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Dr. Paul Good morning. CHD Welcome to Pediatric Perspectives. This is where we are looking at children's health challenges from a different perspective, one that includes critical thinking. And, yes, one not afraid to give you the honest truth. I'm your host, doctor Paul, my guest. Today I am bringing back Doctor Christiane Northrup because we had such an incredible show recently and we left some business unfinished. 00:00:51:00 - 00:00:56:05 Dr. Paul So please welcome back Doctor Christiane Northrup. Thanks for joining us. 00:00:56:07 - 00:00:58:16 Dr. Christiane Northrup Oh, it's my pleasure always. 00:00:58:18 - 00:01:26:21 Dr. Paul Thank you. I'm not going to belabor your intro because people can learn all of this information. Your accolades from our last show and your website, which is just a loaded with information. So thank you for making that resource available to our viewers. We were sort of we left off where we were looking at A Parent's Guide to Healthy Children that was put out, and we were just about to start talking about the whole process of delivering babies. 00:01:26:26 - 00:01:52:23 Dr. Paul And I thought maybe I'm so interested in everything you have to say. I mean, as an ob gyn who's also experienced a more holistic approach, let's chat about the different ways, one can have a baby in this country or anywhere in the world for that matter. There's home births, there's birthing centers, there's hospitals. Give us your thoughts on that. 00:01:52:25 - 00:02:29:03 Dr. Christiane Northrup Wow, that is a great topic. And what you find when you look in the literature is a well supported woman who is healthy. It actually the maternal mortality is the safety of home birth is, actually better than a hospital birth. And the reason? No, it's hard to get that data, but it's out there. The reason why you don't hear this is that we are all in this culture, kind of brainwashed with the horror stories of, oh my God. 00:02:29:03 - 00:02:49:23 Dr. Christiane Northrup And even though you even see it, there was a show called E.R. way back that I used to like. It was kind of everything that happens in a year in a normal emergency room on air would happen in a day. So very exciting show what they would do, though. They bring these women in, in labor, and then they'd have some major disaster in the emergency room. 00:02:49:23 - 00:03:13:17 Dr. Christiane Northrup No, I can tell you that if you broke your foot or if you were bleeding to death, but you were pregnant, every hospital sends you right up to labor and delivery. You never stay in the in the emergency room. So the mainstream culture has made people so afraid of the normal process of birth. But the body, the female body knows how to give birth. 00:03:13:19 - 00:03:52:00 Dr. Christiane Northrup If she's not scared to death and if she is well supported. Now, I happened to be an intern when fetal monitoring first came in, and I watched the C-section rate go from less than 10% to 25% literally overnight because they didn't know how to read the monitor. And more than that, Doctor Paul, there's never been a single study, not one that has shown that fetal monitoring and continuous electronic fetal monitoring has done anything to improve birth outcomes. 00:03:52:02 - 00:04:15:22 Dr. Christiane Northrup What it has done is increase the C-section rate everywhere. Yeah. And so what I and I want women to know I hear me on this woman's in labor. You come into the room, you ask her how she's doing and you ask her husband how she's doing or the father of the baby. Everyone looks at the monitor, just like we're all addicted to the screen and the cell phone. 00:04:15:25 - 00:04:36:09 Dr. Christiane Northrup You to know how you're doing. You go inside. How are you doing? And we also know that when the fetal monitor shows distress, many times all you have to do is get the woman on her left side, gets the uterus off the, blood supply that's returning, and then have her go inside until the baby's a baby. You're safe. It's okay. Boom. You'll watch the monitor come right back to normal. 00:04:39:26 - 00:04:53:04 Dr. Paul My mom was a nurse midwife. for many, many years. I grew up in Africa. Missionary kid. And she was an in in Africa. Started a clinic that ended up turning into a maternity center, plus urgent care. 00:04:53:06 - 00:04:54:07 Dr. Christiane Northrup Amazing. 