So I'm very concerned about the regenerative movement, which may not include being organic or at least not allow the spreading of glyphosate as a drying agent, and just incorporating these chickpeas into foods without telling the consumer whether or not they were sprayed with glyphosate as a drying agent. 00:15:59:51 - 00:16:04:39 Zen Honeycut That that seems to me to be, a very dangerous thing to be doing for human health. 00:16:04:44 - 00:16:29:20 Dr. Paul Yeah. You mentioned earlier something that I had missed and that was that glyphosate is a chelating agent. And so it's depleting the food of its nutrients and its minerals. Being healthy is about getting your nutrients right is so much more than just calories, fat, protein, and carbs. We need nutrients and micro nutrients and minerals. And where are we going to get those? 00:16:29:20 - 00:16:32:37 Dr. Paul I don't think we're going to get them in processed food anymore. 00:16:32:42 - 00:17:06:00 Zen Honeycut No we're not. And in fact, we've been testing food across the board, you know, school lunches and fast foods. And we're not finding, nearly the amount of minerals that we should have. We detest gluten free foods as well. And we had a highly trained nutritionists tell us that these gluten free samples across the board, she would not even, be inclined to state that they meet anywhere near 10% of what would be, needed to reach to meet the allowable daily intake. 00:17:06:00 - 00:17:36:49 Zen Honeycut I mean, the recommended daily intake of the minerals that we tested for. And, so that's very unfortunate because a lot of people eat gluten free bread or pastas or, you know, cookies or snacks or protein bars or chips or whatever, and they're a major part of their diet. So if you know, this types of food is a major part of your diet, just know that you are, you know, not likely to get more than 10% of your recommended daily intake of nutrients and minerals, from that food. 00:17:36:54 - 00:17:57:05 Zen Honeycut And that will mean that you will be left hungry for more, and you will probably consume more of the fats, as you mentioned earlier, and the sugars, which could lead to obesity and diabetes. And a lot of people are seeing that. I mean, I've been eating gluten for free for a year, and when I was tested recently, my doctor was like, you know, you're you're borderline pre-diabetic. 00:17:57:07 - 00:18:24:28 Zen Honeycut You've got to reduce your, you know, sugar and carbon taken. And I think that's probably because I've been eating gluten free and, you know, having exposure to glyphosate and unfortunately that I did not know I was having and, you know, increased intake of foods that could contribute to prediabetes, to liver disease, to, a lot of, a lot of health issues, cancer, sperm damage, androgynous zation of baby girls. 00:18:24:28 - 00:19:00:03 Zen Honeycut Glyphosate has been shown to do that. Neurological damage, nervous system damage, I mean, year after year exposure, even to low levels of glyphosate is going to contribute to, according to Stephanie Sarnoff, who wrote the book Toxic Legacy, it's going to contribute to nearly or over 40 different Western medical diseases. So these food brands that are allowing glyphosate in them, whether it's knowingly or unknowingly are contributing to the massive health in that that means physical health, behavioral health and reproductive health crisis in America today. 00:19:00:18 - 00:19:13:21 Zen Honeycut And they need to be responsible for that. Start testing. It's a simple quality control test and start demanding that their suppliers do not spray glyphosate as a drying agent. That's what needs to happen. 00:19:13:26 - 00:19:33:43 Dr. Paul Amen to that. And for the rest of us who are consumers and need to survive, we need to eat to survive. We've got to wake up to the fact that we need whole food, we need organic, whole food, and we can't the optimally healthy if we're eating processed foods, even if it's organic. Right? 00:19:33:48 - 00:19:51:36 Zen Honeycut For that point, yes, all highly processed foods or processed foods really should be avoided as much as possible. Eating whole foods. Eat the strawberries instead of the strawberry pop tart. Pop tart, right? Get your tomatoes. Make the sauce fresh. Don't buy the tomato sauce with corn sirup and especially not in an aluminum can. Please, you know, things like that. 00:19:51:36 - 00:20:09:36 Zen Honeycut Go towards Whole Foods as much as possible, and you don't even need bread for a lot of the times you can eat the meat. The vegetables. And if you want it, you know, sweet potato. Those have been very satisfying. Eating whole foods is very important. And it's starting this at a very young age is very important as well. 00:20:09:41 - 00:20:12:51 Zen Honeycut Can we touch upon the baby formula testing that looked at. 00:20:12:55 - 00:20:34:16 Dr. Paul Let's do that. Because, I get this question all the time as a pediatrician. I'm retired now, but which formula should I use? And boy, I think if if you had the information on which formulas had the highest amount of toxins, you could be informed in making your decision. So what did you find? What did you test for and what did you find? 00:20:34:21 - 00:20:57:21 Zen Honeycut So we found 100% of the 40 samples that we tested. There were 20 brands. So keep in mind this is not all inclusive. There are 50 at least 50 different brands of baby formula. We tested 20 of them, but two of each from different lots and across the board. 