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00:00:40:28 - 00:01:05:39 Dr. Paul VAX facts this book hits bookstores December 10th. You can get a copy now by going to VAX Facts book.com, where you can get a signed author's copy, where you can order an e-book, or you can also preorder the book if you are seeing this message before December 10th. You can also order this book at any bookseller, any bookstore, wherever books are sold, and preorder your copy. 00:01:05:53 - 00:01:16:16 Dr. Paul Get this book for your loved ones, for your family, for yourself, and let's get healthy. 00:01:35:06 - 00:02:00:16 Dr. Paul Good morning PhD. Welcome to Pediatric Perspectives. But we are looking at children's health challenges from a different perspective. One that includes critical thinking. One where we're not afraid to give you the honest truth. I just want to point out that PhD does not give medical advice, and the views expressed here are of our guests. Even my own, and not necessarily those of PhD. 00:02:00:21 - 00:02:07:59 Dr. Paul I'm your host today, Doctor Paul, and today my guest is Michael Gaeta. Hi, Michael. Welcome. 00:02:08:04 - 00:02:11:49 Dr. Michael Gaeta Paul. Great to be with you again. Thanks for being here. Thanks for having me. 00:02:11:54 - 00:02:37:43 Dr. Paul Oh, it is an honest pleasure. After having a recent interview with you, I'm just so impressed with the depth of your understanding of natural health and wellness and what to do. And we're going to dive into a topic that's going to be fun for me. And that is, has written a, an e-book that's free and available at Parents Guide to Healthy Children is chapter eight is on childhood illnesses. 00:02:37:48 - 00:03:03:42 Dr. Paul And I think most parents and this being a pediatric perspective show, we do get a lot of parents. Their big concern is illnesses. And how do we how do we prevent illnesses. So I think maybe as an intro, before we jump into the topic, I mean, you are a dietitian, nutritionist, herbalist, acupuncturist, 34 years in family practice with experience in Chinese and functional medicine. 00:03:03:46 - 00:03:28:36 Dr. Paul But you've worked with children for decades and and you bring this, you know, I was Dartmouth trained allopathic to diagnose and treat, label and treat. And I had to sort of train myself. I had to go back and do this again. I think I'd take your route, but, briefly share with our audience, what allowed you to be able to really take care of children in the way that you do? 00:03:28:40 - 00:03:46:24 Dr. Michael Gaeta Yeah. Thank you, Paul, and it's great to be here again. I appreciate that. And yeah, I just have had a a deep passion for caring for and protecting children. It's just been I don't know, I can't explain necessarily why. It's just been kind of part of who I am. And I've also, you know, I always wanted to have a family practice. 00:03:46:24 - 00:04:09:51 Dr. Michael Gaeta I didn't want to niche into just one particular condition or population. I like to work with a range of folks. And I also have seen, you know, over the last 34 years, you know, working with people, just a decline in children's health. So as children's health has declined, my interest in caring for them is increased. And, you know, from treating parents. 00:04:09:56 - 00:04:37:36 Dr. Michael Gaeta And so what can you help my kids picking help my son and then, you know, kind of went from there. I just, you know, first couple of years of just treating adults. And then I realized, wow, these kids really need help. And and they're not getting fully served by the conventional medical model of suppressive, pediatrics. And, and I know you woke up from that as well, you know, and it's just this whole idea of suppressing illness, which is often natural. 00:04:37:37 - 00:05:00:06 Dr. Michael Gaeta Now, natural, healthy, necessary part of, child's development and immune development. I was really concerned about that. And they also started treating vaccine injured kids as well and just have seen the catastrophe that that has been. So I've really been driven, really in a very deep way, to do everything I can to help children and then, you know, help practitioners. 