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Dr. Paul Thomas: 51.41% of the speaking time. Dr. Michael Gaeta: 48.59% of the speaking time. Dr. Paul Thomas: Good morning PhD. Welcome to Pediatric Perspectives. Where we are looking at children's health challenges from a different perspective. One that includes critical thinking. Oh, yes. We need to be thinking critically about these topics. And we're not afraid to give you the honest truth. I'm your host, Doctor Paul, and today my guest is Michael. And welcome, Michael. It's so great to have you on the show. Dr. Michael Gaeta: Paul, good to see you again. Glad to be with you. Dr. Paul Thomas: You have a long history in medicine and education. A dietitian, nutritionist, herbalist, acupuncturist, and 34 years of family practice experience in Chinese and functional medicine. I think if I wanted to get a really important opinion on anything medical, you'd probably be my first stop. Dr. Michael Gaeta: Well, I feel the same way. Thank you. Dr. Paul Thomas: Well, thank you so this episode today, we're going to tackle something that is worrying a lot of people but probably should not. And I'm very interested in your perspective. So this is we're going to cover the next pandemic. Is it going to be bird flu? What's it going to be? The defender article, those of you who aren't familiar, Children's Health Defense has an online journal called The Defender. Dr. Michael Gaeta: Yeah. I was a musician. My first career, I played the piano and, felt a yearning to help people in a more direct way. Other than entertainment and being a church organist. So I went to school for massage therapy, and after getting my first massage treatment and, learned a little bit about Chinese medicine and really felt to residents with that something that had a spiritual perspective behind it and, just kept, expanding my training, knowledge, experience and, really loved helping people, in this way, using Chinese and functional medicine. Dr. Paul Thomas: And I think I read on your website you have taught 20,000 practitioners. Dr. Michael Gaeta: Yeah, I kind of stopped counting at 20,000. So it's somewhere north of that. Yeah. Dr. Paul Thomas: That is absolutely incredible. What a resource you have been for the world. Before we jump into the topic at hand of this next possible pandemic. You seem to have a foundational principle of nature first, drugs last. Can you briefly describe that? And then we'll jump into our topic? Dr. Michael Gaeta: Yeah, happy to, Paul. Yeah, I'm not anti-pharmaceutics or anti-drugs or anything like that. They certainly have their place. But they're just overused. We have 4% of the population consume at least 50% of the world's pharmaceuticals, with some of the worst health outcomes of any developed country. So drugs aren't bad, they're just overused. And if you're good at the natural stuff, so to speak, there's a natural solution for anything a person might consider taking a pharmaceutical for at least 95% of the time. So that's my interest. Dr. Paul Thomas: You know, I was allopathically trained at Dartmouth Medical School and didn't realize the extent to which my education was really focused on pharmaceuticals. You know, we got the basic sciences, those were okay, first couple of years of biochemistry, and what have you. Then all of a sudden, it's like a switch turned and it was all about labeling and treating. Dr. Michael Gaeta: Exactly. Dr. Paul Thomas: Yes. You're absolutely right. I've heard that leading to good health outcomes. So with that in mind, let's first talk about, I'm interested in your perspective about, you know, we just went through Covid and what a disaster that's been. You might reflect on that. And then what are your thoughts? What are you seeing coming or possibly coming with regards to another pandemic? Dr. Michael Gaeta: Yeah, it's a great question, Paul. And clearly, we've seen the depth of the evil that's possible in these global elites engineering a crisis designed to increase fear and therefore uptake for a catastrophic experimental injection. So this sort of fear-based or fear-inducement to drive people towards a desired pharmaceutical solution is not new, and it was just never done on this scale before. And that's really what we saw with the Covid plandemic, pandemic, whatever you want to call it. And now, you know, they've been very clear. And the short of that is all of the measures, the lockdowns, masking, all of this and the experimental injections, which were your savior from having to wear a mask and socially distance. All of these were far worse, by orders of magnitude worse than the original laboratory-created bioweapon. So, you know, it's really sobering, to say the least. And also how much people were willing to give up their basic human