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Good morning CHD Welcome to pediatric perspectives, where we are looking at children's health challenges from a different perspective. One that includes critical thinking, one that's not afraid to give you the honest truth. I'm your host, Dr. Paul. I have a very special guest today, Zoe O'Toole. And Zoey, welcome to the show. Zoey O’Toole 0:53 Well, thank you very much, Paul. I'm delighted to be here. Dr. Paul 0:56 I don't know why it's taking me so long to get you on the show. Because you are such a powerhouse behind the scenes of so many important things in this health freedom movement. I had forgotten that you are the editor of the blog thinking moms revolution. Yeah, it goes back, what 20 years or so. Zoey O’Toole 1:13 Actually, we started out in 2012. It was Utah. Okay, one who got together to write about their experiences with biomedical stuff. Dr. Paul 1:22 Fantastic. I mean, you're a writer and editor, you are the publishing coordinator for CHD, you were a major editor for one of the most important books that's come out in the last two years, turtles all the way down. And we won't spill the beans, but you're helping me on my next book. So that really gotten to know your expertise, folks. We have a real treasure on our hands here with Zoey today. So thank you. Well, thank you. Today's show is going to be slightly different. I'm going to start off by just asking you, you know, looking back, what do you wish you had known and maybe introduce yourself a little bit before that, but then we're going to flip the script a little bit, you're going to ask me questions. You know, what others should consider asking their pediatrician when they go in for well visits, and I'm going to be on the hot seat. So that'll be a slight twist. But maybe start off for those who don't know you. How did you get involved in this movement? Zoey O’Toole 2:17 Well, as I said, started out with the thinking moms revolution, and that was a group of 24 parents who were all friends who were doing various biomedical treatments to help their kids with neurodevelopmental disabilities. Most of the parents had kids with autism, I was not one of those. But my I used to say that my kids were at the infrared, and then the spectrum because both of them had some learning disabilities. And some, and my daughter at least has been diagnosed with ADHD. So that, you know, there's similar overlap. And one of the things that I realized was that the health histories of my kids were essentially identical to that of the kids that I knew who had who had severe cases of autism. The only difference that was really noticeable was that I stopped vaccinating my daughter at the age of 12 months, and I didn't vaccinate my son at all. Dr. Paul 3:20 Let's cover some of the things you wish you had known back then like before, probably as you were starting a family before you had kids, what are some of the key things you wished you had known? Zoey O’Toole 3:32 So the first thing I wish I had known was that my kids weren't going to be exposed to hepatitis B. And that was, you know, they just weren't going to be exposed to it right. And so there was absolutely no need for that stupid shot. I unfortunately, I had my daughter at home, so she didn't get the shot until she was nine days old. But I let her get it then. And I really wish I had not done that. At that point in time, too. They still had mercury in them. Wow. Dr. Paul 4:02 So not only a huge dose of aluminum, but a huge dose of mercury. Zoey O’Toole 4:05 Exactly. And I do not think that there's any justification for it for that shot at that point in time and worse for now, even. But at that point in time, it was particularly destructive thing to, to newborn children. So yeah, that's the first thing that I wish I knew. And if Dr. Paul 4:23 there's a listener who doesn't understand why it's a bad idea to do it at that age, can you explain that? Zoey O’Toole 4:30 Well, if you look at there's a there's a fabulous graphic that I know you've you've seen that used to be on vaccine papers.org Which unfortunately does not exist anymore, but it shows the the development of the brain and the periods of intense brain development. And if you give a child a vaccine at a particularly a busy time for brain development, you're going to stop that development or at least alter it for a short period of time. And if you keep doing that, you're going to keep stopping that development at the time when they most need it to go smoothly. So that's, that's something another thing that I wish I'd known at that point in time might Dr. Paul 5:22 just add that you catch Hepatitis B from sex and IV drug use. Don't do that. So unless something I wish I'd known, yeah, unless birth mom has active hepatitis B, just makes no sense at all to give that vaccine to newborns, or infants or young children. They do usually Exactly. Yeah, we know. You know, as a pediatrician, I know walking in that. I've looked at the chart Mom's already immune or doesn't have that B or both. Zoey O’Toole 5:53 Yep. Yeah. So there's, there's no reason to give it to 99.9. Probably 9% of newborns, right, right, just not at all. So that's number one. That's the number one thing that I