PDF: Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. TEXT:With The Wind with Dr. Paul - Show 164: Pediatric Perspectives – Vax Facts Part Two: Just A Mom's PerspectiveTotal Speaking times:
00:00:40:28 - 00:01:14:55 Dr. Paul Doctor Paul coming to you from the heart. My heart is full with hope and excitement. We have a new year 2025. We have a new president elect. We have a new opportunity. It appears to really do some things that will make a world of difference for our children and the health of our children. Something that I've been passionate about my whole career and something that together, with Didi Hoover, with kids first forever. 00:01:15:00 - 00:01:20:20 Dr. Paul We want to make our life's mission now, focus in on kids 00:01:20:20 - 00:01:40:48 Dr. Paul and what we can do for them and provide for them. So it's with a very hopeful heart that I come to you today, that let's just unite this year, 2025, and join our hearts as we do what we can to make this a better place for our children. 00:01:59:38 - 00:02:19:59 Dr. Paul So I'd like to pivot. Okay. And, ask you a few questions. You are a coauthor for this book, and you wrote after each chapter, a section called notes from jam. Just a mom. How did that come about? 00:02:20:04 - 00:02:43:54 DeeDee JAM Well, while you're writing this book, I'm reading it. And again, I always say, if I had known when my child was younger what I know now, but as I'm reading all the information, I'm thinking to myself, I mean, I just didn't understand everything. I didn't get everything. I'm don't have a medical background and I don't know a lot of that information. 00:02:43:59 - 00:03:05:33 DeeDee JAM I'm not a lawyer. I realized that in this freedom movement, to make choices that are best for me and my child and the people in my world, I'm just a mom. And that mama intuition and all of that is very important. So when I'm reading, I'm thinking to myself, I just have all these thoughts and information of my own and questions. 00:03:05:33 - 00:03:13:27 DeeDee JAM And so after every chapter, I decided to share those notes. So that's what the just a mom notes are. 00:03:13:32 - 00:03:33:22 Dr. Paul Yeah. At first when you. So the folks you ought to know that we owe gratitude to this woman for this book being in existence because she knew I had another book in me, but I wasn't getting my self in gear. And she basically arranged for me to sit down in front of the ocean, because that's when I write best. 00:03:33:27 - 00:03:49:23 Dr. Paul All my big books have been in front of the ocean and just said, right. So made it happen. And then you're just a mom. Notes. That sort of just was an awesome addition. So as I'm reading them, it's so different from what I would have written, right? 00:03:49:32 - 00:03:50:01 DeeDee JAM Right. 00:03:50:06 - 00:04:11:13 Dr. Paul But it's a different perspective. And that's a perspective I think is going to help a lot of moms. And dads, folks maybe, who aren't as medically knowledgeable in this field of vaccines and vaccine risks and all of that. I am so happy you co-wrote this book with me in that way. What is it about children's health that you're so passionate about? 00:04:11:13 - 00:04:30:18 Dr. Paul Why are you so passionate? Because, like, you know, you came into my clinic as a body worker and I saw incredible, transformations in health when you became involved with any child's life. But why are you so passionate about health in children? In general? 00:04:30:23 - 00:05:12:09 DeeDee JAM Who? Because they're so precious. It's life. I love my life. I think having a background, and my past not being what is probably ideal and realizing that there's so much that we can do as adults for our children and that that just the how precious life is, how important life is, and being healthy, what being healthy means, and my own past again, with vaccine injury and not making the greatest choices for my child made me realize that by having this knowledge now, it's so important to share it. 00:05:12:14 - 00:05:21:41 DeeDee JAM And not just vaccines, it's all toxins. Living a healthy life, decreasing the tension and the stress for these kids and so forth. 00:05:21:45 - 00:05:47:36 Dr. Paul That's I, I just have to confess, as a pediatrician, I met Didi, actually, because I had injuries doing CrossFit, and she was doing massage and helping me with body work to get over injuries. And then you shared that you had this interest in pediatrics, and I said, Okay. I was seeing is just a massage therapist. I didn't really understand body work and all the other things you do. 00:05:47:41 - 00:05:54:21 Dr. Paul I'm thinking, well, okay. And you're going. There's a lot of things that massage can help. Body work can help. I'm going. Really? 