rights in the name of the so-called public good. You know, Bill Gates wrote a book about it. Fauci announced it a number of times, that there was going to be another epidemic. So it's just a matter of what and when. And, you know, possibly this is the thing they're rolling out now. I don't know, it seems a little small scale for that. They tried the monkeypox, that fell flat, although, you know, certainly people rolled up their sleeves for that vaccine on demand as well. So, you know, this is just more scare tactics to keep people in fear, keeping them mentally, psychologically imbalanced, emotionally fraught all the time in what we call sympathetic dominance, and a constant fight, flight or freeze situation where rational thought turns off. It's also an election year like last time. Maybe that has something to do with it. I'm not sure. But yeah, this is, from what I can tell, this latest bird flu, there have been previous ones is, you know, as Lee Merritt would call the, Covid, Covid sickness, a nothing burger. And it appears to be, you know, just a lot of scare with not much danger. Dr. Paul Thomas: Yeah. I was reading that, there have been a total of now, I think two cases originally, the first case of bird flu that's causing all the alarm was a case of pinkeye. And I... Dr. Michael Gaeta: Which you've seen a million times in your practice. Yeah, that's... Dr. Paul Thomas: Well, yeah, it's the thing that I see them doing and correct me if I'm wrong or if you see it differently or, or maybe you can elaborate, the people who are rolling out a vaccine as the solution... Dr. Michael Gaeta: Yes. Dr. Paul Thomas: They plan for these vaccines long before the disease that they've created or helped create. At least this gain of function research seems to be the Wild West of very dangerous activities. Oh, sure. It's the Defense Department that's involved in this. And so we can kind of predict what's going to come by looking at what they're working on. Right? Dr. Michael Gaeta: For sure. Yeah. And that's true. I mean, Covid was a military operation. You know, it was the military-industrial complex that was in charge of pandemic response, not HHS or Health and Human Services. So it was a military operation, you know, the entire thing and everything regarding how it was run. So, yeah, I think with the gain of function research, making things more transmissible and more dangerous to humans always goes in parallel with vaccine development. Now, you can look at that in a couple of ways. There's a benign interpretation of that, which is that if you're going to make a bioweapon, you need to protect your own soldiers. And there's a more nefarious interpretation of that, which is, they're manufacturing a problem that they will deliver the solution for, and people will be craving and clamoring for it because they're so afraid of this new crisis. So, you know, however you want to interpret it, they tend to go in parallel, you know, the bioweapon development and the vaccine development. Dr. Paul Thomas: Yep. Absolutely. So we're going to jump into natural pandemic preparedness because I think this is your area of expertise. So right before we do that, I do want to point out, and you can go read this article for yourself, a dangerous vaccine for a nothing disease, on The Defender. The three vaccines the government has already purchased, folks . I mean, they've already spent our tax dollars to buy three vaccines. Sanofi's was based on an organism, a flu and one H5, I think it was from 2004, the vaccine made in 2007. GSK has squalene, and it's for an organism from 2013. And then this CSL Securus vaccine, I might be mispronouncing that, has a horrendous track record. I mean, 1 in 20 died in the sorry one and 200 died in the trials. Dr. Michael Gaeta: Yes. Dr. Paul Thomas: That's what they're probably going to offer us. Is that your understanding? Dr. Michael Gaeta: That's my understanding, Paul. And, you know, this, it's, everybody's got their hand in the honey pot, so to speak, on this one. Not a surprise. Dr. Paul Thomas: Well, for me and my loved ones and all of you who care about your family and your children and your friends, let's look for a different solution. Let's just say maybe they do roll out a bird flu pandemic. And people are getting colds and pinkeye and, you know, always with any flu or pandemic, some of our most vulnerable who are going to die anyway or are at very high risk of death due to multiple chronic conditions will indeed die. But that doesn't mean that this is a deadly or dangerous disease, right? Tell us, take the platform here and tell us what you would do. I mean, you have an extensive history in natural approaches. Let's get our audience prepared for whatever they throw at us. What would you suggest? Dr. Michael