00:05:00:10 - 00:05:05:46 Dr. Michael Gaeta Because I'm mostly teaching these days, in addition to seeing patients, work with kids effectively as well. 00:05:05:51 - 00:05:30:04 Dr. Paul Okay. So why do you think our kids are so much sicker? I mean, you and I have seen this is documented so well that our kids are just sick these days. So much more chronic illness. Maybe if you could start by addressing the. Why? Because I think if we understand why something is happening, then we can get into what to do about it. 00:05:30:09 - 00:05:57:41 Dr. Michael Gaeta Yes, that's a great question, Paul. Well, I've identified over the years, seven main causes of childhood illness. The first, I would say the biggest cause of childhood illness. And, and I just, you know, thank God for the, for Brian doctor Hooker's, And Bobby's book backs on facts. Let the science speak has been, you know, just confirmed what many of us sort of observed clinically for decades. 00:05:57:41 - 00:06:22:37 Dr. Michael Gaeta And having treated, you know, so many thousands of patients, I've seen the exact same thing is vaccines or vaccine program is easily, the number one cause of childhood illness. And it's, you know, just treating unvaccinated kids and treating vaccinated kids is just very clear. So that that's been a clear one. The others are, the diet, we now lead the world in sugar consumption. 00:06:22:42 - 00:06:51:47 Dr. Michael Gaeta We've gone from 2 pounds of sugar a year in 1800 per person. 2 pounds of sugar a year now to 102 pounds of sugar per year. Highest population of sugar consumption are American teenagers. And, where, you know, something like 16% of them die in a sugar. So it's really been extraordinary. So, refined foods, sugar, GMO roundup, glyphosate, lack of healthy fats and protein way too much. 00:06:51:52 - 00:07:18:09 Dr. Michael Gaeta You know, refined sugars, and also chemical exposure. You know, in our environment, that's been another big one. Lack of exercise related to that is too much screen time, media overstimulation, screen overstimulation and EMF, as well as in that chemical toxicity, over medication. You know, we have 4% of the world's population consuming at least 50% of the world's pharmaceuticals. 00:07:18:14 - 00:07:41:06 Dr. Michael Gaeta 1 in 5 kids has been prescribed a psychotropic drug. It's it's catastrophic. And then finally, a lack of physical and emotional warmth. Kids need to stay warm. You know, when I, when my kids were little, they're teens now, I would always, you know, feel their hands to make sure their hands are warm. The kids hands are warm, the bodies warm, the kids hands are cold, the body's cold. 00:07:41:11 - 00:08:05:02 Dr. Michael Gaeta And, that diverts resources away from healthy development into just staying warm. So warmth is, frequently overlooked thing. Emotional warmth and love and connection and hugs and all of that, you know, that that care, but also, physical warmth as well. So those are the seven causes I've identified over the years that make kids unwell. 00:08:05:16 - 00:08:32:02 Dr. Michael Gaeta And now we have close to 60% of kids now in the US, have one or more serious chronic diseases. That was never the case when I started practicing as when you started practicing, you know, people kind of had, you know, they're going to, you know, you're pretty healthy. No major illnesses for til your 40s or 50s or 60s, maybe 70s, and now it's in their teens or tens or aughts, you know, the where the illness is starting much earlier. 00:08:32:02 - 00:08:39:16 Dr. Michael Gaeta So we have a severely diminished healthspan. And now we're seeing a diminishment in the lifespan as well, especially in men. 00:08:39:21 - 00:08:44:25 Dr. Paul It's almost like we should go back and, try to emulate the Amish and just for. 00:08:44:25 - 00:08:44:52 Dr. Michael Gaeta Sure. 00:08:44:56 - 00:08:51:46 Dr. Paul Live off the grid, eat, you know, home grown, organic, organic food. Yes. 00:08:51:46 - 00:08:53:04 Dr. Michael Gaeta And strong community. 00:08:53:09 - 00:09:16:33 Dr. Paul Yeah. Have beautiful community and no screen time and oh my gosh. Oh for sure. And and it's true that community is very healthy. Their children are thriving and they don't vaccinate, which is absolutely how my research showed. That was the massive contributor to both chronic disease and acute infection. So I'll pivot a little bit to acute infections. 00:09:16:33 - 00:09:16:55 Dr. Michael Gaeta Yes. 00:09:17:06 - 00:09:34:41 Dr. Paul You alluded to the fact that there are benefits to infections. Maybe you could elaborate a little bit more on that. And then I want us to touch on fever, because there's so much fear that parents have over fever, which is often associated with these short term infections. 