00:05:54:21 - 00:06:24:02 DeeDee JAM I've been praying for a pediatrician. I've been licensed for over 32 years and in massage therapy and so with that and living in different states and doing it, what I was noticing is, you know, working with adults and pregnant women and even infants and adults would bring their children into me, that there was a lot that was happening in childhood for children, that was affecting how an adult would do with their pain or their issues or their tension. 00:06:24:07 - 00:06:44:17 DeeDee JAM So I just kept thinking back. And then after having my own child 25 years ago and realizing what birth trauma is and what can happen to an infant, I just started researching and working and figuring out the body in ways to help with kids. So you start sending scoliosis first because I think, how did you put it? You didn't realize that was something that could help. 00:06:44:22 - 00:07:04:20 Dr. Paul Yeah. So pediatricians weren't taught that you can make massive improvements in scoliosis. It was just something you watched. And when it got bad enough, you sent them for bracing and that was that. Or practice where the chest is caved in. You watch it when it gets bad enough that it's compressing on the heart. You send them for surgery and they put a rod across the chest to pop it out. 00:07:04:24 - 00:07:26:28 Dr. Paul Well, both those conditions you worked on these kids and it got better, like noticeably better. So like what? You can improve scoliosis. Well, I didn't understand this tension thing that you're alluding to. You know, the trauma of birth and babies being scrunched and pushed and pulled and and if they did that to us as adults, we'd be sore and all. 00:07:26:33 - 00:07:34:21 Dr. Paul So things like try to call us where the heads off to one side and feeding problems and fussy babies show. That's another. 00:07:34:21 - 00:07:37:11 DeeDee JAM Show. We can do this whole nother I digress. Yes. 00:07:37:15 - 00:07:43:21 Dr. Paul Oh, I was just so excited to say that you make such impact on kids, right? 00:07:43:21 - 00:07:51:11 DeeDee JAM And that's where the passion comes from. Yeah. And then I'm working with you enters this, this vaccine world. 00:07:51:16 - 00:08:04:07 Dr. Paul Let's go back to vaccines, because that's the topic of this book you helped coauthor. So let me ask you specifically, then, what role do you think vaccines play in children's health? 00:08:04:12 - 00:08:28:41 DeeDee JAM What I know now is that the the theory and the idea, I always say that I'm not against vaccines. I'm not anti-vax, but I'm I am pro health and doing what's right for children. And I didn't question it early enough or with my own child, but being a part of a practice where I'm seeing both, I'm getting children referred to me. 00:08:28:41 - 00:08:55:48 DeeDee JAM That or somewhere vaccine friendly. Plan some or completely unvaccinated, and most of my families are unvaccinated. But part of that was I realized that there was a lot that body work can do for vaccine injury. So I'm getting these kids that are affected by vaccines with autism, ADHD and all those things. I, I realized that the vaccines could be harming children. 00:08:55:53 - 00:08:57:54 Dr. Paul Insane anxiety to. 00:08:58:03 - 00:09:20:17 DeeDee JAM All kinds of things so that maybe my work could help with. But what I realize is that the vaccines due to the toxins that are in them. So, for instance, I'm working on a brand new infant, and all we're supposed to give this infant is mama's breast milk, that it gives them the antibodies and it supports them. And that's all they need. 00:09:20:22 - 00:09:49:34 DeeDee JAM Yet we're giving them vaccines that have this list of things that parents we didn't know we weren't taught to question and ask. So but we tell parents, you know, they can't have cows milk yet. We're not supposed to feed them till they're around six months old. And then when we do, you just do one food. Yet what we're putting into their body before the first year of life, where we can say they don't even need the milk anymore, can kill them. 00:09:49:39 - 00:09:51:56 DeeDee JAM I have a problem with that. 00:09:52:01 - 00:10:14:04 Dr. Paul Yeah. Me too. Okay. Well put. So did you also wrote a chapter in this book? When? When we speak together, we've spoken all over the country. We usually wrap up our talks with a little section on communication. And you really are an expert in communication. So I said, why do you write a chapter in this book on communication? 