Gaeta: Yeah. The first thing is mindset, Paul. And, you know, again, these are all psychological operations that we've been subjected to for the past four years. And the main thing, the first thing anyway, not the only thing, is just not to be afraid. It is always true. And it's historically, we've always protected those who were the most vulnerable. That was the Covid approach in Sweden, which was extremely successful because they kept their society open. And so certainly be sensible about that and take precautions with the frail and elderly and folks who are very ill to begin with, because it's always the weakest who become the sickest. That's been true of everything throughout history. But for most of the population, you know, it's unlikely this is going to be, and it doesn't seem to be at the moment, anything to be concerned about. So, other than those who are very vulnerable. So the first thing is not to be afraid. The second thing is to do the opposite of everything they told us to do in the plandemic, which is to stay indoors, don't exercise, stay away from your loved ones. Wear a mask, stay away from people. You know, these are the things that extraordinarily deplete and weaken immune systems. So, paying attention to a healthful diet, with, you know, minimally processed foods and low sugar, high nutrient density, full-fat diet, plenty of fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, I mean, and getting regular exercise, you know, the research generally points to 3 to 4 hours a week, preferably of something you enjoy, preferably outdoors. And maintain your physical activity as well as your diet. The third thing is to stay close to your loved ones. It's very important that we not allow any authority to separate us from those we care about and those who care about us. Those relationships are absolutely critical, and we must never again allow the government to cause us to watch loved ones die in the hospital alone because we were separated from them. That's absolute evil and not based on any science or evidence of actual, reasonable caution. So, you know, just keep your eyes open and keep, you know, keep the lifestyle intact. Don't be afraid. Plenty of rest. In terms of supplementation and herbal medicine, that's, you know, another area of expertise I have. There are, what we saw in the plandemic was that there were basic nutrients and herbs. And, you know, you can speak, you know, perhaps more authoritatively to the pharmaceutical side, Paul. But on the natural side, I was appalled at the systematic, lockstep Maoist suppression of effective treatments. And this was really pretty pernicious stuff because, and they had to, to get their emergency use authorization, which you can't get if there are effective treatments available. So that's why, you know, the talking heads of CNN called ivermectin a horse wormer, all this nonsense. It's not that it's not the accurate history of that drug. But anyway, the things that we saw in the plandemic that were extremely effective and suppressed, there are a few things that I believe, since this is going to be viral or whatever they release, or is, occurs. You know, I, you know, I'm not going to say categorically, you know, exactly what's going to be what, but based on past experience, they're going to release something somewhere if they haven't already. So, things that are extremely helpful and simple and safe and cheap and inexpensive and effective, are things like vitamin D, very important, simple thing. It's a, in its active form, it's a neurohormone with, you know, over 300 functions, in modulating gene expression, immune function, calcium metabolism, and a lot of other things. So, getting your 25 hydroxy D tract aiming for a minimum of 50 or 60, also checking your activity as calcitriol, that's 125 D with a target of about 40. It's also a good idea. Dr. Paul Thomas: If I was stuck with having to pick one supplement that I would take with me, it would be vitamin D3, and I usually would suggest maybe taking it with K2. Just there seems to be an added benefit there to reduce any possible mischief of increased calcium absorption. That happens with vitamin D3 supplementation. But yeah, that's a good point. Dr. Michael Gaeta: But yeah, you know, D works with parathyroid hormone to raise blood calcium levels. And we need the K2 or some folks refer to it as vitamin F, as it used to be called in the 40s, which moves calcium out of the blood and into the tissues. So whatever it is, you'll get both naturally occurring in cod liver oil, but not necessarily in sufficient quantities to correct a deficiency. I use cod liver oil to maintain sufficiency, but not to correct a deficiency. So that's important. And... Dr. Paul Thomas: You agree then that pretty much we all need vitamin