100% of the 40 samples contained aluminum and lead, and 80% of the samples had levels of lead. 00:20:57:21 - 00:21:30:56 Zen Honeycut Higher than what the EPA allows in drinking water. 57% of the samples tested positive for arsenic, 55% for mercury, and 35% for cadmium, and six of the 20 formulas tested positive for all toxic all five of the toxic metals, which was aluminum, lead, arsenic, mercury, and cadmium, cadmium and one of them, the goat's milk baby formula, had 41,000 parts per billion and the Bubs goat's milk formula 41,040 1000 parts per billion of aluminum. 00:21:31:01 - 00:21:43:06 Zen Honeycut And we do not know why that was there. And this level does exceed the limits set by the FDA for maximum safety level of aluminum for a preemie, a preemie baby. So we are the lunar. Yeah, I. 00:21:43:06 - 00:21:46:34 Dr. Paul Used to joke goat's milk is for kids because of course, you know. 00:21:46:39 - 00:21:47:10 Zen Honeycut Yeah. 00:21:47:15 - 00:21:53:36 Dr. Paul People and goats have kids. But, from your testing and those results, I would stay away from goat's milk, that's for sure. 00:21:53:39 - 00:22:11:29 Zen Honeycut Well, here's the thing. I don't know. It could have been just this one. I grew up on goat's milk. I, I love goats, I have goats, like, I don't want to just say all goat's milk would be bad. They could just be that package with aluminum lining. It could have been the machinery that ground up that goat's milk, you know, somehow or something. 00:22:11:29 - 00:22:28:03 Zen Honeycut An additive that's in it. It could have been the rain from geoengineering that came down on that, that field, you know, that was sprayed that the goats it I don't know what it was. If I were the head of the FDA, I would be testing a thousand samples of baby formula right now. Trying to find out. 00:22:28:12 - 00:22:40:37 Dr. Paul What's interesting is since you've found, aluminum and lead in everything, then what are the common ingredients that go into formula that might be bringing that aluminum and lead into the formula? 00:22:40:39 - 00:23:02:07 Zen Honeycut Right. So Doctor Rene Joy Defoe, who is the author of, Unsafe on Any Plate, a book about the about heavy metals. What the FDA does not want you to know says there were no common ingredients to explain any of the elevated levels except for corn sirup, solids and vegetable oils and. Yeah. And, doctor. Jules. Eric. 00:23:02:07 - 00:23:25:49 Zen Honeycut Sarah Illini, a French scientist, says we have identified heavy metals and petroleum residues 6600 times more dangerous in conventional food than in equivalent organic products in Europe due to pesticides. So there is, this these results highlight a very pervasive issue of heavy metals and pesticides. And the pesticides can bring in the heavy metals. That's why, doctor Shields. 00:23:25:49 - 00:23:49:44 Zen Honeycut Eric. So really neat, you know, commented on the pesticides because moms across America has found specifically in glyphosate herbicides, high levels of arsenic and other types of heavy metals. So, we believe that, you know, I mean, we show that all the baby formulas that we tested are concerning, however, they're ones that were did worse and ones that did you know better, or top scoring, middle scoring, lowest scoring. 00:23:49:44 - 00:23:51:11 Zen Honeycut Would you like me to go over those. 00:23:51:16 - 00:23:53:10 Dr. Paul Yeah. Let's cover that real quick. 00:23:53:15 - 00:24:15:27 Zen Honeycut Great. So the lowest scoring was Enfamil sensitive infant formula Similac Total comfort infant formula up and up. Gentle premium powder infant formula up and up. So two from target. Up and up. Non-GMO hypoallergenic powder. Infant formula and Enfamil plant based soy powder infant formula that was the lowest scoring. Sorry the most contaminated. 00:24:15:30 - 00:24:27:54 Dr. Paul Yeah. So this is top I tell people to stay away from soy formulas period. Yeah. And I'm like, disclaimer I give no medical advice here. Just personal information to, you know, explore with your trusted health care provider. 00:24:27:59 - 00:24:54:22 Zen Honeycut Yes. And this is all, this is all just a scoring done by our, advisor, Doctor Michelle Perreault, who's the author of What's Making Our Children Sick. And, she is a 43 year veteran pediatrician. She did the scoring. And so that's what she found was the lowest scoring of the 40 samples that we tested. The middle was good Gerber, good start, Gentle Pro and Earth's best organic sensitivity formula. 