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Dr. Paul Good morning. Welcome to Pediatric Perspectives, where we are looking at children's health challenges from a different perspective. One that includes critical thinking and one where we're not afraid to give you the honest truth. We are very fortunate. Today I am bringing back special guest Doctor Suzanne Humphreys. Doctor Humphreys, thank you so much for coming back on the show and giving us of your time. 00:01:26:15 - 00:01:28:16 Dr. Suzanne Humphries Thank you for having me. 00:01:28:21 - 00:01:51:28 Dr. Paul Those of you who maybe missed the last show, you can certainly go back and look at it. Doctor Humphreys is the author of a very important book, Dissolving Illusions, with the new edition. That is magnificent. You've just got to get your hands on this. And I would say one of my real heroes in this world of understanding vaccines, understanding health, what it takes to be healthy. 00:01:51:29 - 00:02:21:13 Dr. Paul So what we're going to do today is focus a little bit on that. Children's Health Defense has put out A Parent's Guide to Healthy Children, from preconception to early childhood, and periodically on this show we touch on different parts of that book. Today, we're going to focus a little bit on developmental milestones. That's in chapter six. But with Doctor Humphreys as my expert today, we will certainly do a deep dive into vaccines, the ingredients, the toxic nature of vaccines and how that impacts child development and child's health. 00:02:21:18 - 00:02:43:31 Dr. Paul So to pick up a little bit on where we left off, Doctor Humphreys, we were you mentioned and I've experienced the same thing, that you saw a difference between the health of unvaccinated children and the health of those who are highly vaccinated. Can you elaborate a little bit more about that? 00:02:43:36 - 00:03:06:48 Dr. Suzanne Humphries Sure. Well, you know, just so I don't insult anybody, but you can use me as an example. So when I was a child, I was moderately vaccinated. Okay. And I would say I probably didn't get my first vaccine until going into kindergarten. And I think you're around five years old then. And so that's probably when I would have got, a measles shot. 00:03:06:52 - 00:03:34:44 Dr. Suzanne Humphries Because I don't think it was full MMR at that point. And I would because in America that's, you know, the rest of the world is a little more delayed. And I would have got probably, the old DPT shot and I wasn't that sick up until I was five years old. But man, after five years old, I spent I've spent most of my childhood and teenage years on and off of antibiotics with, you know, ear infections, throat infections. 00:03:34:45 - 00:03:54:42 Dr. Suzanne Humphries I remember having some of the worst, most horrible throat infections. I remember laying on a pillow one day, my mother was giving the ear drops and all of a sudden they heard a pop and all this fluid came out of my ear. Now we don't let kids have that happen anymore. But if you just look at our generation like we were pretty sick as kids, and now what? 00:03:54:42 - 00:04:25:13 Dr. Suzanne Humphries I've. Since I've woken up and I've had the opportunity and the honor, I should say, to meet so many families who stopped vaccinating their children. And maybe they have one child, usually one child. This is what I find. It's either a child or a pet that experiences a vaccine injury. And then the parents start doing some reading and they run into our information, which is why they don't want our information out there, because it's part of what makes kind of the crack in the windshields, so to speak, and large. 00:04:25:18 - 00:04:45:36 Dr. Suzanne Humphries And then they start vaccinating and they start noticing that the child or the pet, that they stop vaccinating on has an improvement in their health, and that their subsequent children just don't have the kind of problems that, that the rest of the, the childhood population that's getting vaccinated has. And, and I probably now have known a thousand non-vaccinated children now. 00:04:45:36 - 00:05:12:22 Dr. Suzanne Humphries And I now know a family that's got two generations, probably 19 or 20, between children and grandchildren. None of them have been vaccinated except the oldest child who just, had an adverse reaction to the MMR. And, you see these kids and it's it's like you're on a different planet. So that's my experience with, the vaccinated versus the, the unvaccinated. 00:05:12:27 - 00:05:31:16 Dr. Suzanne Humphries And I imagine that you have similar because you would seen a lot more of them, whereas I, I only saw it from a social perspective. I didn't see it from a medical perspective, although I well, I do remember I had to do six weeks pediatric rotation at Children's Hospital in Philadelphia, and I remember just prescribing so many antibiotic. 