D supplementation. It's just... Dr. Michael Gaeta: Such a good point, Paul. I mean, you know, there's something unique, and I know you've, you know, you saw this in your practice that, you know, we spend most of our time indoors. And so we're not outside in the sun. We spend 95% of our time indoors, at least according to one of my favorite stores, REI, where I get all my outdoor and camping stuff. So we spend most of our time indoors or in a car or in an office or something like that. And we're not outside as much as we used to historically. And, if we did that, we might have adequate D but, you know, given our current society and people are indoors a lot, and I try to work outdoors, you know, as much as I can on my deck in the sun in summer. That's, you know, it's important that people are taking D, but again, with the F or K2 to balance that function. I use vitamin F in addition to, you know, in conjunction with D to make sure it's a balanced effect on calcium metabolism. Second thing we saw with the scamdemic was zinc, one of my favorite minerals. I've, I've, I've talked extensively on this mineral. Folks can go to MichaelGaeta.com/zinc for a whole page created and a one-hour video on current research on zinc and cancer. But this has also hundreds of functions. And as well, as well as being cytoprotective, the Covid, the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon used zinc to copy itself inside the cell. And so when there's a high enough viral load, a person is depleted in their zinc reserves, and they lose their sense of taste and smell. It was an induced zinc deficiency, causing people to lose their taste and smell. Zinc in general is very useful for immune function and viral resistance in general, along with calcium. Ionized calcium or free calcium. Bioavailable calcium is one of our main weapons against infection viruses. The main action of the immune system, as you know, Paul, is phagocytosis. And that doesn't happen without enough free or bioavailable calcium. So making sure your ionized calcium is close to about five, that's a special blood test. And just, you know, having whether it's calcium lactate, which is one of the good forms of supplementation that's easy to digest, doesn't require a lot of stomach acid. That can be very helpful to make sure you have adequate free calcium or calcium. And then, and then there are other things, things like the C complex, which is not ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is not vitamin C. It's a, it's a, the FDA decided that in the 1940s, but it's actually a complex of many nutrients. So a food-based vitamin C, something like cataplex C, would be very advisable. And that includes the bioflavonoids, including quercetin and rutin. And hisperidin is all part of the C complex. So that's a very important vitamin for the immune system, as is vitamin A, originally known as the anti-infective vitamin about 100 years ago. And we now understand it is necessary for increasing our epithelia or our interface with the outside world—skin, lungs, gut, the relationship of vitamin A to increasing our immune response and our protection of those epithelial tissues where we meet the world. We need vitamin A to protect us from potential infection. So the anti-infective factor is vitamin A, found in cod liver oil, and in liver in general, and in many food-based supplements, again, not like synthetic beta-carotene or something like that, but more of a food-based approach. Dr. Paul Thomas: If I was stuck with having to pick one supplement that I would take with me, it would be vitamin D3, and I usually would suggest maybe taking it with K2. Just there seems to be an added benefit there to reduce any possible mischief of increased calcium absorption. That happens with vitamin D3 supplementation. But yeah, that's a good point. Dr. Michael Gaeta: But yeah. You know, D works with parathyroid hormone to raise blood calcium levels. And we need the K2 or some folks refer to it as vitamin F, as it used to be called in the 40s, which moves calcium out of the blood and into the tissues. So whatever it is, you'll get both naturally occurring in cod liver oil, but not necessarily in sufficient quantities to correct a deficiency. I use cod liver oil to maintain sufficiency, but not to correct a deficiency. So that's important. And... Dr. Paul Thomas: You agree then that pretty much we all need vitamin D supplementation. It's just... Dr. Michael Gaeta: Such a good point, Paul. I mean, you know, there's something unique, and I know you've, you know, you saw this in your practice that, you know, we spend most of our time indoors. And so we're not outside in the sun. We spend 95% of our time indoors, at least according to one of my favorite stores, REI, where I get all my outdoor and