00:09:34:46 - 00:10:11:39 Dr. Michael Gaeta Yes. Yeah, that's a great question, Paul. And yeah, the one of the main things that that as a parent and as parents can remember is that, sicknesses, infections, rashes, fevers, these are not bad or dangerous things. The vast majority of the time in children, we now have very good evidence of the amount of maternal toxins, including the so-called forever chemicals, the PFAs, that are in utero exposure and in breast milk. 00:10:11:43 - 00:10:42:00 Dr. Michael Gaeta So now we have hundreds of toxins that just didn't exist 100 years ago. These are manmade toxins, harmful chemicals that will damage the body if not eliminated in, in utero and getting into the baby through, maternal, blood circulation and in breast milk. So kids often will, develop a rash and, or a fever to detoxify maternally transferred toxins. 00:10:42:05 - 00:11:08:39 Dr. Michael Gaeta A fever is simply an increased metabolic rate. And the concept is that you don't ever want to suppress a fever. And that's why what I practice, in what I teach is non suppressive pediatrics, because these things have a purpose. Also, research suggests that kids who go through natural cycles of infection in the first couple of years of life, have less chronic disease later in life. 00:11:08:43 - 00:11:35:28 Dr. Michael Gaeta And so if we suppress that, we're actually, they're missing out on an important immune developmental event that also, excels rates their immune resilience, just as you and I might go to the gym. Or for me, it's martial arts. We'll do a workout of some sort to strengthen the body. An infection so called, is a way for the immune system to develop. 00:11:35:33 - 00:12:00:25 Dr. Michael Gaeta The immune system is the only system in the human body that doesn't exist in a specific place. We can look at the respiratory system. Oh, it's over there. It's the sinuses. Lungs. Oh, here's the urinary system over there. It's the kidneys and bladder and some tubes. But the immune system is everywhere. In everything. Every cell, every system, the mind, the body, the thoughts, the emotions, everything contributes to our resistance to disease and infection. 00:12:00:37 - 00:12:26:22 Dr. Michael Gaeta So that system, we don't have an immune system. We are an immune system needs to it needs a workout and it needs a workout. Sometimes. And it's rarely dangerous, early in life, where it is so that the child is able to walk on its own, so to speak, immunologically and deal with what's in the environment. And that's why kids put stuff in their mouth, partly is, they, you know, babies, you know, just put all kinds of stuff in their mouth. 00:12:26:22 - 00:12:52:34 Dr. Michael Gaeta They'll eat dirt, which is great. It's all to expose them to the environment and increase their immune competence. That'll last them for their whole life. It's called natural immunity. And it's the only real immunity. There really is no lasting immunity from vaccines. And they come at such a great cost. So, I'm a big fan of natural immunity and non suppressive, pediatrics or child, health care. 00:12:52:39 - 00:13:14:11 Dr. Paul So when have you elaborate a little bit more on one of the childhood diseases that the media and the public health apparatus likes to play on our fears, and that's measles. Yes. You know, cyclically will have I mean, they're doing it again recently that there's more measles this year, way more than last year, that kind of thing. Yes. 00:13:14:15 - 00:13:29:26 Dr. Paul But I remember reading several articles about the value of having measles as a absolutely. And chicken pox, too. Great. How afraid should parents be of a natural measles infection? Say they chose not to vaccinate. How reckless is that? 00:13:29:31 - 00:14:03:52 Dr. Michael Gaeta It's not reckless at all for a measles is a non-serious, non-fatal one week rash, you know, give or take a few days. Same as chicken pox. These are very important detoxifying events for the child. And by the way, the measles, mortality peaked around 1915 and had decreased by 99.48% by 1962, the year before the measles vaccine was introduced. 00:14:03:52 - 00:14:34:52 Dr. Michael Gaeta Meaning everybody got the measles. And it was like a big joke on The Brady Bunch. But it was hardly ever fatal. The number of, deaths peaked at 15,000 around 1915 and 1917, and was down to about 400 by 1962, before the vaccine was even available. So measles became a nothing burger. Before the measles vaccine was even available and was just simply a normal, natural rite of passage. 