00:05:31:28 - 00:05:52:02 Dr. Suzanne Humphries And I remember saying to one of my colleagues, gosh, children are so sick. There must have been massive death before antibiotics were invented. And, you know, because I didn't know the full picture, that of what was going on before antibiotics were invented. But I just thought, how did humanity survive this long? Because they're literally dependent upon antibiotics. And it was it. 00:05:52:03 - 00:05:57:25 Dr. Suzanne Humphries That's why it was a real revelation to me to meet children who had never had an antibiotic in their life. 00:05:57:40 - 00:06:19:47 Dr. Paul Yeah. Now. So I was in Africa growing up in the 60s. I was born in the 50s, and I think I got two vaccines. There was a World Health Organization campaign, and they came through the village. We were living in, and I'm sure we got smallpox back then. And TB shot, what they did back then, the BCG and that was it. 00:06:19:52 - 00:06:44:30 Dr. Paul But I was healthy. I didn't know anybody with neurodevelopmental challenges, never had antibiotics as a kid. And compare that to the my children who lived on antibiotics. That same story shared it sick all the time. So I've also had families in my practice up to about a thousand of them over the years who were not vaccinating. Same story. 00:06:44:30 - 00:07:13:06 Dr. Paul A lot of them had initial child infection vaccines. Woke up due to that. Decided? Nope, we're not doing this for our subsequent children, and their subsequent children were just the healthiest ever. So this is something I think if you're watching and you're afraid of these diseases for which we have vaccines, there's an interesting phenomenon. If you're not vaccinated in that time frames, you might maybe you can touch on this, what's going on with their immune systems that they're not getting sick. 00:07:13:10 - 00:07:15:15 Dr. Paul These unvaccinated kids. 00:07:15:20 - 00:07:37:25 Dr. Suzanne Humphries Yeah. Well, that that requires a book in and of itself. But, you know, so you have to understand. And so one of the first things that I had to do as an adult nephrologist was track and understand what vaccines do to the immune system, what kind of programing happens there, how long it lasts, and what parts of the immune system are affected and what's what's actually in the vaccines to have that effect. 00:07:37:30 - 00:07:53:58 Dr. Suzanne Humphries So, you know, I know you're aware of this because I have read your book and I know you're aware of the massive amounts of aluminum that's that are in the childhood vaccine schedule. And if you understand how aluminum, why it's in the vaccines in the first place is because the vaccines would do almost nothing if it wasn't in there. 00:07:53:58 - 00:08:28:27 Dr. Suzanne Humphries It's it's an irritant to the immune system to get it activated. The problem is that it activates the immune system in the wrong direction. So, so you can have the vaccine, which could potentially protect you against the, the lineage or strain of whatever microbe you were vaccinated against. But when you when you encounter that in real life, say you encounter that same microbe, your body was programed through an injection into a muscle, into the blood, which is not the same way it would normally come into your body, which would be through your nose and your throat and your lungs and through a gated system. 00:08:28:32 - 00:08:52:29 Dr. Suzanne Humphries And, you know, I think all criminals have to confess. And in 2022, Anthony Fauci and colleagues wrote an article essentially describing this to a tee and saying how ineffective the flu vaccines have been, how ineffective many of the other injectables have been, and that they, if they were held to the same, held to the same standards that say the measles vaccine was held to, that they wouldn't be marketable. 00:08:52:34 - 00:09:15:25 Dr. Suzanne Humphries Now, even when it comes to the measles vaccine, it doesn't come into the body that the right way. So not only have you given an aluminum containing vaccine, which skews the immune system towards the, antibody formation, it's very complicated and I'm very much oversimplifying it, but it skews the body in a way that it's not going to give a full, rounded, effective response in real life. 00:09:15:38 - 00:09:54:51 Dr. Suzanne Humphries That's number one. Number two, it's only programed against certain aspects of the microbe, unless you have a live viral vaccine, which is why the measles vaccine is more effective. Vaccine. So if you've got a particle or subunit vaccine with aluminum, and you take that in the body in the wrong way, which is injected, so you're not getting the immunity, mucosal immunity, which has been very and I go into this in the pertussis chapter and the new dissolving Aleutians, 10th anniversary edition, because there's all this new research showing the difference between the long surface immune system, which has its own immune system, very different to what's in the blood. 