00:10:14:09 - 00:10:20:14 Dr. Paul So tell us why you feel that's so important. 00:10:20:18 - 00:10:46:18 DeeDee JAM Because we were in a world where we're supposed to talk to each other, and we're supposed to interact with each other and build trust with each other, we're in a world where if we feel differently than what our pediatricians do, if we don't want to vaccinate, or if we've chosen not to get a Covid shot. And now our parents, you know, we can't bring our children over to our parents house because grandma and grandpa are concerned that they're not vaccinated. 00:10:46:23 - 00:11:09:45 DeeDee JAM You have to be able to communicate and share. And so I felt like you've given all this information and I've added all these notes, but what do you do with it? How do you once you make that decision on what you're going to do, how do you communicate and support where you are and what your stand is? Because there's definitely ways that work in ways that don't. 00:11:09:50 - 00:11:31:54 Dr. Paul Yeah, and I know you speak a lot on that. And you've written a beautiful chapter on that. One of the things you do is coaching and, you coach a lot of parents who are in these situations where they're having trouble communicating either with each other on the vaccine issue. Yeah, maybe with family members. Maybe elaborate a little more on on your coaching. 00:11:31:59 - 00:12:03:45 DeeDee JAM Okay. Let's start with when two parents have this child and they don't agree. Right. You also coach on that. And where my role in that is, is generally helping the parent that wants doesn't want to vaccinate, doesn't. They're reading all this information. They've seen all these things. But the other partner CDC schedule all the way. You have to vaccinate when there's that division. 00:12:03:50 - 00:12:39:06 DeeDee JAM It affects all communication levels. So I am working with generally the parent that wants to resolve the issue once the marriage to work wants the relationship to work, but has to learn how to balance that between the health of their child and the relationship with this person. And that's where those communication pieces come in. They're normally doing something, both sides of it, or normally doing something where there's adding conflict and not learning how to resolve the issues together. 00:12:39:11 - 00:13:06:31 Dr. Paul Yeah, I've witnessed you work with these families and have really good resolution for most, which is pretty amazing given that's such a tough topic, especially when maybe divorce is is impending, like they're on such different sides of the equation that they cannot meet in the middle. So divorce seems inevitable. And what do you do in those situations? 00:13:06:36 - 00:13:31:28 DeeDee JAM That's really a tricky one. We both have known, too, and that's something that I really feel is important with Fox. Fox is by having all the information, allows you to stand your ground in a more educated and aware way. Because when couples go to divorce and go to court, when they bring up the vaccine issue, the parent who wants to vaccinate wins. 00:13:31:37 - 00:13:58:34 DeeDee JAM They don't take into consideration anything else. And I'm I'm only saying this and my opinion is based on all of all of the calls we get for, you know, can I use you as an expert in court? Can you testify all of this? Because this parent who doesn't want to vaccinate, because they care about their child, and especially we've had cases where the older child is affected or injured. 00:13:58:39 - 00:14:26:04 DeeDee JAM Right. And now it comes to the parent and generally the mom that doesn't want to. And the courts are allowed to make that decision. So when I realize it's being that I do my absolute best to work with these moms to understand, and I know this sounds sad, but how to play the game? How do you buy your child time? 00:14:26:17 - 00:14:40:08 DeeDee JAM Yeah, so that's where a lot of that comes in. Is if they're really young, you know, how do we buy time? How do we talk to our partner in a way that sort of soothes things over to allow what's best for that child? 