00:04:54:09 - 00:05:17:25 Dr. Paul Had incredible experiences there that made her want to just be a part of life. Like as you went and ObGyn, she she became a certified nurse. Midwives did training programs, home births. So yes, the data I've had to look at it because of my mom's experience that, you know, it's incredible. The rate of C-section for home deliveries is like what, 5% or less? Something like that. 00:05:18:28 - 00:06:01:01 Dr. Christiane Northrup Yeah. And, I may. Gaskin pointed out that in the last 30 years, maternal mortality has doubled in the United States. And as you know, maternal mortality is the number one indicator of the health of a society. Wow. Our maternal mortality is going up all the time because there's there's just too many interventions. It would have been fun had I had you as the pediatrician in the room when I did all those deliveries, because a lot of times it seemed to me I kept the baby with the mother and didn't, clamp the court for as long as possible so that the pediatricians would not start beating up the kid. 00:06:01:04 - 00:06:22:11 Dr. Paul Yeah, what we were doing was just ridiculous. I mean, on both ends, right? I mean, the the hospital world of ob gyn. I mean, I remember when I was in training for my Dartmouth experience, I went to LA for my ObGyn experience, and it was wow. And it was horrendous. We were at, Compton Watts Hospital, inner city. 00:06:22:14 - 00:06:48:23 Dr. Paul oh. The way women were treated was just brutal and heartless. It was horrific. Absolutely horrific. So okay, so you can do a home birth and you're absolutely right. What we would see as hospital based physicians, like as a pediatrician, I taught residents and medical students in the hospital. When we're in training, we're mostly hospital based. We see that tiny, tiny fraction of things that go wrong. 00:06:48:28 - 00:06:57:22 Dr. Paul Yeah, at a home birth. And you start thinking, oh, well, see, you shouldn't do any home births. But we don't look at the greater picture of all the beautiful things that went right. 00:06:57:25 - 00:07:23:15 Dr. Christiane Northrup That that's exactly right. In fact, here's what we're taught in standard ObGyn training a normal labor and birth is a retrospective diagnosis. So what does that do? It makes all the staff view that birthing woman as a disaster about to happen. Because you and I both know that when it goes bad in ObGyn, it goes bad really fast. 00:07:23:22 - 00:07:42:13 Dr. Christiane Northrup Yeah, but the problem is, and this is with the law of attraction, is when you come into a situation terrified, ready to have a disaster happen at every moment, you're actually increasing the chance that that will happen. By the Law of attraction. It just happens. 00:07:42:20 - 00:08:09:00 Dr. Paul So home births only represent sadly 0.9%. Basically just under 1%, one out of 100 births in this country, in the USA, happening at home. I wish that number could rise and I wish we could develop the support system. it feels like to me and you can speak to this maybe once you set foot in a hospital to have a baby, there are just protocols all over the place. 00:08:09:02 - 00:08:20:29 Dr. Paul And you're like, the woman is just swept into this series of protocols. Are there things women can do to maybe allow that hospital birth to be reasonably okay? 00:08:21:01 - 00:08:47:00 Dr. Christiane Northrup Yes. And I just had a friend who had that happen. So the baby was an IVF baby. So therefore the staff thought of this as well. It's an IVF baby, in vitro fertilization, which means that now it's a high risk pregnancy. Not necessarily the case. And she went in and they also told her they wouldn't let her go one minute beyond 41 weeks. 00:08:47:07 - 00:09:31:00 Dr. Christiane Northrup Again there are everything is is a curve. So there are perfectly healthy babies born at 42 weeks. Is it true, statistically that, there's more problem the longer the gestation goes? Yes. But that doesn't mean that your baby is going to be a problem. It's important. A couple things I want women to know. We know now, and I did not know this until very recently, that it is the, surfactant in a baby's lungs that sends a signal to the mother and to the pineal of the mother for the pitocin that it's time to, have the baby. 00:09:31:03 - 00:10:00:00 Dr. Christiane Northrup So in my profession, we have done all of this stuff to deliver babies for convenience at 37 weeks, 38 weeks, when in fact, the lungs have not been mature. So you you end up with all these babies having what's called transient tachypnea of the newborn because they weren't ready, just because, you know, they were going to survive. Of course, at 37 weeks, it's much better. 