00:09:54:56 - 00:09:55:33 Dr. Paul Yeah. 00:09:55:37 - 00:10:33:51 Dr. Suzanne Humphries And so you're stimulating that the blood immune system, where the lung immune system's pretty much left, you know, without much defense. And so when you encounter the microbe in real life and the lung immune system is minimally effective, and you're only responding to certain aspects that say, say, the pertussis vaccine, you're only responding to, you know, a 3 or 4 antigens on that microbe, that that may seem like a good thing, but it's actually not because some of the antigens that are not in the vaccine are are very highly necessary in order to form a brisk, robust, long lasting immune response. 00:10:34:05 - 00:10:55:03 Dr. Suzanne Humphries They're not even in the vaccines. Secondly, the vaccine creates more IgG for if you know anything about IgG for, you know, allergy doctors love IgG for because it actually suppresses that. It's showing that they've actually suppressed the immune response. So for instance, say you're allergic to cat hair or dog hair and you keep getting those little injections to give you tolerance. 00:10:55:18 - 00:11:22:11 Dr. Suzanne Humphries Well, that's how that's how they know you've developed tolerance as you've developed this IgG force IG is immune globulin. And there's one, two, three, four. There may even be more. But I know about four. So four is one that comes up. And if you're predominantly or highly producing four you're essentially giving someone tolerance. So all these grandparents that are going and getting more and more pertussis vaccines, whooping cough vaccines, because their grandchildren are born and they're they're being bullied into it. 00:11:22:16 - 00:11:35:43 Dr. Suzanne Humphries And all these children that are getting more and more vaccines as they get older for, say, pertussis, they're basically developing tolerance to pertussis, which means they're not going to respond, when they actually do encounter it. So it's actually counterproductive. 00:11:35:48 - 00:11:47:28 Dr. Paul Yeah. The pertussis story is fascinating. We're actually putting ourselves at increased vulnerability of getting whooping cough, which gives us increased chance of taking it home to that newborn who's the one who's more at risk. 00:11:47:33 - 00:12:05:43 Dr. Suzanne Humphries And the the mutant strains are another really interesting story, because if we just left it alone, let it circulate, it would have just kept circulating. The death rates are already going down. The newborn babies. It's just like with measles. A newborn babies were protected by the mother, and now they've screwed that all up with with the vaccine. 00:12:05:48 - 00:12:24:45 Dr. Suzanne Humphries But the mutant strains have skyrocketed far more than with the measles vaccine. Pertussis mutants are completely out of control. And and they're actually more virulent, more invasive, and more difficult to treat. Yeah, because of the vaccine. And that's well known. That's not fringe tree hugging lunatics here. This is in the medical literature. 00:12:24:45 - 00:12:33:24 Dr. Paul Our pertussis story. It's a story of vaccine failure. And yet it's still on the market. It's just crazy and and required for school attendance. 00:12:33:29 - 00:12:39:12 Dr. Suzanne Humphries So when the vaccine fails, you don't take it off the market. You just give more. 00:12:39:16 - 00:13:13:29 Dr. Paul Here's more of this thing because maybe it'll work next time. In our short time together, I wanted to touch a little bit on, developmental delays, cognitive abilities, and then also, what's in the vaccines? Because, I think there's a connection there between developmental delays, cognitive disabilities, and what's in the vaccines. What's your understanding of the prevalence of developmental delays, cognitive problems, focus issues, A.D.D., ADHD, autism, what's what's changed over the years, and how rapidly is that happened? 00:13:13:34 - 00:13:35:55 Dr. Suzanne Humphries Well, I'm pretty sure that I saw this statistics in your book. The. So I know it's a rhetorical question. But wasn't it something like 1 in 10,000, something like 20 years ago? And now we've got something like, the last I looked, it was 1 in 6 with, neurocognitive developmental disorders in children, 1 in 6, if you want to call it the spectrum. 00:13:36:00 - 00:13:58:03 Dr. Paul That's. Yeah. If you're going to add it all together, the autism, the A.D.D., ADHD, etc., other other developmental delays. This is not something I saw growing up as a kid. There were I think I, I remember one kid my whole childhood who something wasn't right with them. And it's like you said, 1 in 6, one and eight, 1 in 10. 