00:14:40:19 - 00:15:05:38 Dr. Paul Yeah. Did you just made an incredible point. Babies are most at risk. We already talked about SIDs, that SIDs happens in infancy. The first 12 months of life, very few toddlers are dying in their sleep. And so allowing time. What you were talking about so important. And, yeah, you're doing whatever it takes to protect and save your baby from possible harm. 00:15:05:53 - 00:15:35:23 Dr. Paul How about. I know you've addressed it in the book? What would you say about how to address the pediatric office visit? So, so many parents talk about being bullied or kicked out of these practices. And or they go in pretty sure they don't want to do any vaccines, but they come out with a vaccinated child. You know, and when you hear the stories, it's pretty clear there was some significant, bullying going on. 00:15:35:27 - 00:15:39:51 Dr. Paul How do you help parents with that? What what would you say to that? 00:15:39:56 - 00:16:03:27 DeeDee JAM Don't go along, first of all. Yes. And again, and we've both talked a lot about this. And even when we speak in public, we've shared a two what a two month visit looks like. And I think the most important piece is to always remember, if I can say one thing, is, whose baby is this? This is my baby. 00:16:03:27 - 00:16:27:17 DeeDee JAM It's my life, it's my world and what I do, what choices I make that affect my baby. I deal with the consequences, not the pediatrician. And I think more and more too, with all the books that are out and listening to all that happens, you know it wrong in the world with vaccinations and mandates and things being pushed. 00:16:27:21 - 00:17:17:08 DeeDee JAM If we're able to remember that, we can get the information that we need based on our family to make the best decisions for us, that's how we're powerful. When we go into these visits and I call it, advocating with attitude a good, strong, positive attitude. And that's why I love that you allowed the communication chapter in the book is because there's so much that we don't realize that we can be doing to protect our child, and I've, I've even had people say, well, but, but my if I don't vaccinate, I mean, they're shaking when they tell me if I don't vaccinate them, that doctor won't see my child. 00:17:17:13 - 00:17:42:25 DeeDee JAM If that doctor is going to tell you what to do for your child, you shouldn't be seeing that doctor. But there are pediatrician. I'm sorry, but so what if your child isn't vaccinated and they're healthy and they're thriving? Yes. A pediatrician has knowledge that maybe a family practice doctor doesn't know what are their specialties. But it's my child, so it should be my choice. 00:17:42:36 - 00:17:58:28 Dr. Paul The other thing you'll sometimes suggest is, you know, call the pediatricians office ahead of time and see if they're okay with not vaccinating. Because if you already know you don't want to vaccinate or you want time and they're going to kick you out anyway, then cancel the appointment and find a better office. 00:17:58:28 - 00:17:59:04 DeeDee JAM That's right. 00:17:59:09 - 00:18:00:05 Dr. Paul Suits your needs. 00:18:00:20 - 00:18:28:41 DeeDee JAM Well. And I think, too, I think we need to remember that the the pediatrician in general, I think it's changing, but the pediatrician isn't going to be the one to educate you on vaccines. They're not going through the insert with you. They're not going through all of that. So to me, that brings us back to informed consent. And so you need to have your information when you go in so that you, again, can make the best decision. 00:18:28:41 - 00:18:47:33 DeeDee JAM The pediatrician isn't going to do that for you. That is not their job. What I want to draw attention to is that the if you're prepared and you know what you want, then you make sure that you're going into a friendly environment. You're not going to throw yourself into a fire, right? Because people have said, well, my, I'm going to get kicked out of my office. 00:18:47:33 - 00:18:58:25 DeeDee JAM So when you're pregnant, you go and you find pediatricians that are willing to allow you to make the choices for yourself, and you call and ask, yeah. 00:18:58:30 - 00:19:26:53 Dr. Paul And in some towns there aren't any. So you end up finding a natural path or a chiropractor or somebody online even. We now have, a whole lot of online resources which we can that attach to the show as well. So I to ask you a different question. That's kind of a tough one when you're coaching families who have a vaccine affected or vaccine injured child or, say, even a parents who've lost a child to SIDs. 00:19:26:58 - 00:19:34:59 Dr. Paul What do you find most helpful? 