00:10:00:00 - 00:10:30:22 Dr. Christiane Northrup What I'm getting at is it's much better to allow labor to happen on its own instead of induced, because when you induce a woman, it is instantly way more painful. If you use pitocin, then you're going to give her an epidural and having an epidural, paralyzes the well when you when you shut down the sensory nervous system of the pelvis, the motor system doesn't work as well either. 00:10:30:27 - 00:10:54:28 Dr. Christiane Northrup It's kind of like when you go to the dentist and you get Novocain, and then you're still numb, and you come home to eat soup, you're it's really in the corner of your mouth, right? Yeah. This is what we're doing with an epidural. So an epidural will increase the C-section rate. And it also increases something called, fever of unknown origin in the baby. 00:10:54:28 - 00:11:17:16 Dr. Christiane Northrup So then the baby gets a sepsis. Sepsis workup. We still don't know why women get a fever from epidurals, but they often do. So you want to go first, wait as long as possible before going to the hospital so that you know you're in real labor. Because let me tell you how often a woman's in good labor she's spent on her hands and knees at home, because that's what her body wants to do. 00:11:17:19 - 00:11:44:20 Dr. Christiane Northrup She gets in the car, she goes in through admitting into the hospital, and she's there giving them all the data that she's already pre-registered to give them. And, by the time she gets to her hospital bed, labor stops as you have. You wouldn't do this with a cow or a horse. Go down to the barn, turn on a light, start messing with the mare, and, you know, and have five people come in to examine. 00:11:44:20 - 00:12:18:03 Dr. Christiane Northrup What do you think would happen with a horse? Or is there's a wonderful play called birth. And the first line in it is, I want what my dog got. So the first thing is to know what they will do and not be scared into doing the thing. Okay. Like don't allow membranes to be ruptured. How many times did I go in and you know, I was taught okay, get a 16 gauge needle in that woman's arm, rupture the membranes, stick in an injury. 00:12:18:03 - 00:12:34:07 Dr. Christiane Northrup Uterine pressure catheter, screw a scalp electrode to the crown of the baby's seventh chakra. And then once you've done all that and she's completely hooked up, then you can relax. Well, by then, you've screwed up every everything. 00:12:34:09 - 00:13:00:03 Dr. Paul yeah, that I that was the training I got back in the day. I just had a daughter deliver a baby at home with at 42.5 weeks. Yeah. First. First baby. Yeah. And it was a long labor, and, I don't know how she pulled it off, but she was determined. Had the support, had a loving husband, had, doula type person, somebody there to help her. 00:13:00:05 - 00:13:23:05 Dr. Paul And by God, they did it. And we have a beautiful little healthy baby. Had she gone in when she was being told to go in, which was 41 weeks, like you said? probably she would've ended up with a C-section. Just. Yeah. As happens. do you think you know that while you're pregnant, you're you're planning to have a baby? 00:13:23:05 - 00:13:43:28 Dr. Paul And like I said, so many are ending up in the hospital. Do does it help to do trainings like Lamaze or Alexander or a Bradley method? Or maybe you've got an approach for how to have moms, prepare to maybe pull it off naturally, or at least have a vaginal, not a C-section birth. 