00:14:34:54 - 00:14:55:27 Dr. Michael Gaeta They kind of celebrated on The Brady Bunch, you know, because that was the people understood that measles was a good thing, just like chicken pox. I had the chicken pox, you know, suppressed these things. It's a very bad idea to suppress these things. Now, certainly the more vaccinated the kid is, the sicker they're going to be, the weaker they're going to be, the more prone they are to complications. 00:14:55:31 - 00:15:15:27 Dr. Michael Gaeta But parents should not be afraid of these non-serious infections, these rashes. Oh, there's a little, you know, a rash or something. It's not a big deal. And certainly, you know, safety first, if there's something very severe, going on, the child is, you know, very, very severely ill. They're unconscious. They have a, you know, extraordinarily high fever. 00:15:15:27 - 00:15:36:49 Dr. Michael Gaeta And the body will typically cap a fever in children at 105. But, you know, unless there's some really serious neurological complications, the child is losing consciousness, that sort of thing. There's not really any reason to be concerned and know that it's a good thing. Kids need to get sick when they're little to properly develop. 00:15:36:54 - 00:15:54:27 Dr. Paul Wow. I've got to do a little spot check on a statistic you threw out because I. It sounds right. Yeah, but it's like, wow. Okay, so right before they introduce the measles vaccine. Yes. You said there were about 400 deaths that year, roughly 400. 00:15:54:27 - 00:16:00:50 Dr. Michael Gaeta But the number of measles cases encompassed, according to CDC, basically every kid in America got the measles. 00:16:00:50 - 00:16:01:57 Dr. Paul We all got it back then. 00:16:02:07 - 00:16:03:48 Dr. Michael Gaeta Yeah, exactly. We all got it back then. 00:16:03:48 - 00:16:16:22 Dr. Paul I was alive back then. So I'm guessing I haven't look this stat up, but I'm guessing there were at least 200 million Americans. Yes, 400 deaths. That's one death. And a half a million. 00:16:16:28 - 00:16:18:06 Dr. Michael Gaeta Vanishingly small. 00:16:18:10 - 00:16:26:24 Dr. Paul That's not what we hear. The CDC in them. No, the death rates. 1 in 1000. We'll hear. No, we need to rush out and get your vaccine. 00:16:26:36 - 00:16:53:44 Dr. Michael Gaeta Yes, yes. Well, that's the same scam they did with Covid. You know, people died with Covid, not necessarily from Covid. And tragically, you know, physicians like yourself, were paid to and hospitals paid to diagnose deaths as attributed to Covid. You know, the fear mongering that's just designed to drive people into, you know, the doctor's office usually, or clinic to get their vaccine for whatever. 00:16:53:49 - 00:17:06:33 Dr. Michael Gaeta But, you know, as Steve Kirsch identified in his analysis recently, is now responsible for his estimated 70% of all chronic disease has some relationship to the vaccine schedule. Yeah. And that's really. 00:17:06:37 - 00:17:08:22 Dr. Paul Happening in my observations. 00:17:08:27 - 00:17:16:41 Dr. Michael Gaeta I mean, to Paul, I you know, that's certainly what I've seen my, my, my healthiest kids throughout all these years have been the unvaccinated kids. 00:17:16:46 - 00:17:25:04 Dr. Paul Yeah. Me too. So before we go off fever, let's just wrap that one up nicely. Sure, sure. It's just such a big concern of so many people. 00:17:25:17 - 00:17:27:11 Dr. Michael Gaeta Yes. 00:17:27:16 - 00:17:51:43 Dr. Paul First of all, I agree with you. Under 104, even though at 100 304, kids look pretty sick, they'll sometimes, I'll encourage parents just to sponge them down as water evaporates off your skin, the fever comes down, and that allows you to observe their state of consciousness. Irritability. Yeah. You don't want to miss meningitis, even though it's exceedingly rare for sure. 00:17:51:48 - 00:17:57:02 Dr. Paul And if you can get the kid cooled off and they look lots better than they're fine. 00:17:57:07 - 00:17:58:23 Dr. Michael Gaeta Right. 00:17:58:28 - 00:18:08:43 Dr. Paul At 104 to 5, somewhere in there, I would probably personally think of doing something to bring the fever down. What would be your favorite ways of doing that simplest way? 00:18:08:43 - 00:18:30:36 Dr. Michael Gaeta A kids are constantly deficient in calcium, Paul. And the calcium channels in the gut now, because you can't synthesize calcium, it has to be ingested through food or supplements. Are calcium channels in the gut to absorb calcium into the bladder? Are most open in childhood? Ten times what it is. And in an adult, typically. 