wish other parents knew. And then they have the next biggest thing, I think, is that Tylenol, Tylenol lowers glutathione. It's a terrible thing to give to an infant or a pregnant mother, that Dr. Paul 6:23 should not be in our homes, just wipe it out of the house. It's very, very toxic to our detox pathways, our ability to fight infections, no happy no Tylenol, what else? Zoey O’Toole 6:33 The other thing that I would have would have wanted to know is that there, people do not detoxify at the same rate, that there are huge variations in your ability to detoxify. So if you look on mainstream sites, you'll see they say, oh, detox, you've got a liver, you're doing detox, you're fine. Well, those of us with the MTHFR mutations that are problematic, say, the C 677. T version, I have two copies of that you have two copies of that I know and that that alters our ability to detoxify. And if you can't detoxify, and you're lowering your glutathione through taking Tylenol, your kids are going to be in trouble. Yeah, Dr. Paul 7:17 yep. I you know, I think back to the fact that generationally, we're seeing more and more developmental concerns in our children, right. So my parents are in their 90s Oh, my mom just passed this past year. My dad just turned 91 You know, other than being a little glitchy, but they carried the MTHFR Where do you think I got it? Right? So you know, my mom would at times tend towards anxiety. My dad was just we, we used to call it I call him dumb dumb I can't believe would say call our dad that is brilliant professor, but you know, a little glitchy, brilliant, wonderful, loving man. My kids like yours. ATD ADHD, you know, I'd call them you know, they got glitches. There were different things going on. My youngest was almost on the spectrum, really? I mean, he was he just never diagnosed. And then each generation, so what's going on more and more toxins, more and more vaccines more and more stress on the system. And Zoey O’Toole 8:17 so what I've seen too, is that there is a generational thing in that it, it piles on so I was probably vaccinated more than most kids my generation, I found my my vaccine record and I had a foreign one shot, the dTT DTP plus polio. At two months, three months and four months, I can teach you so I got slammed. So my status was I was the seventh of, of eight children. And I was the one who had chronic illness at that point in time. I was the weird one. I was the freak, I had ear infections, I had eczema. I later developed asthma I had allergic to pretty much anything that flew through the air, right. None of my older siblings had that. None of them. My younger siblings did. The two of us were the ones who had them and we got more vaccines, then the older ones did. Now, that compounds in our children, because we got slammed, they're going to be even more like I don't know whether it's an epigenetic thing or what that is that's going on that's that's turning our genes on, or whether it's just that our immune systems were so badly affected that that has an effect on the Developing Child. I'm not sure what it is. But it does show up more. Yeah, word. Dr. Paul 9:45 Parents today. You just have to be very intentional about every decision you make for your kids. And we left out any other burning things you wished you had known Zoey O’Toole 9:54 antibiotics. I mean, I in my case, we probably needed some. But who knew about the microbiome back when my kids were born? Right? We didn't know. I mean, yes, there were people already talking about the overuse of antibiotics. But at the same time, every OBGYN out there says if your group B strep positive, you should have antibiotics during birth. So there's that. Then I was one of those people who got mastitis badly, so I had oral antibiotics, then my son had two ear infections. And I was a bit paranoid by the time he was experiencing that kind of pain. So he immediately got two more with those ear infections, he got two more doses of antibiotics. And their digestive systems just can't handle that. Ya Dr. Paul 10:50 know, I shudder to think what happened with my youngest, who was my most effective neurologically and developmentally, he had 13 ear infections in nine months, basically lived on antibiotics. That was that era where pediatricians we were so busy vaccinating and handing out antibiotics. It was just like, oh, my gosh, I could see 50 patients at a day. Because it was so simple. You go in Yep. Oh, yeah, you got an ear infection. Here's your prescription. Oh, how horrible that we were creating, we had no idea actually, that we were creating so much harm. So Zoey O’Toole 11:25 like you, and I know you do this. You listen to your, your, your clients, and you hear their stories. And you know, they'll tell you what happened? Well, I'm that kind of person, too. So I've listened to hundreds and hundreds of stories. And I've compared what people say. And this one I hear over and over and over again. My kid was fine until I had around vaccines with the kid being on antibiotics for an ear infection. And that is so common that it was it just raised a huge red flag in my head to tell people watch out for the antibiotics. If you're doing antibiotics, don't do anything else and make sure that you