00:13:44:01 - 00:14:13:24 Dr. Christiane Northrup You know, it's really interesting. A woman named Gail Peterson who was working with Louis Male. And you might remember, Louis mail from way back. she did the most fascinating study where she did a prospective study of women. And she could predict within 95%, accuracy who was going to get into trouble in labor and why. And here's why. 00:14:13:26 - 00:14:52:00 Dr. Christiane Northrup Women labor as they live. And so when you go into labor, you're in a crisis mode. There's no getting out. You're in it, and it takes you as my daughter said, to some very dark places, because your body is doing it one way or another. The degree to which you live your life as a victim, like I need someone to come and rescue me, versus I trust this body and I know I'm strong and I am a vessel for new life. 00:14:52:03 - 00:15:20:17 Dr. Christiane Northrup That's what you want to work on now can be done through the Bradley method or, any of those things are fine. But once you get into labor, you're in it, you're in it, and you are going to have to go deeper into yourself than you ever knew was possible. And it changes you. It is a death to your old self so that you can become a mother. 00:15:20:20 - 00:15:49:27 Dr. Christiane Northrup It's it literally changes you. And so you have to go through it. It's like going through the dark night of the soul and what we do in this culture, because we have so much problem with the natural process of life, birth and death. Right? We have a terrible time with death that doesn't exist. So therefore you're not prepared to go down into the underworld, which is what labor does, and then come up on the other side. 00:15:49:29 - 00:16:33:16 Dr. Christiane Northrup And so anything that prepares you for what you can't really prepare for, but that you, you know, that's why you need the support. You remember, maybe you do these doula studies that Clausen Kendall did and what they found, they did these studies in Guatemala, and they found that just having a woman standing by out in the hallway for having sex with a laboring woman, just smiling, telling her she's doing well, it decreased the C-section rate by 50% and decreased the labor time by, I don't know what it was, you know, from like 12 hours to six, just from having that doula there, the woman standing by. 00:16:33:16 - 00:17:02:24 Dr. Christiane Northrup So you need this external placenta of support. And then what a woman will I say? I couldn't have done it without you. That is because when two or more are gathered there will I be also. So no woman should be doing this alone. Although, Doctor Paul, there are women now doing free birth. Like they will just deliver at home, like with just their husband around. 00:17:02:27 - 00:17:26:24 Dr. Christiane Northrup And there's a growing movement for this where women are finding that power and having amazing experiences at home. But what labor does is it's kind of like all these processes of the female body. They lay there who we really are, and women labor as they live. 00:17:26:26 - 00:17:50:23 Dr. Paul That's profound. I, I know a person who has been a doula and a massage labor massage, support person. and it speaks powerfully because I've seen the connection that if you have that trusting support, I mean, we think back before modern medicine, the family, the the mom, grandma, great grandma, they were all there involved. 00:17:50:23 - 00:17:57:18 Dr. Paul And you, you as a laboring mom, especially younger, newer moms, would have that generational support. 00:17:57:23 - 00:18:17:28 Dr. Christiane Northrup Yes, yes. They also knew breastfeeding. They knew how to. That was just normal at the farm einem Gaskins, place where she did all those amazing, the amazing work that went into the book, Spiritual Midwifery and Ina may's Guide to Childbirth. Their C-section rate there is 2%. 00:18:18:00 - 00:18:18:18 Dr. Paul Wow. 00:18:18:18 - 00:18:21:07 Dr. Christiane Northrup Percent. And they deliver breaches. 00:18:21:09 - 00:18:49:20 Dr. Paul I'm going to switch the subject a little bit. Thank you for this. This understanding of basically the emotional spiritual aspect to to birth and all of that is so beautiful and it's so vital I can see it. I get goosebumps as you're sharing some of these ideas and concepts, because it just makes sense intuitively. It makes sense. But if you're a mom in this world today, you're going to have to create that environment for yourself. 00:18:49:20 - 00:18:58:04 Dr. Paul It won't just happen. No, you can't just walk into the hospital and expect all these beautiful things you're talking about. I think you have to really be intentional. 00:18:58:06 - 00:19:21:05 Dr. Christiane Northrup That's for sure. That's for sure. And then you want to also know, okay, your baby does not need vitamin K. It's normal for the for vitamin K levels to be a little low. You do not want hyper coagulant blood. nobody needs a hepatitis B shot. The only way to get have be is to have sex with prostitutes or, use a dirty needle. 