00:13:58:03 - 00:14:31:34 Dr. Paul Whatever number we pick, it's, everywhere you look. Who today doesn't know? Somebody who has a child who's struggling developmentally. So to pivot to your area of of strength in terms of the knowledge you have from all your research covers, some of the most concerning toxins that are in vaccines and what makes it what makes this toxic so that people maybe can understand why we need to really pay attention to this, and perhaps to stay away from vaccines. 00:14:31:39 - 00:14:55:40 Dr. Suzanne Humphries Well, I mean, I think the biggest elephant in the room is the aluminum. And if you understand what aluminum does in the body that it has, it does not have any normal biological functions in the body. There's no cellular metabolism, there's no immune response that requires aluminum. It's simply put in there as an irritant to cause an immune response. 00:14:55:45 - 00:15:18:08 Dr. Suzanne Humphries So we know that it's toxic to the brain. We know that it's supposed to be kept under something. Remember I read this in Neil Miller's book, something like, is it 4000 micrograms or something like that? It might be milligrams, but I can't, I can't remember, but the childhood vaccination program has far surpassed that, especially when you add in the Gardasil vaccines. 00:15:18:13 - 00:15:45:27 Dr. Suzanne Humphries So the aluminum is is probably the biggest elephant in the room. But then you have things. So this was relevant to me, when I was researching vaccines for the first time is that you have albumin cow albumin in the, in the vaccines and also egg albumin. But bovine serum albumin is in the vaccines. And that is that is a real the reactive particle, reactive molecule. 00:15:45:27 - 00:16:10:36 Dr. Suzanne Humphries And so if you were to add that, so that's already reactive in and of itself. And then you put aluminum in there at the same time, then you, you could potentially be setting somebody up for developing the properties, protein, losing the properties, which is as a pediatrician, you will agree that, that that's a that's a really big problem in the pediatric population of this minimal chain disease and focal segmental families. 00:16:10:36 - 00:16:30:26 Dr. Suzanne Humphries Grosses. So that was really relevant to me when I was researching vaccines, and I think answered a lot of my questions as to, you know, why are we seeing all this fsg's and children now? What's going on here? I think you know, if you wanted to really cut down on, kidney disease in the childhood population, just just getting rid of the vaccines that do probably most of it. 00:16:30:31 - 00:16:48:12 Dr. Suzanne Humphries So, so there's that. And then, so you have to look at the killed vaccine versus the live viral vaccines, which do have different effects on the body. So the live viral vaccines technically would be better, if it weren't for all the other additives that are in there, like the sorbitol and, you know, the things that can cross the blood brain barrier. 00:16:48:16 - 00:17:21:13 Dr. Suzanne Humphries So there's just not a one of them that has anything that could possibly promote health. And the problem is that the focus is always in, you know, ramping up the fear of disease, creating worse diseases by the treatment. This is another thing that's 225 years old, is that if physicians were allowed to treat uneducated, how to treat diseases, we wouldn't see the morbidity from the diseases and then we wouldn't have the fear ramped up in order to to get the public on board with it, because everybody's terrified of measles encephalopathy. 00:17:21:13 - 00:17:50:12 Dr. Suzanne Humphries They're terrified of the child becoming, crippled from polio. They're terrified of their child dying or becoming brain damage from eating a carcass. And those things are all preventable with with some knowledge, as to how to treat a child, you know, every day and then how to treat them when they're sick and instead of that, the population that's pretty much been, deprived of proper treatments and the bad outcomes are blamed on the anti-vaxxers and the stupid parents who didn't get their children vaccinated. 00:17:50:12 - 00:18:15:54 Dr. Paul So a Parent's Guide to Healthy Children that they put out and is available for free. Covers an interesting point in this chapter that we were discussing briefly, and that is that the CDC and I actually, with the endorsement of the Academy of Pediatrics, has changed the developmental standards. And basically, especially in the area of language, you now don't have to have the same skill level to be considered normal. 00:18:16:01 - 00:18:42:49 Dr. Paul So, the effect of that, I think, is a bit concerning for some of us in that we're going to detect problems later. And the longer it takes to get a child into early intervention, you know, it's a loss for them. But I also like their deep cover of the vaccine ingredients. You know, parents, you read labels of what food you're putting into your children's mouths, as you should. 