00:18:30:41 - 00:18:56:16 Dr. Michael Gaeta And so calcium is, is a common deficiency. And I've seen this so many times that giving kids a little calcium lactate, the fever is gone or massively reduced in ten minutes. So a fever in many cases is plan B if there isn't enough calcium. So a lot of, infections will come and go. Minimally symptomatic, mildly symptomatic, low grade fever. 00:18:56:16 - 00:19:25:32 Dr. Michael Gaeta No biggie. Nothing. Burger. If there's enough calcium, and if there isn't enough calcium, then the body will resort to plan B, which is to raise a higher fever to mobilize those white blood cells, those immune cells to be more active. And the way you prove this, that's that's the theory. It's interesting, but the way you prove it is to give, say, calcium lactate powder to a kid with a fever and just wait, you know, and the dose is typically a teaspoon at 100 pounds. 00:19:25:37 - 00:19:57:51 Dr. Michael Gaeta So it's half a teaspoon or 50 pounds, a quarter teaspoon and 25 pounds, your base dose of a teaspoon on 100 pounds. And then just wait five minutes. And if the kid cools down, the cheeks are less red. You know, those red flush cheeks is usually calcium deficiency when they're teething. They need more calcium. And so the proof in the pudding is the fever goes away or is massively reduced within minutes after administering some calcium lactate powder and applesauce or apple juice or white grape juice or, you know, something because it's just it's a little bitter. 00:19:57:55 - 00:20:16:07 Dr. Michael Gaeta But, that's most of the time what it is. Kids are pretty simple, except lately, because they have all this vaccine induced illness, which gets a little more complicated. But most fevers are. You know, like, no big deal. And you'll know if it's been, aggravated by calcium deficiency by just giving them some calcium lactate powder. 00:20:16:12 - 00:20:23:37 Dr. Paul Wow. This is, like, mind boggling to me. I somehow I missed that course. 00:20:23:42 - 00:20:39:52 Dr. Michael Gaeta But it's okay. Well, as you say, you know, and just what you said on our earlier interview, Paul, I heard the same thing. A physician came to my herbal seminar in Boston one day, and he went to medical school in his 40s. It was his third career. And he said, I love medical school for the first two years because you learn how the body works. 00:20:39:52 - 00:20:55:08 Dr. Michael Gaeta And it was amazing. And then starting year three, it all became about the drugs. Yep. And I was disillusioned. I'm like, wait a minute, what happened? All the great body stuff. We just learned how the body was gonna just, you know, pick out the drug and pull out your pin. And, so, you know, that's the mindset. I don't blame the physicians at all. 00:20:55:08 - 00:21:07:30 Dr. Michael Gaeta They're just stuck in a broken system. But, you know, the nature first drugs. Lance, philosophy is especially helpful when you're working with kids. Kids do not need to be medicated. Kids need to be supported. 00:21:07:35 - 00:21:19:59 Dr. Paul Incredible. So I have to have you weigh in on Tylenol, because unfortunately, it's it's still in people's medicine cabinets, telling people what they should do with the Tylenol that's in their house. 00:21:20:04 - 00:21:46:16 Dr. Michael Gaeta Yeah. You know, don't use it is I was going to say throw it out, but there may be times, you know, an acute injury, you know, you need, you know, something immediate, but keep kids away from that. I mean, the research has been pretty clear that, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, these, can really contribute to some serious neurodevelopmental and neurological and other toxic related complex patients. 00:21:46:21 - 00:22:09:19 Dr. Michael Gaeta So again, that's suppressive pediatrics. That's not what I do. It's not what I teach. And it's not necessary. Again, nature first drugs, last drugs aren't bad. They're just overused. And you may need a pharmaceutical intervention in a very severe situation where natural interventions have failed, which is pretty rare. So I would really, caution. 