00:19:21:08 - 00:19:35:07 Dr. Christiane Northrup with drug addicts. Babies are not doing that last time. So there's there's things that you, you want to do and, you know, have them ready. Also, you know, we could do a whole show on, circumcision and. 00:19:35:10 - 00:19:35:13 Dr. Paul But. 00:19:35:15 - 00:19:55:12 Dr. Christiane Northrup That's not necessary either. I had a colleague who did the circumcision of the male baby in the delivery room to get it over with, and I don't know, there's an imprint. Welcome to planet Earth. Not only are we going to clamp the cord and say, breathe right now, we're going to cut off 40,000 nerve endings from the most sensitive part of your body. 00:19:55:15 - 00:19:59:18 Dr. Paul Right. And here's the happy shot, and here's a vitamin K shot. And welcome to the world. 00:19:59:24 - 00:20:01:08 Dr. Christiane Northrup That's it, that's it. 00:20:01:11 - 00:20:03:22 Dr. Paul It's just not right. 00:20:03:25 - 00:20:28:29 Dr. Christiane Northrup No, but where we're going is right. I have, every hope that we are in this wonderful period of reawakening because I just seeing beautiful things with young, young people who are awake and aware now, there are plenty who are not. But I've noticed, despite all of my knowledge, I can't save them. I have tried, and so have you. 00:20:29:02 - 00:20:50:07 Dr. Paul Yeah, yeah, for me, it's there for those who are willing. So let's speak to those who are at least on the fence and able to listen. If you had a grandchild who is going to have a baby or a child of yours, who is going to have a baby, and they really hadn't given it much thought, what would you want them to know? 00:20:50:10 - 00:21:19:14 Dr. Christiane Northrup I would want them to know that this powerful experience called birth is available. I might have them, see if they could find one of those, DVDs, water babies. Of all the women in Russia who go to the Black Sea and have their babies and just see what's available. Water. Birth has come in even into the hospital, which is, very good. 00:21:19:16 - 00:21:45:16 Dr. Christiane Northrup I would also tell them, please avoid all of those negative stories, that there's something really weird that happens with women, you know, mental war stories. Well, women's version of a war story is their labor experience. If it was bad, they feel the need to tell you these things. And when I was pregnant, people would come up and tell me these disaster stories. 00:21:45:16 - 00:22:16:06 Dr. Christiane Northrup And as an ob gyn resident, I knew this wasn't true. But I was very it was very strange to me. So protect yourself. And here's the thing. There's only so much you can tell someone if they're open. Give them the information. Many times your adult children will not be open to what you have to say. So what you can do, give them something like this. 00:22:16:06 - 00:22:33:20 Dr. Christiane Northrup What doctor Paul and I are doing that isn't about you telling them. Get a third person to to tell them you can present it. It's the lead the horse to water. And like we say, you can't make him drink, but you can make him really thirsty. 00:22:33:22 - 00:22:42:18 Dr. Paul I like that like that a lot. You have an organization stand firm now.org. Yep. tell us just a little bit about that. 00:22:42:20 - 00:23:25:00 Dr. Christiane Northrup When the whole Covid thing started and we were seeing what we were seeing, I met a non bar attorney named Sean Rice, and he said this was actually a felony homicide situation is you cannot mandate and legislate what turned out to be murder. When we found what the real data was and somehow, grant yourself immunity. So throughout the entire world, the powers that be were granting themselves immunity, saying this was safe and effective when we knew it wasn't so what we did was we created an affidavit strategy. 00:23:25:00 - 00:23:55:15 Dr. Christiane Northrup An affidavit is a very powerful legal instrument where a doctor or a nurse, anyone who's around bodies, attest to the truth of a series of statements. So we have come up with the 22 Covid commonalities, like there was never a pandemic in the way they told us that the PCR test was never, invented for what it was used for, that it closed down the the world for no good reason. 