00:18:42:54 - 00:19:05:21 Dr. Paul Well, you need to know what's in your vaccines. I mean, Doctor Humphreys, you mentioned Polysorbate 80. It's used by researchers in the cancer world to get chemotherapy into the brain. So it messes up the blood brain barrier so that you can get agents in there. What a wonderful thing to put in our vaccines. And the aluminum, of course, is used to trigger autoimmunity. 00:19:05:21 - 00:19:34:36 Dr. Paul If you want, as a researcher, to study autoimmunity, they give the rats a little bit of aluminum at levels that are in vaccines. So I mean, this is really messing things up. They finding glyphosate and antibiotics in mice and even nanoparticles now right, with, Covid lipid nanoparticles and messenger RNA nonsense. It's it's concerning. Did you have any other comments about the the ingredients and vaccines? 00:19:34:41 - 00:19:54:47 Dr. Suzanne Humphries Not so much for that. But just to say that another 225 year old repetitive nightmare is the changing of the goalpost, you know? So it's always changing the goalpost to make the vaccines seem successful, even if it is putting your highly functional child in with a mental, mentally retarded child in the same classroom so that your your child can't learn as well and that child's not going to learn. 00:19:54:54 - 00:20:14:33 Dr. Suzanne Humphries But now neither children are going to learn very well, but they're both now going to be considered, you know, equal. And then so, so what's what happens is that, that you have all these nasty ingredients in vaccines and, and for years the evidence has been there. Right. So the new goalpost change is as, as you mentioned, the messenger RNA vaccines. 00:20:14:33 - 00:20:35:10 Dr. Suzanne Humphries And so we now have a whole new, terrain to look at which is considered safe, because now they are going to green our vaccines and grow them on tobacco plants and other plants. And they say that we're not going to have any of this problem, any of these problems with the, animal contaminations or all these other things that we're talking about because they're just going to be grown on tobacco. 00:20:35:15 - 00:20:54:31 Dr. Suzanne Humphries But what they don't tell us at all the molds and the fungus and the pitfalls that can happen with these vaccines that are grown on tobacco plants, what they don't tell us are all the horrible things that, that that we're finding out from geneticists right now who are dissecting the plasmids that were in the vaccines. And so we're going to now forget it. 00:20:54:31 - 00:21:11:35 Dr. Suzanne Humphries It's like it's like we forget about, you know, the whole population. Just let John F Kennedy murder go to rest for a while and never really fully investigated it until a certain amount of time goes by. And now we're allowed to talk about it again. And investigators is irrelevant now in a certain way. And the same is going to happen with vaccines. 00:21:11:35 - 00:21:31:12 Dr. Suzanne Humphries Like we're going to bury this aluminum stuff, we're going to bury the history, and we're going to carry on for a whole new set of vaccines that are supposed to be the bright new sunshine day for the population, because they can create them in a matter of weeks if for the next epidemic. And we already saw what happened with the shortened lifespan after the, the Covid vaccines were deployed. 00:21:31:12 - 00:21:33:44 Dr. Suzanne Humphries So you do the math on that. 00:21:33:49 - 00:21:58:06 Dr. Paul So what's really scary about this? And you've alluded to it pretty clearly here is this new technology, the messenger RNA technology was a disaster for Covid, and yet the Covid jab is on the childhood schedule and they are moving forward with the technology as if it was a great success. I see it as a massive disaster. 00:21:58:10 - 00:22:11:28 Dr. Suzanne Humphries Yeah, they're all good. I think all the vaccines will little soon be made that way. And there will be no there'll be. I don't know, I'm just going to say I'm pretty sure there won't be very much piling up the new ones, because they'll just say what they always say. Well, well, we know that this one has been really safe. 00:22:11:28 - 00:22:25:06 Dr. Suzanne Humphries Remember Gardasil one? It was so safe that we were able to double the aluminum content in it and release it as Gardasil two without really doing any research on unpopulated post-market research is what's done, which is basically a big human trial experiment. 