replenish some good bacteria. Pediatricians Dr. Paul 12:09 today are saying it's okay to vaccinate if your child's sick, yes, no, don't do that. I mean, you and I hear these stories of of babies that are dead within a few days of having had their shots because they were given? I don't know, I shouldn't say because, yes. Well, incidentally, we learned a lot right? There almost too much for it to be a coincidence. They were sick. And they were told oh, it's okay to worry about it. As long as they don't have a high fever. It appears that that is a very bad idea. So yeah, so that's another little thing I wished I had known. Alright, unless you have any other burning wishes you had known I want us to pivot and it's going to be your chance to put me on the hot seat. I'm not looking forward to this. I'm going to try to answer initially as a traditional pediatrician would answer. In other words, take me back 1520 years ago, before I knew much, I was just following the Academy of Pediatrics, the CDC. And that's what I would quote. So I will do my best to avoid your question. Zoey O’Toole 13:21 Because that's really what the pediatricians will do. Right? I think so. First one is am my child is just born? Are they really going to be exposed to hepatitis D? Is this going to be something that I really need to worry that right now? Dr. Paul 13:37 Well, you know, you just never know, you could have got hepatitis B when you didn't realize it, and transferred it to your baby. So it's just the safest thing we can do is get that protection started right away, just in case. Zoey O’Toole 13:51 In case of what? Dr. Paul 13:55 Well, you know, this is hard, because I know who you are. But, you know, maybe, you know, you might have had an affair that you can't talk to your husband about and, you know, got exposed that way or, I don't know, maybe you were using a public bathroom. It just came off the toilet seat. I mean, you know, you just don't know, there's dirty needles in the parks and, and you could accidentally poke yourself and maybe not realize it I mean, you know, this stuff's everywhere. Zoey O’Toole 14:26 But they really advanced, you know what they would, they would, my ex husband had a daughter after I was after we split up. And I told him, don't let him vaccinate that child, right. And they took her to the pediatrician and the pediatrician told her that she she should get the Hepatitis B because she might have a blood transfusion sometime down the line. And I was like, don't they test for Hepatitis B and donated blood? Dr. Paul 14:58 You might be traveling overseas and the testing is not as rigorous. Zoey O’Toole 15:03 Oh, there you go. Now that's Dr. Paul 15:07 but so you were just covering all our bases. Okay, so folks, that was a horrendous attempt on my part to to, I wasn't serious enough, your pediatrician will be dead serious, no smiles, they will come across like they are here to protect your baby from all this horrible stuff that might happen. And it's just not. So there is a zero chance zero chance in the United States that your baby's gonna get hepatitis B from a mom who doesn't have hepatitis B, and they're not going to have sex or play with dirty needles or poke themselves in the park when they're an infant. Yeah. There Zoey O’Toole 15:44 just isn't these vaccines that you're recommending for my child? Are they safe? I've heard that the they weren't tested against a placebo control. Is that true? Dr. Paul 15:56 Well, they're very safe. I mean, the CDC has has done vigorous testing. Everyone knows, I mean, doctors know, scientists know that vaccines are safe and effective. So absolutely, you know, the chances of something serious happening are one in a million. So that's, by the way, not true. I'm quoting what you will be told. And, you know, the literature is robust. I mean, there are 1000s of articles that speak to the safety of vaccines. So yeah, I mean, you this, this, this science is settled. Zoey O’Toole 16:37 Now, for our viewers, you'll notice he did not answer my question. And that's exactly what would happen in a pediatricians office, isn't it? Dr. Paul 16:47 Yeah. If you can even get the question in? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, they're their pediatricians are trained. I'm horrified sometimes to read some of the the articles that are speaking about training doctors, how to avoid the discussion. I mean, what you're supposed to avoid the most important discussion that relates to your patient's health and you're your job is to avoid it to pivot. And to get out of there as quickly as possible. So you can get those vaccines in their in their body. Yeah, Zoey O’Toole 17:20 either sending the nurse with their syringes. prefilled, or with themselves. Yep. I've seen that. I've seen that advice coming from the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics. Right. From all the journals there. There are articles in all the journals these days. Dr. Paul 17:38 Yeah, it's it's horrifying. Well, I mean, where's the ethics in that? It's just absolutely horrifying. Yeah. Zoey O’Toole 17:44 So you know, you're known for informed consent. And that is exactly the opposite of that, you know, that's, we're going to do this. And I'm just going to assume