00:23:55:15 - 00:24:21:12 Dr. Christiane Northrup The inventor of it, Cory Miller, said as much. And so we had this backed up by I think we're up to 450 exhibits. That's the data. That's the proof that what they did did not have any standing. And so what we're doing is we're gathering these signed affidavits that are then notarized. A notary is an official of the court. 00:24:21:14 - 00:24:54:21 Dr. Christiane Northrup And when you have these affidavits, we've which we've been collecting now for two years, these can go right into the court and we will not have to prove stand ING you be able to go in and, show that, that this has been a felony homicide situation from the beginning. So right now we're connecting with another group that is, in line with Missouri versus Biden on media censorship by Big Tech working through the Biden administration. 00:24:54:24 - 00:25:14:17 Dr. Christiane Northrup And that includes the disinformation dozen. That was the 12 people who were censored on all platforms. And the lie, the from the center for the Countering of Digital Hate, a Soros Foundation, funded out of London named 12 people. I was one of them as 00:25:14:23 - 00:25:16:09 Dr. Paul Response relations by the way. 00:25:16:14 - 00:25:54:24 Dr. Christiane Northrup Yeah. It's my it's my biggest accolade that we were responsible for 70% of the misinformation about Covid on the internet. That was never true. And Sergey from Green Med Info has proven it was never true. Nonetheless, we were all censored. So we're part of that lawsuit to go after those who globally censored anyone who told the truth. And I know very well that you have been in the crosshairs of that, having lost your license right after you published the data showing that unvaccinated children were far healthier than vaccinated children. 00:25:54:27 - 00:25:59:21 Dr. Paul Yeah, they didn't want to hear that. No, that was the data they asked for, though. Isn't that funny? 00:25:59:23 - 00:26:00:21 Dr. Christiane Northrup Yeah. 00:26:00:23 - 00:26:12:29 Dr. Paul No, it before we close and I know we're running out of time, you also have a project. I think it's five doctors. setting the record straight. Something you're going to launch, I think, in April. Can you tell us just quickly about that? 00:26:13:06 - 00:26:36:05 Dr. Christiane Northrup Yes. The five docs are doctor Lee, marriage, Sherry, Tenpenny, Carrie, my Day, Larry Pulaski and me. And we have been doing monthly podcasts of telling people the real truth. We came out early on and said, Covid is not really what you think it is. And Doctor Tenpenny came out with the 40 mechanisms, mechanisms of injury of the shot. 00:26:36:08 - 00:26:55:10 Dr. Christiane Northrup And we've been trying to educate people from that time on. We're doing a bootcamp which starts in April. You can sign up now and get a discount. And we're calling it Setting the Record straight. And then we will tell you exactly what you need to be doing to regain your health, or to keep it in the first place. 00:26:55:10 - 00:27:01:12 Dr. Christiane Northrup So learning for you dawgs. Forward slash five Doc's 2024. 00:27:01:15 - 00:27:18:22 Dr. Paul Wow, you're just full of resources for our viewers. And, I'm going to go check this out as well. I just appreciate you so much. And, I'm going to give you the last word here and, just share whatever it is on your heart that you want people to know. 00:27:18:25 - 00:27:35:13 Dr. Christiane Northrup Well, because we are talking about labor and birth and pregnancy. Here's what I want you to know. If you are a healthy couple, if you are a healthy woman, please repopulate the planet with your beautiful children. We need them. 00:27:35:15 - 00:27:43:28 Dr. Paul Amen. That is wonderful. Thank you Christiane, it's always a pleasure. Can't wait to. We can have a cup of coffee together. 00:27:44:01 - 00:27:47:19 Dr. Christiane Northrup Right? Right. Wonderful. Doctor Paul. Thank you. 00:27:47:21 - 00:28:03:17 Dr. Paul You can check out my other show with the Wind at Doctors and science.com. You can also reach me directly. Even book a coaching session if you wish at Kids First forever.com. The number for both these links are in the show notes. Thank you for joining us today and we'll see you next week. Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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