camping stuff. So we spend most of our time indoors or in a car or in an office or something like that. And we're not outside as much as we used to historically. And, if we did that, we might have adequate D but, you know, given our current society and people are indoors a lot, and I try to work outdoors, you know, as much as I can on my deck in the sun in summer. That's, you know, it's important that people are taking D, but again, with the F or K2 to balance that function. I use vitamin F in addition to, you know, in conjunction with D to make sure it's a balanced effect on calcium metabolism. Second thing we saw with the scamdemic was zinc, one of my favorite minerals. I've, I've, I've talked extensively on this mineral. Folks can go to MichaelGaeta.com/zinc for a whole page created and a one-hour video on current research on zinc and cancer. But this has also hundreds of functions. And as well, as well as being cytoprotective, the Covid, the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon used zinc to copy itself inside the cell. And so when there's a high enough viral load, a person is depleted in their zinc reserves, and they lose their sense of taste and smell. It was an induced zinc deficiency, causing people to lose their taste and smell. Zinc in general is very useful for immune function and viral resistance in general, along with calcium. Ionized calcium or free calcium. Bioavailable calcium is one of our main weapons against infection viruses. The main action of the immune system, as you know, Paul, is phagocytosis. And that doesn't happen without enough free or bioavailable calcium. So making sure your ionized calcium is close to about five, that's a special blood test. And just, you know, having whether it's calcium lactate, which is one of the good forms of supplementation that's easy to digest, doesn't require a lot of stomach acid. That can be very helpful to make sure you have adequate free calcium or calcium. And then, and then there are other things, things like the C complex, which is not ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is not vitamin C. It's a, it's a, the FDA decided that in the 1940s, but it's actually a complex of many nutrients. So a food-based vitamin C, something like cataplex C, would be very advisable. And that includes the bioflavonoids, including quercetin and rutin. And hisperidin is all part of the C complex. So that's a very important vitamin for the immune system, as is vitamin A, originally known as the anti-infective vitamin about 100 years ago. And we now understand it is necessary for increasing our epithelia or our interface with the outside world—skin, lungs, gut, the relationship of vitamin A to increasing our immune response and our protection of those epithelial tissues where we meet the world. We need vitamin A to protect us from potential infection. So the anti-infective factor is vitamin A, found in cod liver oil, and in liver in general, and in many food-based supplements, again, not like synthetic beta-carotene or something like that, but more of a food-based approach. Dr. Paul Thomas: If I was stuck with having to pick one supplement that I would take with me, it would be vitamin D3, and I usually would suggest maybe taking it with K2. Just there seems to be an added benefit there to reduce any possible mischief of increased calcium absorption. That happens with vitamin D3 supplementation. But yeah, that's a good point. Dr. Michael Gaeta: But yeah. You know, D works with parathyroid hormone to raise blood calcium levels. And we need the K2 or some folks refer to it as vitamin F, as it used to be called in the 40s, which moves calcium out of the blood and into the tissues. So whatever it is, you'll get both naturally occurring in cod liver oil, but not necessarily in sufficient quantities to correct a deficiency. I use cod liver oil to maintain sufficiency, but not to correct a deficiency. So that's important. And... Dr. Paul Thomas: You agree then that pretty much we all need vitamin D supplementation. It's just... Dr. Michael Gaeta: Such a good point, Paul. I mean, you know, there's something unique, and I know you've, you know, you saw this in your practice that, you know, we spend most of our time indoors. And so we're not outside in the sun. We spend 95% of our time indoors, at least according to one of my favorite stores, REI, where I get all my outdoor and camping stuff. So we spend most of our time indoors or in a car or in an office or something like that. And we're not outside as much as we used to historically. And, if we did that, we might have adequate D but, you know, given our current society and people are indoors a lot, and I try to work outdoors, you know, as much as I can on my deck in the sun in summer. That's, you know, it's