00:19:35:04 - 00:20:13:12 DeeDee JAM That I'm there, that I listen. So I'm going to go directly to the families that I've worked with who have their child died from SIDs. And there's so much to that that ends up getting processed and worked through in the sessions. They're coming to me for someone to listen to 100% of the time. Those families have been recommended to me, and as a resource or someone who's just gonna listen, some of them I get right away. 00:20:13:17 - 00:20:37:23 DeeDee JAM I'm working with the family right now, and I want to share. So what I want to share about that particular family is that the child died within 36 hours of vaccination. The reaction was immediate high fever at night. Wasn't breathing well the second they stopped breathing. Go to the hospital on the third day when the baby stopped breathing. 00:20:37:28 - 00:21:00:08 DeeDee JAM 911 brings the baby in. The baby doesn't make it. They just get back their death certificate and it says the baby died from Covid. Can you imagine what, or all the things that they put down? Sometimes they blame the parent. 00:21:00:12 - 00:21:02:13 Dr. Paul That know you've had another one that was suffocation. 00:21:02:27 - 00:21:32:48 DeeDee JAM Suffocation during breastfeeding. I just listen and share. I think the biggest thing that I feel like is most helpful for them is that someone that they can talk to that has no judgment that, when they get confused and they're scared, then I can allow some things to do. Share some of my knowledge on how to bring yourself out of a highly stressful situation. 00:21:32:53 - 00:21:40:45 DeeDee JAM But I think the the biggest part is to, have someone who can just listen to you. Yeah, and be there for you. 00:21:40:50 - 00:22:01:54 Dr. Paul Yeah. You've been a true angel for these families. Thank you for that work. Thank you. And you also guide them to resources, things like, you know, if you if it's just happened and you're at the hospital, have them draw an extra blood and save it for future testing. For aluminum, for example, you had a case, I think, where they were able to prove that the aluminum was toxic. 00:22:01:59 - 00:22:02:56 Dr. Paul Was that not true? 00:22:02:58 - 00:22:24:00 DeeDee JAM Yeah. So one of the first ones that we actually met this family, when we were speaking and they had lost their child, I think it was a, the 2 or 4 month visit, I can't remember. But blood work was drawn. And I think that's the thing is, I think every time a child in a hospital. But we're it's going to be drawn. 00:22:24:05 - 00:22:57:50 DeeDee JAM So it's knowing what to ask another show in itself. Yeah. What do you do? How do you be prepared? What do you ask? No one thinks about that. I've just had a baby or I'm pregnant. Nothing's going to happen to my child. But knowing what to do when something happens immediately is. I think that's the crucial piece, is making sure that you have that information, because then if you can see and in this case, it was proven that there was a toxic amount of aluminum in the blood in the. 00:22:57:50 - 00:23:00:11 Dr. Paul Body, the only way it could get there was the vaccines. 00:23:00:23 - 00:23:04:30 DeeDee JAM Right? So the only thing that had happened right. 00:23:04:35 - 00:23:25:11 Dr. Paul So we're getting near the end, but I want to have you touch on your personal experience with Covid and how that relates to this book, VAX facts. Because we have a chapter on Covid, we have a chapter on adults. And why do you think adults should read this book? 00:23:25:15 - 00:23:57:49 DeeDee JAM I think that in the world we're in now, vaccine is very vaccines. And whether you should or shouldn't vaccinate can be a very volatile conversation. So I, I believe that anyone who reads the book, it just empowers you to have a better understanding about each vaccine and each disease in which there's a vaccine for. And when we use common sense to think about these things and what they are like. 00:23:57:54 - 00:24:23:13 DeeDee JAM It's always really confusing to me when we're talking to parents and I hear somebody say, and especially even if they're going to travel and go somewhere else, but they have this newborn 2 or 3 months old, four months old, and they're afraid. There's fear that if they don't give the vaccines because the pediatrician will bully and say, you're not protecting your child. 00:24:23:14 - 00:24:46:11 DeeDee JAM Pediatricians turn parents into child protective services for not vaccinating their child. So I constantly hear parents say, well, if I don't vaccinate, then I'm going to get turned in. So you're going to choose to vaccinate and have harm come to your child. You can stand your ground. There's too much information now that people aren't. They can't take your child away. 00:24:46:15 - 00:25:04:26 Dr. Paul Yeah, I would say in most cases you're absolutely right. Although we do hear those rare reports, right, where kids were taken away. That's why I would emphasize that's why you do your research on where you're going to take your child in the first place, right? If you go to a practice that allows parents to make their own decisions, that's okay with you not vaccinating. 