00:22:09:19 - 00:22:35:33 Dr. Michael Gaeta I would make that as an absolute last resort after you've done everything else, you know, that that has failed in the trials in a critical situation, perhaps, but, really to be avoided? Absolutely. The downside is so great. You know, I, my, former, niece in law, in law, almost died. And when it's acute liver failure, I, in college, just from taking Tylenol. 00:22:35:38 - 00:23:00:28 Dr. Michael Gaeta Yeah. On top of, you know, some college drinking and, had to have an emergency liver replacement. And remember, you know, pharmaceuticals in general are, caused more cases of acute liver failure. We call it delay drug induced liver injury. Then the next seven causes of liver failure combined. So, you know, these are very, very serious drugs, people. 00:23:00:32 - 00:23:14:21 Dr. Michael Gaeta Oh, here, take a Tylenol. These are majorly damaging drugs. And that really need to be used as an absolute last resort. And I would say at least 99% of the time, they can at least, safely be avoided. 00:23:14:25 - 00:23:26:54 Dr. Paul I couldn't agree more. The therapeutic window for acetaminophen for Tylenol is so narrow. In other words, you take such a high dose to get benefit. Oh, and and if you double or triple that dose, you're into toxicity. 00:23:26:58 - 00:23:27:52 Dr. Michael Gaeta Oh, wow. I didn't know. 00:23:27:52 - 00:23:31:45 Dr. Paul That. As you pointed out, the toxicity is is liver failure. 00:23:31:49 - 00:23:32:03 Dr. Michael Gaeta Yep. 00:23:32:04 - 00:23:36:41 Dr. Paul Which which is not a good thing. Folks will die. Not your liver. You don't survive. 00:23:36:41 - 00:23:38:31 Dr. Michael Gaeta There's no liver dialysis, you know. 00:23:38:33 - 00:23:59:56 Dr. Paul Yeah. It's terrible. So, I want to remind folks. A Parent's Guide to Healthy Children is a great book. Talking about, child illnesses. How? I want to ask you this because you you have mastery over this particular area. How can people, parents support their kids when they are sick? I know, obviously, you want to, we want them to rest. 00:23:59:56 - 00:24:01:30 Dr. Paul You want them to be well hydrated. 00:24:01:35 - 00:24:23:24 Dr. Michael Gaeta So the first thing is prevention, if you're keeping kids well supported with a good nutrient dense diet, plenty of healthy fats, plenty of, healthy proteins. So animal fats are the most important. You know, vitamin A and cod liver oil and cod liver oil, these sorts of things are very useful. Preventatively. And then you know what? 00:24:23:24 - 00:24:44:48 Dr. Michael Gaeta I've just seen kids just need calcium. You know, they just need a little bit of calcium every day. Just preventatively. And, you know, my kids over the years, you know, countless kids I've seen in the practice, they just don't get sick that much. And if they do, it's very mild. So the kids only get into trouble if they get sick on a background or being already weak. 00:24:44:52 - 00:25:04:45 Dr. Michael Gaeta And in Chinese medicine, that's our first. When I see a new kid, my Chinese medicine hat goes on and our first differentiation is kid basically weak, kid basically strong. And then that kind of determines what, the treatment approach will be. How much do we can we aggressively clear? How much do we need to assertively build and strengthen depending on the kid? 00:25:04:49 - 00:25:32:22 Dr. Michael Gaeta So prevention is the main thing. And then I think every parent should have some calcium lactate powder in their house. You know, Preventatively even just a little sprinkle in their water or food or whatever it is. And then obviously more doses if they get sick and then just have a natural medicine cabinet around, you know, I think, herbs like echinacea premium, for example, which is a liquid or a tablet, things like Andrew Graff is complex, is great for acute infections. 00:25:32:27 - 00:25:56:16 Dr. Michael Gaeta Formulas that have been used for decades since 1959, like contra plex, which is a chewable for kids or a capsule that you can pull open into, applesauce or something like that. Simple basic things and preventative nutrition. You know, I use multivitamins for kids that are food based. I try to avoid synthetic vitamins. Things like triple cattle and triple contra plex, calcium lactate powder. 00:25:56:24 - 00:26:10:51 Dr. Michael Gaeta Use a very a cow liver oil. These are very simple, basic, inexpensive preventative things. And my experiences and I know you've seen this two Paul. When the kid is well nourished they tend not to get that sick. And when they do it's not that serious. And if it is you've got a natural medicine chest available. 