that you're, you're saying yes to it. Dr. Paul 17:57 Right. Right. That's exactly the what we're taught to do is, you know, just present that the presumption of this is the right thing to do. So it's not questioned. It's time for your vaccines. I'm so glad we got to have this visit today. You're doing a great job. I'll see you in a couple of months for the next well visit and they're out the door before you go. But yeah, Zoey O’Toole 18:20 so Doctor, I've heard that sometimes the vaccines are compared to the vaccines without the antigen in them sometimes though, those those formulations have adjuvants in them that might actually hurt the child. Do you know about that, is that ethnic? Well, Dr. Paul 18:49 I believe it is because you see these adjuvants have been found to be safe so that much we already know since those are safe, we want to make the variable the least variable as possible. So we're we want to make sure that that antigen that's not causing a problem Zoey O’Toole 19:10 yeah, I'm really trying hard not to laugh during this because you and I know that the the and the, the adjuvants are aluminum compounds and that they are horribly neurotoxic. Dr. Paul 19:22 Right, formaldehyde, all sorts of ingredients that are toxic. Yeah. As I reviewed the literature, and you have to what we're getting at here, folks, is that, you know, if we have even a large study of 20,000 kids getting the full shot, the new the new vaccine, and 20,000 kids getting the what they're calling a placebo, but it's not it's not saline, it's not neutral. It's everything in the vaccine except just the little bacteria or viral protein that's been removed. And when you look at the the results, looking at adverse events, the time Tables are always in there. And they're always almost the same. Yet so so the quote placebo, which is not a placebo is causing sometimes 40 50% of a certain symptom, and often 10% of serious adverse events. Well, if you were injecting normal saline, there would be zero or one random adverse event, there wouldn't be 10%. But because there's 10%, serious adverse events in the placebo and 10% serious adverse events in the vaccine trial, they can say, see, it's safe, because they're the same. And that's what they do time and time again, it's, it's almost a protocol for for for a vaccine study is to do it that way. Yeah. Zoey O’Toole 20:42 And it's just terrifying. And that's definitely something we wish all parents knew more about. Indeed. So, Doctor, what should I be looking for? In case, I've heard sometimes that vaccines can hurt some children? What should I be looking for to make sure that my child is going to be okay? Dr. Paul 21:07 Well, first of all, it's a one in a million that they're your child's going to have anything serious happens. So you're not going to have to worry. But there are a few things that are real common, you know, a lot of kids will have a fever, it can even be pretty high for that first couple days, they can get a rash where the shot was given, sometimes it's a pretty large red raised rash. And you don't need to be alarmed. It'll go away in a few days. And some kids are pretty irritable. So you'll hear you can have a kid screaming bloody murder for a couple hours, but just just consoling them. They'll there'll be alright. This is very normal. Zoey O’Toole 21:43 And this is just heartbreaking to hear this because this is exactly what what people I know ever heard. And sometimes they have ended up having been being going to the hospital that night with a an inconsolable infant doing what they call now I think the syphilitic cry. And then they have a high fever, they it's supposed to be a very high pitched cry, Dr. Paul 22:08 screaming cry that you've never word like you've never heard before. That's what everybody says. So here's the problem. Parents if if you have had your child vaccinated, and you've experienced this, what I'm about to tell you will ring true, you call the pediatric hotline, your your pediatric clinic, and you get an advice nurse usually, or perhaps if you're in a really small community might even be your doctor. But usually it's an advice nurse who's reading from a protocol. And what they will tell you is Oh, that's very normal. What they're actually should be saying is that's very common. It's not normal. Normal babies don't get 104 105 fevers and scream like they're dying and get lethargic and can't eat and can't be consoled. I mean, something very wrong is going on. And that's the only way that baby can communicate that to you. So when you hear normal, think common. But don't be lulled into thinking it's normal. Zoey O’Toole 23:09 And if this happens to you, what should they do? Dr. Paul 23:14 Well, now speaking as a vaccine risk aware physician, what I would tell you is, first and foremost, do not ever give another vaccine, because that child's body has just communicated to you that this is not working. This is harming me. They can't talk. I mean, they're two months old, or even if they were a year old or 18 months old, they can't communicate accurately enough to let you know that what's really going on, as you mentioned, in syphilitic, you get inflammation in the brain and your brain is on fire. And I can't even imagine how