00:25:04:35 - 00:25:09:49 Dr. Paul They're obviously not going to turn you into Child Protective Services. They've already said they're okay with that. 00:25:09:54 - 00:25:23:30 DeeDee JAM Right. And I think there's a lot to Child Protective Services to them. And I think that it's just a threat I don't know. I've heard a lot of people say they were threatened. They still didn't vaccinate. They didn't get it. 00:25:23:35 - 00:25:24:48 Dr. Paul No. I think you're right. 00:25:24:48 - 00:25:53:24 DeeDee JAM I think that's more of it. But to answer your question, anybody reading the more information that we can have is going to help us help others too. If an adult reads this because we know so many people who received the Covid jab and got sick, you know, people who've had too many like their mom that that died or we know of people who died in their sleep and in days after getting Covid shot. 00:25:53:24 - 00:26:15:45 DeeDee JAM So if you can read the information that it empowers you to make a better decision for yourself and not allowed outside influences to tell you what to do, and that's where I'm hoping. Just in our world in general, nobody should be allowed to mandate us what we should put into our body. That doesn't make any sense to me. 00:26:15:50 - 00:26:30:22 Dr. Paul We haven't touched on cancer, but you have plenty of people in your world who've gotten late stage aggressive cancers since getting the Covid jab. I don't know if you want to add any more to that or just leave that as a fact. 00:26:30:27 - 00:26:53:02 DeeDee JAM No, I think it actually goes back to the question before is that some people got a shot and they're okay, but in an I'll use a specific case with someone that didn't want to necessarily come to me for massage because I wasn't going to get the shot. And they got 3 or 4 shots before getting the shot, though. 00:26:53:02 - 00:27:24:36 DeeDee JAM This is a, patient that I worked with that had cancer and had was doing fine, was in remission, I think three years, 3 or 4 years actually, and then gets these shots and the same cancer came back, but with a vengeance. And that's that's just one case that several times we're hearing this or strokes or whatever. And people aren't even seeing that, you know, like you just said they're connected. 00:27:24:43 - 00:27:32:09 DeeDee JAM Yeah. And somebody says, well, I got one and I was fine. That's that's great. I just love that there's people that have been shot. 00:27:32:11 - 00:27:38:48 Dr. Paul There's people who smoke their whole lives. And it didn't get lung cancer. But we all understand it really increases your risk of trouble. 00:27:38:53 - 00:27:58:25 DeeDee JAM And now I think that's the thing where we have to think about it too, is if you I had so many people telling me that even though I had a vaccine as a child, that on this cost me my life, that I'm older now. And so I may do better. And if I don't get this vaccine, that Covid could kill me. 00:27:58:30 - 00:28:22:14 DeeDee JAM I think that's the thing that when someone tells you something, you really have to listen to yourself. And that's the problem. I'm already immunocompromised, so to put something in my body that could cause even more reaction, especially knowing what we know now, I'm so glad that's not a choice that I made. So I think that's part of it is we have to look at everything and family history and everything before we make a decision. 00:28:22:19 - 00:28:27:38 DeeDee JAM But it's tough because when somebody tells you, well, if you don't get the shot, you don't have a job. 00:28:27:43 - 00:28:28:06 Dr. Paul Yeah. 00:28:28:06 - 00:28:28:30 DeeDee JAM What are you going. 00:28:28:30 - 00:28:33:00 Dr. Paul To do with a lot of coercion around the Covid? For sure. Well, as we get close to wrapping it up. 00:28:33:12 - 00:28:34:59 DeeDee JAM Okay. 00:28:35:04 - 00:29:02:32 Dr. Paul What would you do differently today? Say you were a new mom now and you're taking your newborn in. Well, let's say the hospital in the two months, you got vitamin K and have being offered, or given without your consent. And then there's a two month visit coming where if you don't know it now, I'm telling you, they're going to be encouraging very strongly that you get a whole bunch of vaccines. 