00:26:11:00 - 00:26:24:58 Dr. Paul I just have to have you clear up one thing. I think most people who are watching traditional news sources, yeah, when they hear they need more calcium, they're going to turn to dairy. You make a could you make a comment about whether or not that's a good idea? 00:26:25:03 - 00:26:49:39 Dr. Michael Gaeta Yeah. Well dairy is one of those things that it's a it's a two faced coin. So it's like two faced in the Batman comic books. You've got an ugly side and then a and then a handsome side. So the, the ugly side is conventional dairy, which is, factory farmed, pasteurized, homogenized steroid hormone antibiotics fed to the cow. 00:26:49:44 - 00:27:10:26 Dr. Michael Gaeta It's a disaster. So that's something to avoid. And then you have, you know, the the, the handsome side, you know, in the Batman movie, Aaron Eckhart's handsome, you know, face on the other side. And this is going to be raw, organic, unpasteurized and homogenized, grass fed, preferably A2 dairy or goat milk. So those that's good dairy. 00:27:10:30 - 00:27:41:22 Dr. Michael Gaeta You know, that's how dairy has been consumed for thousands of years by cultures around the world. Was this unrefined, unprocessed dairy products? So, so dairy, it can be a blessing or a curse, right? And conventional dairy is a mess to be avoided. Healthy dairy can really be a boon to kids and adults, too. But then again, you know, raw, grass fed, organic and, you know, not homogenized a cow or goat, so that that's one way to do it. 00:27:41:29 - 00:28:06:06 Dr. Michael Gaeta And then there's supplementation, for, for parents who have concerns about that. But I find that most people have so-called dairy intolerance. They really have pasteurization. Intolerance. I've had patients who are very intolerant to milk, who drink raw milk, and they're fine. So that's happened. I lost track of how many times that's happened over the decades. So but again, you know, you can always pull out some good old readily absorb calcium lactate powder for a kid or in a tablet for an adult. 00:28:06:10 - 00:28:09:00 Dr. Michael Gaeta And that, you know, will avoid that issue. 00:28:09:05 - 00:28:32:11 Dr. Paul Fantastic. Well, before we leave the topic of childhood illness, yes, I want us to cover what not to miss. And the things not to miss are so incredibly rare. Yeah, I've been a very busy pediatrician for the last 35 years. Recently, that's for sure. Things like appendicitis. You've got to have surgery. Or most would say you need surgery. 00:28:32:11 - 00:28:54:54 Dr. Paul Meningitis or sepsis. You got to get antibiotics. Probably I will not I.V. antibiotics. So you need you would need that sort of resource. Severe dehydration. You might need IV fluids. Rest very distressed. You might need oxygen. Yeah I know in pediatrics we had a term toxic child. You know, it's just a kid who looks really bad. Really sick. 00:28:54:59 - 00:29:03:11 Dr. Paul What are your your kind of go to things you don't want to miss? And how do you help educate parents about those things? 00:29:03:16 - 00:29:33:45 Dr. Michael Gaeta Yeah, well, I think you identify them, Paul. Really? Well, beautifully. And I would recommend the the new, study book, that is available. It's a very good book on different aspects of raising healthy children, but you identified some of the serious ones. What I've seen is most of the serious complications show up neurologically. So there'll be, you know, severe, headache, slurred speech, loss of consciousness. 00:29:33:50 - 00:29:56:04 Dr. Michael Gaeta Mostly it's neurological, not only, but often it is in a very high fever with meningitis. You may get, you know, projectile vomiting, very severe headache. Very high fever, you know, 105 typically. And I would recommend Doctor Mendelsohn's book, How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your doctor. And with all due respect there, Paul. 00:29:56:09 - 00:30:23:42 Dr. Michael Gaeta But basically, his point was, you know, try to stay out of the doctor's office unless it's an emergency and steer clear of the vaccine schedule. So that's a great resource for parents written by someone like yourself, you know, very seasoned, senior pediatrician. So, you know, those are the main things, is, you know, mental, you know, neurological cognitive changes, very high fever, things like that, a severe, sharp pain, which will be an appendicitis thing. 