that feels, but they can't tell you so they're just irritable fevers in distress. And so number one, don't do it again, number two, you know, get a hold of a clinician, a provider who understands vaccine effects or vaccine injuries, so they can be beside you as you go through the process. Right. So if it's a super high fever, you can sponge you know, just tepid, lukewarm water as it evaporates off your body. The fever comes down that can help maybe, but there's a whole host of things that you'd want somebody walking through that process with you because it depends how bad things are going. Yeah, Zoey O’Toole 24:24 yeah. This is like like we both said that this is the kind of story we hear that often leads to devastating neurological problems down the road. Yeah, so it's definitely something to pay tremendous attention to at the time. Okay, Doctor, this this is I'm gonna do this innocently. But this, this should be a test that you offer your doctor. Are you familiar with their system? And have you ever filed a case there's a so Dr. Paul 25:02 early 2000 Mind you, I graduated in 85. So I'm 15 years into pediatrics I did not know about bears. I did learn about it in the mid 2000s. And I have filed a few reports, but only a few. Here's the problem. Because we doctors don't realize that asthma, eczema, autoimmune conditions. neurological problems, be it add ADHD, developmental delays, language delays, autism, you name it. We're not aware that there's a connection between those things in the vaccines. So of course, how would we report we don't even know to report, even if we knew it was a ver, you know, even if we knew about bears. The other problem is it takes a lot of time to make a bears report. So unless you're really sure this needs to be reported, it's pretty disruptive to your day to try to make a marriage report. Zoey O’Toole 25:59 That's really good information for parents coming in. Because you're not going to get that answer from from 90 to 99% of pediatricians. Dr. Paul is being straight up on his chair, that he knows that these vaccine things are happening. And he wasn't reporting them. Most doctors will tell you that they're they're just not happening. And there's no reason to report them. Right. Dr. Paul 26:24 Yeah, they don't happen. Vaccines problems with vaccines are one of the millions you'll hear that quoted just like why don't a million in safe and effective our marketing slogans, there lies. Zoey O’Toole 26:34 So I've heard by the way that the one in a million number comes from the number of compensated vaccine injuries in the vaccine court. That accidents are low number, right, Dr. Paul 26:48 right. Because that that system is rigged. You can only report certain identifiable things. And it excludes even so many things that we more vaccine related is ridiculous. Yeah. Zoey O’Toole 27:02 Okay, this question, if your patient experiences an adverse health event following vaccination, do you check there's four reports of similar symptoms before deciding how to proceed with the case? Do you report it to bears at that point? Dr. Paul 27:19 No, I don't know how to do that. Zoey O’Toole 27:22 That's the answer you're gonna get. Dr. Paul 27:25 That's the truth. It's most physicians are not trained on how to access mirrors and how to Yeah, it's, it's a little bit cumbersome, because I've tried. I know you can you can do it in your sleep. But you've been doing this a lot. Zoey O’Toole 27:40 And I'm not even that good at it still, you know, and I'm good with database. Dr. Paul 27:44 Yeah, it's tough. Yeah, Zoey O’Toole 27:46 it is tough edit. And I would think that for the average pediatrician, and for the average parent, it's not something that they they would have that kind of facility with, especially if it's apparent if they're, they're in the middle of the situation. And they're, they're anxious and being able to navigate that system is very tricky. Yep. So do you think health care professionals should be required by law to report adverse health events following vaccination, similar to their obligation to report cases of notifiable infectious diseases? Dr. Paul 28:26 I do. And I think most pediatricians would assume that they are doing that. Because, you know, they're expecting this horrendous thing that happens after a vaccine and of course, they would report it, but they're just not aware of that most things even death, you know, SIDS. Most doctors aren't aware that it's at all correlated with vaccines, even though most of it happens within the first week after vaccines. Zoey O’Toole 28:52 That's a really good question. And that's one of those things that I wish I'd known way back in the day is that SIDS deaths really do cluster around the two and four month visits, particularly where vaccines are a big thing. And that those vaccines can affect the autonomic nervous system and their child's ability to breathe normally, and cause apnea, etc. Do you know who funds most vaccine safety research? And are you familiar with the process used to allocate medical research grants Dr. Paul 29:25 slyly so I know the CDC, the NIH, the pharmaceutical companies, they're all involved in this research. I do know a couple of college professors. So I am aware that they have to