00:29:02:36 - 00:29:06:47 Dr. Paul What would you do today? Now that you know what you know? 00:29:06:52 - 00:29:34:16 DeeDee JAM Absolutely nothing. Absolutely nothing. And I've shared with you before and with a lot of people when we speak that my son was born in the year 1999, when it where we were in Washington state, that the happy was just coming on the schedule. He was born in November and it was supposed to be brought on, I guess officially in 2000 for this particular hospital. 00:29:34:21 - 00:29:52:02 DeeDee JAM And so she said, they're offering it at this new pediatrician, and she's like, I wouldn't do it. And even after having the birth that we ended up having and how traumatic if we had given that shot, I know, I know that it wouldn't have been a great outcome. Right? Yeah. 00:29:52:12 - 00:30:06:35 Dr. Paul No. So your son had clearly had genetic vulnerabilities. It's not genetics, folks that's causing our health problems, but we all have certain vulnerabilities that make sometimes make vaccines a lot more risky. 00:30:06:39 - 00:30:31:00 DeeDee JAM But you don't always know if you don't. Are that something that I want to point out? That you don't know that? And Ryder wasn't fully vaccinated from what CDC schedule is now, but still has had issues. So I think that with the knowledge that I have, obviously I wouldn't do anything. And I don't know that I, I think knowing what I know now, that there's other options for pediatric care, I would probably choose a completely different route. 00:30:31:05 - 00:30:44:14 Dr. Paul Yeah. So back to the book and then we're going to wrap this up, this book that you helped write. What do you think is the most important message. 00:30:44:18 - 00:31:04:57 DeeDee JAM Where I believe this book is different, and as important as so many other books that are out there is, the way that it's written. There is real clarity. You did an amazing job of putting the information out there, the references and all the things that are in there. It's like if you're the medical mind and you need all that there, there it is. 00:31:05:08 - 00:31:25:32 DeeDee JAM But if you're just a mom, it's simple enough and clear enough. And then if there's any questions, you read my part. So you know how to digest it. And I think that's the thing is, it's simple enough for anyone to read and understand and share with others in a way that you're not shoving something down their throat. 00:31:25:37 - 00:31:47:02 Dr. Paul Thank you so much for watching. I thank you so much for hosting this show and you're part of this show in this fireside chat. I hope people got a lot out of it. Enjoyed it. And, grab your copy of VAX Facts. It's available at VAX Facts Bbc.com. And it hits bookstores December 10th. I hope you enjoyed this show. 00:31:47:02 - 00:32:11:11 Dr. Paul Thanks for watching. I'm Doctor Paul, your host. You can find me at Kids First forever.com. And in fact, Didi Hoover is also coaching and is available at that location. Kids first forever.com and the other show we produce with the wind is available at Doctors and science.com. We'll see you next week. 00:32:16:30 - 00:32:38:11 DeeDee JAM Hey everybody, it's me, Didi Hoover and announcing. For those that don't know my new title, just a mom. I want to talk to you a day. Talk to you today about what has been really hitting my soul from my soul, knowing the timing of this episode and what the book meant to me. 00:32:38:16 - 00:33:09:14 DeeDee JAM And when you see that in and hopefully can see the passion of my part of the book, but knowing moving forward this next year, we really want to embrace where other people are, meet them where they are, support them where they are. And I have found that more and more within my soul that especially coming up to this time of year, this episode's going to be shown right before Christmas and New Year's. 00:33:09:19 - 00:33:36:30 DeeDee JAM Moving forward, our ability to love and just make decisions that we won't hate, we won't be angry. We won't sit in a space that doesn't do anything to serve us. But moving forward, we're going to be kind to each other, loving to each other, and embrace the connection that we have with our soul. Thanks for watching. 00:33:41:49 - 00:34:07:43 Dr. Paul I look forward to running together with the wind at our backs, revealing the science that gives clarity in our world that's full of propaganda and misinformation. Visit our website Doctors in Science Rt.com. Sign up, donate if you can. Your support makes a difference. And let's make this the weekly show the world has been waiting for. Thanks for watching. 00:34:07:49 - 00:34:15:05 Dr. Paul I'm Dr. Paul. Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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