00:30:23:47 - 00:30:42:07 Dr. Michael Gaeta Encephalitis, meningitis will show is a very severe headache and a very high fever, that sort of thing. But by the way, even in cases of possible or threatened sepsis, you know, there are. And I've just done this many times that there was a concern about developing sepsis. There are natural treatments available, but that it's a little more advanced. 00:30:42:07 - 00:31:04:50 Dr. Michael Gaeta You want to consult somebody, you know, whether you know me or somebody like me who knows how to handle that type of situation naturally. But, the main thing, is, you know, unless it's that category severity, it's very important to avoid antibiotics. They should never be used ever in anybody, ever. Except in cases of life threatening infection when they may be absolutely necessary. 00:31:04:55 - 00:31:16:54 Dr. Michael Gaeta But they're just overused, to a dramatic way. Every year, about a third of the American population receives a prescription for antibiotics. That's a very dangerous situation, given the long term consequences. 00:31:16:58 - 00:31:22:08 Dr. Paul Yeah. I have come to appreciate that. I certainly wasn't there at when I got out of training. 00:31:22:08 - 00:31:23:16 Dr. Michael Gaeta Now, understandably. 00:31:23:22 - 00:31:28:12 Dr. Paul You go to a pediatrician and you got a 5050 chance. You're walking out with a shipment for an antibiotic. 00:31:28:17 - 00:31:28:55 Dr. Michael Gaeta For sure. 00:31:29:07 - 00:31:35:40 Dr. Paul And that's horrendous. And I has to be a part of that, whatever you want to call it. It's just horrendous. 00:31:35:40 - 00:31:37:45 Dr. Michael Gaeta You woke up one. 00:31:37:49 - 00:32:01:03 Dr. Paul I did and you two folks can wake up. You do not have to go to your pediatrician unless you're in one of those very rare, yes, potentially life threatening situations. Otherwise, you know, remember this if you do what everybody else does, you're going to get the results everybody else is getting. That's right. I would I would say that the American pediatric population is is really struggling for sure. 00:32:01:03 - 00:32:09:38 Dr. Paul Don't have to be they can they can go back to natural wellness and health. And if they wanted to consult with you, are you available for online consult? 00:32:09:43 - 00:32:29:07 Dr. Michael Gaeta I am it's, about 80% of my practice is virtual. Consultation. Folks just go to Michael Datacom. We have a variety of 34 different courses on natural health and health freedom. Go to the clinic, you know, just go to clinic at the top. And then, we have video library, with lots of free education. 00:32:29:07 - 00:32:43:01 Dr. Michael Gaeta My weekly podcast is on Mondays. And thank you for appearing on the podcast. People loved you. Thank you. And, so, yeah, there's lots of free resources and patient consultation wherever you are. I have patients around the world. 00:32:43:06 - 00:33:02:33 Dr. Paul Thank you. Michael, you are a blessing to the world and to the pediatric community, especially because there's very few, integrative, holistic whatever outside of the mainstream, outside of the box folks who have the kind of expertise that you have available for kids as well. So thank you very much. 00:33:02:38 - 00:33:04:34 Dr. Michael Gaeta Thank you. Paul. 00:33:04:39 - 00:33:25:40 Dr. Paul So, folks, some of you may know I have With the wind a show that's at Doctors and science.com, and I too am available for individual personal coaching at kids First forever.com. It's the number four, not the word kids for Procom. Thank you for watching and I look forward to seeing you next week. You can check out my other show With the Wind at Doctors and science.com. 00:33:25:40 - 00:33:42:22 Dr. Paul And you can also take, coaching session with myself if you wish. Kids first forever.com. Those links are in the show notes. Thank you for your time today, and I look forward to seeing you next week. 00:33:47:41 - 00:34:13:35 Dr. Paul I look forward to running together with the wind at our backs, revealing the science that gives clarity in our world that's full of propaganda and misinformation. Visit our website Doctors in Science Rt.com. Sign up, donate if you can. Your support makes a difference. And let's make this the weekly show the world has been waiting for. Thanks for watching. 00:34:13:41 - 00:34:20:57 Dr. Paul I'm Dr. Paul. Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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