important that people are taking D, but again, with the F or K2 to balance that function. I use vitamin F in addition to, you know, in conjunction with D to make sure it's a balanced effect on calcium metabolism. Second thing we saw with the scamdemic was zinc, one of my favorite minerals. I've, I've, I've talked extensively on this mineral. Folks can go to MichaelGaeta.com/zinc for a whole page created and a one-hour video on current research on zinc and cancer. But this has also hundreds of functions. And as well, as well as being cytoprotective, the Covid, the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon used zinc to copy itself inside the cell. And so when there's a high enough viral load, a person is depleted in their zinc reserves, and they lose their sense of taste and smell. It was an induced zinc deficiency, causing people to lose their taste and smell. Zinc in general is very useful for immune function and viral resistance in general, along with calcium. Ionized calcium or free calcium. Bioavailable calcium is one of our main weapons against infection viruses. The main action of the immune system, as you know, Paul, is phagocytosis. And that doesn't happen without enough free or bioavailable calcium. So making sure your ionized calcium is close to about five, that's a special blood test. And just, you know, having whether it's calcium lactate, which is one of the good forms of supplementation that's easy to digest, doesn't require a lot of stomach acid. That can be very helpful to make sure you have adequate free calcium or calcium. And then, and then there are other things, things like the C complex, which is not ascor bic acid. Ascorbic acid is not vitamin C. It's a, it's a, the FDA decided that in the 1940s, but it's actually a complex of many nutrients. So a food-based vitamin C, something like cataplex C, would be very advisable. And that includes the bioflavonoids, including quercetin and rutin. And hisperidin is all part of the C complex. So that's a very important vitamin for the immune system, as is vitamin A, originally known as the anti-infective vitamin about 100 years ago. And we now understand it is necessary for increasing our epithelia or our interface with the outside world—skin, lungs, gut, the relationship of vitamin A to increasing our immune response and our protection of those epithelial tissues where we meet the world. We need vitamin A to protect us from potential infection. So the anti-infective factor is vitamin A, found in cod liver oil, and in liver in general, and in many food-based supplements, again, not like synthetic beta-carotene or something like that, but more of a food-based approach. Dr. Paul Thomas: If I was stuck with having to pick one supplement that I would take with me, it would be vitamin D3, and I usually would suggest maybe taking it with K2. Just there seems to be an added benefit there to reduce any possible mischief of increased calcium absorption. That happens with vitamin D3 supplementation. But yeah, that's a good point. Dr. Michael Gaeta: But yeah. You know, D works with parathyroid hormone to raise blood calcium levels. And we need the K2 or some folks refer to it as vitamin F, as it used to be called in the 40s, which moves calcium out of the blood and into the tissues. So whatever it is, you'll get both naturally occurring in cod liver oil, but not necessarily in sufficient quantities to correct a deficiency. I use cod liver oil to maintain sufficiency, but not to correct a deficiency. So that's important. And... Dr. Paul Thomas: You agree then that pretty much we all need vitamin D supplementation. It's just... Dr. Michael Gaeta: Such a good point, Paul. I mean, you know, there's something unique, and I know you've, you know, you saw this in your practice that, you know, we spend most of our time indoors. And so we're not outside in the sun. We spend 95% of our time indoors, at least according to one of my favorite stores, REI, where I get all my outdoor and camping stuff. So we spend most of our time indoors or in a car or in an office or something like that. And we're not outside as much as we used to historically. And, if we did that, we might have adequate D but, you know, given our current society and people are indoors a lot, and I try to work outdoors, you know, as much as I can on my deck in the sun in summer. That's, you know, it's important that people are taking D, but again, with the F or K2 to balance that function. I use vitamin F in addition to, you know, in conjunction with D to make sure it's a balanced effect on calcium metabolism. Second thing we saw with the scamdemic was zinc, one of my favorite minerals. I've, I've, I've talked extensively on this mineral. Folks can go to MichaelGaeta.com/zinc for a whole page created