00:22:25:10 - 00:22:47:16 Dr. Paul So I have reached the conclusion. And by the way, myself and Doctor Humphries, we are not giving medical advice here. We are merely sharing information. You you do your due diligence and run it by your trusted health care provider. But I've come to the point where I don't think it's a good idea to do any vaccine. How about you? 00:22:47:21 - 00:23:10:52 Dr. Suzanne Humphries What I think is that I think it's not a good idea to do tyranny, and I think that if you have tyrannical governments dictating what has to be injected into anybody, that's always been a problem, whether you're talking about smallpox or Covid. The reason being that if parents don't do their due diligence just like they do with everything else, and they discover in the end that they want to vaccinate their child, I'm not I'm not really okay with it. 00:23:10:52 - 00:23:38:27 Dr. Suzanne Humphries But in a political sense, I am okay with it because that parent is the one that's going to be responsible for the outcome of that child. So if a parent gets educated, decides not to vaccinate their children and, you know, they may get some of the childhood diseases, then that's fine too. But what I think is that parents need to learn how to do background health in their children, how to how to do good nutrition, to have certain things in the household that they can use when their children get sick. 00:23:38:31 - 00:23:54:51 Dr. Suzanne Humphries The most important thing, in my opinion, when I give lectures. But what do we do then? Talk to parents who have already done it. Talk to parents who have raised several children that are now 20 years old or older, and they never received the vaccine. How did they do it? How they deal with illness. You know, what was their thinking? 00:23:54:51 - 00:24:24:29 Dr. Suzanne Humphries Like they're panic because parents, even though they choose not to vaccinate, they still get anxious about, oh, well, what am I going to do when the when it comes? Oh what? My child doesn't get measles then it's really a problem. So there are all these little things that come up that really do have to be addressed. And probably one of the biggest factors which you can attest to is that if you choose to not vaccinate your child and for some reason your child ends up in a hospital, especially with a communicable disease, you are going to be really beat up by the medical system and your your child stands to receive every single vaccine that's 00:24:24:29 - 00:24:36:37 Dr. Suzanne Humphries on the schedule, so you have a lot to lose by something going wrong in that process. And that's another reason I think it's individual choice. No tyranny, education, informed consent. 00:24:36:42 - 00:24:58:23 Dr. Paul Yep. No, you're absolutely spot on. I couldn't agree more. And, you know, if you choose not to vaccinate and you and I both know it sounds like at least a thousand families each, or at least a thousand kids each. And they are the healthiest kids I've ever I've ever come across there. There's it's like this. The lights are on their creative. 00:24:58:23 - 00:25:24:13 Dr. Paul They're inquisitive in a beautiful way. But those families are concerned about what happens if I need to go to the hospital. What a lot of them are doing is connecting with a provider who understands their choices and will back them up so they can't be accused of being neglectful, and have Child Protective Services called on them because they have a provider who will come to bat and say, no, no, they're under my care. 00:25:24:18 - 00:25:38:17 Dr. Paul But it is so complicated. Absolutely. I want you to have the final word. Just what would you like our viewers to be aware of, as well as remind everybody where they can get your new amazing, 10th anniversary edition of Dissolving Illusions. 00:25:38:31 - 00:25:58:56 Dr. Suzanne Humphries Right. So the easiest way is to go to Dissolving illusions.com and look at our website where you can get, free information from the book, few chapters there, the author's introductions. The color graphs and pictures from the book. And then there's two options you can order from Amazon, or you can order from the private printing company that we've brought on board. 00:25:59:01 - 00:26:20:12 Dr. Suzanne Humphries And we also have, a limited edition signed copy of of the 10th anniversary edition that's available as well for a short time. And then shortly after now like this will be available by within one week. You can get this book. It may even be sooner than that. But we're also have on deck, second very large book. 00:26:20:12 - 00:26:54:13 Dr. Suzanne Humphries I think it's now up to like 6 or 700 pages. And it's the companion book to Dissolving Illusions, which has a lot of the information that we would have love to put into dissolving illusions. But there just wasn't enough space. And so old documents, many hundreds of quotes from doctors over 225 years, who had horrible regrets and outcries over the damage that they had done giving vaccines, and why, and what they actually saw in terms of contagion and death, etc. after, vaccinating, because vaccination has always been a big profit model that even when you talk about the smallpox vaccine from the beginning. 