get grants. And to get a grant you have to do research that somebody wants to fund and they're not going to fund research that sheds their product in a negative light. So there's a bit of a you know, I don't know what the term is, but scratch my back and I'll scratch yours or what does it Butter my I grew up in Africa. Watch these descriptions. But you know, there's they're serving one another to keep the process going. Yeah, Zoey O’Toole 30:08 yeah. If there's one thing that people don't know, too, I think is that the CDC is both responsible for monitoring vaccine safety and for promoting vaccines. That right there is an inherent conflict of interest. When you consider that many of the employees particularly at the top of the CDC, come from the pharmaceutical industry and go back to the pharmaceutical industry, like Julie Gerberding who ended up running the vaccine division of Merck, when she left after pushing the Gardasil vaccine through rather rapidly, the organizations funding the science aren't going to be funding science that goes against their agenda, which is to promote vaccination, which Dr. Paul 30:59 is the CDC agenda, by the way, is not about the health of the population. It's about promoting the vaccine program, the program itself is more important than the health of the children. Exactly. Zoey O’Toole 31:10 Exactly. And time and time again, we see the CDC, the NIH, the FDA, they're protecting the vaccine program, not the children who are participating in the vaccine program, and that is probably the thing that I would most want people to understand. Yeah. Dr. Paul 31:30 Okay, so final, final thought from you, where can people go to get great information? I mean, I know this one book, turtles all the way down, I can tell you right now, that is a must own book, you you don't have to read the whole thing, although I have because I just I was fascinated with the fact that not a single vaccine had a proper placebo, not one ever, that Zoey O’Toole 32:00 there is a tiny little HPV they didn't get they didn't go to the teenage ones, there is a tiny little HPV study. But the the adverse events reporting in that study was very, very manipulated. So even that one doesn't count. Right? Dr. Paul 32:17 No, so But where else can people go? What would you suggest, Zoey O’Toole 32:21 when my daughter was was born, Google had just come out, it was a wonderful thing, you could get the information you wanted immediately with just a few keystrokes. Now everything is ranked. And it's ranked by what someone out there has decided is worthy of you being able to access. And so the information you're seeking the information that is not sponsored by either the CDC or by the pharmaceutical industry, it directly, that is going to be on page three, or page four of any search if it shows up at all. So that is something that is very important to understand. That makes books very, very important right now. And as Paul said, the turtles all the way down vaccine science and myth is a great book to help you understand what what the science, how the science is rigged against actually getting any real information. Then, if you want to understand what Vaccine Injury looks like, CHD also has a book called profiles of the vaccine injured. And that is nine stories of people who were severely injured by a vaccine, it helps you understand what what a severe injury looks like, what you would have to do in order to try and restore health to either yourself or your child if it was your child. And you would get a home much, much better sense of what it's like to deal with vaccine injury from those stories than you would from anything that you can find online, which is a horrible shame. Yep. Dr. Paul 34:23 I would add to that, if you're watching this show, you are on CHD. website, and CHD has put together through their online publication, the defender, an incredible resource of articles that can be searched, there is a search engine attached Zoey O’Toole 34:40 to that butter recently, too. So Dr. Paul 34:42 it's yeah, it's really powerful. I mean, I would search their way before go into Google, like you said, which is going to Zoey O’Toole 34:50 help you and you're going to find defender articles way down the line and you can address your concerns directly. Dr. Paul 34:56 Thank you, Zoe O'Toole, you are a light to the world and I thank you for all the work you do behind the scenes for so many of us. It's much appreciated and thank you for watching. You can check out my other show with the wind at doctors in science.com. You can also reach me directly even book a coaching session if you wish at kids first forever.com The number four. Both these links are in the show notes. Thank you for joining us today, and we'll see you next week. I look forward to running together with the wind at our backs, revealing the science that gives clarity in our world that's full of propaganda and misinformation. Visit our website, doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. Your support makes a difference. And let's make this the weekly show the world has been waiting for. Thanks for watching. I'm Dr. Paul. Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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