and a one-hour video on current research on zinc and cancer. But this has also hundreds of functions. And as well, as well as being cytoprotective, the Covid, the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon used zinc to copy itself inside the cell. And so when there's a high enough viral load, a person is depleted in their zinc reserves, and they lose their sense of taste and smell. It was an induced zinc deficiency, causing people to lose their taste and smell. Zinc in general is very useful for immune function and viral resistance in general, along with calcium. Ionized calcium or free calcium. Bioavailable calcium is one of our main weapons against infection viruses. The main action of the immune system, as you know, Paul, is phagocytosis. And that doesn't happen without enough free or bioavailable calcium. So making sure your ionized calcium is close to about five, that's a special blood test. And just, you know, having whether it's calcium lactate, which is one of the good forms of supplementation that's easy to digest, doesn't require a lot of stomach acid. That can be very helpful to make sure you have adequate free calcium or calcium. And then, and then there are other things, things like the C complex, which is not ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is not vitamin C. It's a, it's a, the FDA decided that in the 1940s, but it's actually a complex of many nutrients. So a food-based vitamin C, something like cataplex C, would be very advisable. And that includes the bioflavonoids, including quercetin and rutin. And hisperidin is all part of the C complex. So that's a very important vitamin for the immune system, as is vitamin A, originally known as the anti-infective vitamin about 100 years ago. And we now understand it is necessary for increasing our epithelia or our interface with the outside world—skin, lungs, gut, the relationship of vitamin A to increasing our immune response and our protection of those epithelial tissues where we meet the world. We need vitamin A to protect us from potential infection. So the anti-infective factor is vitamin A, found in cod liver oil, and in liver in general, and in many food-based supplements, again, not like synthetic beta-carotene or something like that, but more of a food-based approach. Dr. Paul Thomas: Excellent, excellent. You gave so much detail there. What a big download. Yeah. It's, it's... Thank you. Folks, don't miss the fact that the most important thing you do is basic lifestyle. You know, how you're eating, reducing stress, as you mentioned, being in community with loved ones, getting outside, and getting rejuvenating rest and sleep, and all of that. But the specific supplements you mentioned, other than the herbs, which I wasn't as familiar with, it's... Okay, I... Yes, we need to, you need to have these, I think, in your home. Yes. So that if things go into some kind of a weird shutdown, you're not scrambling last minute. Dr. Michael Gaeta: That's a good point, Paul. You have stuff in stock now. Take preventative care now. Have your as-needed just-in-case things on hand. Dr. Paul Thomas: Okay. It sounds like people can go to your website and get more specific details of where to find... Dr. Michael Gaeta: Yeah. Oh, that's right. All the formulas are available at MichaelGaeta.com/store. And folks can also schedule an appointment for a free consultation or an evaluation and treatment plan and/or courses. You know, we have a lot of courses there at MichaelGaeta.com. And today, actually, we're starting a group cleanse that people can jump in on, a group detox program online. Dr. Paul Thomas: Wow. There you go, folks. I want to thank you very much. I want to give you the last word. When you think about, you know, a possible dangerous, scary pandemic coming up, yeah, what's your key message to our viewers? Dr. Michael Gaeta: Have courage. And be hopeful. I'm very hopeful. I think a lot of people have woken up from the scamdemic, and I don't think they're going to pull the wool over our eyes in the same way again. And I think people are now understanding that we need to stay together, be connected to our families and communities, and have courage and just civil disobedience, and not complying at all with these senseless measures that we lived through previously. Dr. Paul Thomas: Thank you, Michael. That wraps up another episode of Pediatric Perspectives. You can check out my other show With the Wind at DoctorsAndScience.com. You can also reach me directly, even book a coaching session if you wish, at KidsFirstForever.com. The links for both of these are in the show notes. Thank you for joining us today, and we'll see you next week. Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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