00:26:54:27 - 00:27:03:30 Dr. Suzanne Humphries So there's a lot of like when you read those quotes that this is these are boots on the ground doctors from 220 years ago that blow you away because it sounds just like us. 00:27:03:34 - 00:27:26:14 Dr. Paul Yeah. So, folks, I'm getting off the show and ordering my copy of both the new edition and the companion edition. And here's one reason. First, I already know this is a must have resource based on owning your other book. But, when you do internet searches these days, I don't know if people realize how scrubbed and censored the internet is. 00:27:26:19 - 00:27:34:06 Dr. Paul So I imagine a lot of the data and information in your companion book would be hard to find. 00:27:34:10 - 00:27:54:40 Dr. Suzanne Humphries It will be. And it's really interesting because in 2008, when we were just researching, you know, we just go on the internet and find everything we had Neil Z. Miller's information, you know, everything was right. We had Doctor Mercola. It was all just right there. And it's either been scrubbed, even my YouTube channel disappeared because of a vitamin C talk that I had on there. 00:27:54:45 - 00:28:11:19 Dr. Suzanne Humphries Right. So so we're we've we've been scrubbed. So now we're on shoot or we're on Odyssey. All my if anyone's looking because a lot of people it's important a lot of people are still looking for my videos. They are all uploaded on my Odyssey channel. So just go to Doctor Suzanne Humphreys on Odyssey and you'll see them all. 00:28:11:19 - 00:28:21:37 Dr. Suzanne Humphries They're not them. I'm not allowing them to take them away. So yeah, it's really a different world from just 2008. That's not even that long ago. It's like 12 years ago. 00:28:21:42 - 00:28:40:43 Dr. Paul Yeah, censorship is alive and well, and we need to preserve this vital information, because when you don't have good information, you can't make good decisions. So that's Suzanne Humphreys. Thank you so much for being on the show. And, you do get the last word. 00:28:40:48 - 00:28:56:13 Dr. Suzanne Humphries Well, I just want to thank you. And thank you for all you've done and what you're continuing to do. This is really, really wonderful. And, I think I think your book is actually fantastic, and I often use it, believe it or not, because I do believe that when people are just waking up, they need a bridge. 00:28:56:13 - 00:29:13:38 Dr. Suzanne Humphries They're not just going to run to Humphreys and histrionic and become anti-vaxxer straight away. They need a bridge to kind of walk through and kind of start to understand. And you, you've been that bridge. You and Jennifer, you know, you were that bridge for a really long time. And, and you went you went through the bridge yourself, just like we all did, thinking, oh, there's still a few good vaccines. 00:29:13:38 - 00:29:15:56 Dr. Suzanne Humphries And then we get to the end because rubbish. 00:29:16:01 - 00:29:17:17 Dr. Paul This kind of. 00:29:17:21 - 00:29:18:06 Dr. Suzanne Humphries Illness. 00:29:18:11 - 00:29:28:11 Dr. Paul And to that end, I have a new book coming out, VAX Facts, and that will be out this year, probably in the next 3 to 6 months. That will really finish the bridge. 00:29:28:16 - 00:29:32:42 Dr. Suzanne Humphries It's don't burn the bridge of them. Maybe we should burn this one. 00:29:32:55 - 00:29:55:33 Dr. Paul Yeah. No, it's it's I like how you put it. People need informed consent. They need to have the option to make whatever decisions they want to make and live with the consequences of those decisions. And your book, your new book, along with my new book, VAX Facts that will come out in the next few months, the information's there, folks, so you just need to make sure you get it so you're informed and then you know how to proceed. 00:29:55:37 - 00:30:21:23 Dr. Paul So I want to thank everybody for watching. You can and again, thank you, Doctor Humphreys. You can check out my other show With the Wind at Doctors and science.com. And you can also take, coaching session with myself if you wish. Kids first forever.com. Those links are in the show notes. Thank you for your time today, and I look forward to seeing you next week. 00:30:26:42 - 00:30:52:36 Speaker 2 I look forward to running together with the wind at our backs, revealing the science that gives clarity in our world that's full of propaganda and misinformation. Visit our website Doctors in Science Rt.com. Sign up, donate if you can. Your support makes a difference. And let's make this the weekly show the world has been waiting for. Thanks for watching. 00:30:52:42 - 00:30:59:58 Speaker 2 I'm Dr. Paul . Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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