00:24:54:27 - 00:25:13:53 Zen Honeycut And the top scoring meaning the least contaminated was Kirkland Pro Care non-GMO infant formula that is from Costco. And we're happy about that because Costco is the only store that has removed roundup off a shelf, based on our petitioning of them. And they also sell the most organic food in America. And so we're very happy about that. 00:25:13:53 - 00:25:51:24 Zen Honeycut Second and third with Similac Sensitive Infant Formula and Pure Amino Hypoallergenic Powder Infant formula. And this is for babies with digestive issues requiring pre digested formula. So according to Doctor Michelle Perreault, the formulas with digestive issues that require pre digested formulas tends to be, you know, cleaner or not to not have as much contaminant. So if you're in a pinch and you're traveling and you don't know what to buy, look for those types of, you know, hypoallergenic, sensitive, powder infant formulas, those would be the better a better case. 00:25:51:28 - 00:26:15:30 Dr. Paul Yep. Well, that is really important information, folks. If you are still using formula because you have to and many people have to, pay attention to these and pick from the least contaminated sources those top three. Again, let's close with that. And, I'm going to have you back for another episode because I want to delve into what should we actually do? 00:26:15:30 - 00:26:26:04 Dr. Paul How are we going to safely feed our kids from infants to toddlers to the school age children? So just again, your final words and the top three formulas. Sure. 00:26:26:15 - 00:27:01:59 Zen Honeycut The top three Kirkland Pro Care, non-GMO infant formula from the 20 samples that we tested, different brands, 40 samples, 20 different brands. That was the, the top scoring one. Similac sensitive infant formula was Nyx and Pure Amino hypoallergenic powder. Infant formula was the third. So, you know, take a look at those. And, also keep in mind that a lot of people are told that they need infant formula when perhaps they may not keep in mind that your baby's stomach, when they are first born, is the size of a cherry. 00:27:02:04 - 00:27:32:33 Zen Honeycut And it's not until they're a month old whether their stomach is the size of an egg. And so if you think that your baby needs eight ounces of of breast milk and you're not producing that when they're a month old, that's okay. Your body is most likely making exactly what your baby needs. And, and just consider that you may not need the infant formula the way that, you might fear that you need just because you love your baby and you want your baby to have enough food and it might be crying, but keep in mind, might be crying for other reasons. 00:27:32:33 - 00:27:46:55 Zen Honeycut Might want to be held, might want to, you know, have it's diaper change. Might just feel feel gassy. So just consider that you may be making exactly the right amount of baby for baby breast milk of breast milk for your baby, and you may not need baby formula. 00:27:47:00 - 00:28:10:19 Dr. Paul We will cover other options for you as well in our next episode. Folks, please support Moms across America. This is a nonprofit organization. I know this testing must cost a fortune, and you're limited, obviously, by the funds available, but this is the kind of work that's going to I think, move the dial and make our food supply safer for everyone. 00:28:10:19 - 00:28:11:21 Dr. Paul So thank you. 00:28:11:25 - 00:28:27:02 Zen Honeycut Thank you so much. And we really do appreciate your financial support. It's it's tough to do this. And our staff is vastly underpaid. I think at this point now more money might be going to the labs than to, you know, our team. It's just that's just what needs to happen. So we appreciate your support and making it happen. 00:28:27:07 - 00:28:28:22 Dr. Paul Thank you then thank. 00:28:28:22 - 00:28:28:35 Zen Honeycut You. 00:28:28:44 - 00:28:48:34 Dr. Paul Folks. You can find me at Doctors and science.com for my show With the Wind. And if you want personal coaching or other information about what I'm involved with, the new book that's coming out, go to Kids First forever.com, the number four. Thank you for watching. We'll see you next week for this. 00:28:48:34 - 00:29:08:40 Dr. Paul And all TV programing is made possible by generous support from viewers like you. Please consider making a contribution today to keep our programing going strong. Thank you so. 00:29:13:59 - 00:29:39:53 Dr. Paul I look forward to running together with the wind at our backs, revealing the science that gives clarity in our world that's full of propaganda and misinformation. Visit our website Doctors in Science Rt.com. Sign up, donate if you can. Your support makes a difference. And let's make this the weekly show the world has been waiting for. Thanks for watching. 00:29:39:59 - 00:29:47:15 Dr. Paul I'm Dr. Paul. Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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