PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:04
Dr. Paul Welcome to with the wind sands revealed. My guest today is Ted Kuntz. I love this man. He just published an incredible book, a new Parent's Guide to Understanding vaccination. He has a deep understanding of vaccines, vaccine injuries, he lived through it. And he's written extensively on this as part of vaccine choice Canada, he's been very instrumental in making so much important information available to the world. Do not miss the end of this where Didi Hoover does a deep dive with him into his personal journey. That was tragic, heart wrenching, and they have a share that is very touching, emotional, but important. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart, I'm going to share two simple, very important concepts, gratitude, and humility. For gratitude, you're going to listen to an incredible man, Ted. And I just finished being on the CHD bus where parents like Ted shared stories, and adults also shared stories of loss, they lost their child, they lost their loved one, they lost their health, as Ted shared. And my gratitude goes to all you beautiful people out there who have suffered loss at the hands of a system that's blind, to what's actually happening. And you bless each of us, and you bless the future generations by being willing to share what's painful. And so that's my gratitude to you. On the humility side, I'm speaking to the doctors and providers out there, I was living in ego as a pediatrician spinning around in the rooms and following the CDC schedule and doing everything the American Academy of Pediatrics said you should do and I thought I was doing a great job. Thankfully, eventually, I was hit with enough of what was actually going on, and somehow able to eventually become humble enough to admit that I was part of the problem. I think it's so hard for us physicians, we went into this, most of us went to medical school, very idealistic thing you want to help people and for our students no harm. They don't make us take that oath anymore. But it sure is in our DNA as a physician, as a provider, we want to help people. So if what we're doing is not doing that, I challenge you to be humble enough to look humble enough to say I better look at this. And do the deep dive required. It's actually not that difficult. You just can't rely on the CDC and the NIH and the public health system are all captured, you're going to have to do your own work. And then you can become part of the solution. Thank you for opening your heart. And again, thank you to all you parents would have taken one for the team have done everything you were told and suffered for it. But don't let it be for for nothing. You can turn this into what it was meant to be to give whatever it is your soul your heart guides you to do to make a difference in this world today. Welcome Ted Kuntz to with the wind. I'm just so honored to have you on the show. Ted Kuntz 4:05 Dr. Paul, I had been looking forward to this for since you extended the invitation. I very much appreciated your work. I followed you fairly closely. And I honor you for being the ethical doctor that you are. Dr. Paul 4:17 Thank you, uh, you are an individual. I remember when I met you on a I think it might have been a zoom platform, but you had a bunch of folks there and informed choice Canada, or vaccine choice Canada, I think it is. Yes, yeah. And just the kindness and love that I felt from you and your spirit was just like, wow, this is somebody I want to get to know better. You're a father, a grandfather, a medical choice activist and author, educator, retired psychotherapist, and what I'm most excited about is your most recent book, a new Parent's Guide to Understanding vaccination. I am so impressed with that work. Before though before we jump into that work, maybe share a little bit of your background, how did you become interested in vaccines. Ted Kuntz 5:09 I'm here as a parent who didn't do his homework. I liked most parents, I simply trusted that what my family physician was suggesting for my son was in his best interests that I didn't do any homework. I knew nothing about vaccine injury. So I, I was one of those parents that I'm now trying to reach. And unfortunately, my son Joshua was injured by his very first vaccine shot, which was the DPT shot. Wow, like two months, we delayed it, I think he was sick. And so we delayed it till four months. So that was his first shot was at four months, but he developed a seizure disorder, immediately following the shot. And it was a very serious seizure disorder, he was seizing 15 to 20 minutes in length. And in the beginning, the seizures were once a month, but they increased in frequency over time. And by the time he was four, he was seizing 12 to 15 times a day. Oh, my goodness. And you're talking full grandma seizures full grandma seizures. Yes, my lord. So you know what that looks like. And you know how painful it is to watch your son go through a grand mal seizure and feel absolutely powerless to stop it. Dr. Paul 6:16 Yeah, there's virtually nothing scarier than that, really, for a parent. Ted Kuntz 6:22 And so I immediately suspected it was the vaccine shot because of the timing of the shot. What I say is that the Son we brought home from the doctor's office was not the son that we took to the doctor's office, he immediately changed he was he went from being a very easygoing, good baby happy content to agitated not sleeping well. And then day 21, after the shot was his first grand mal seizure. So it was quite in, I shared that my speculation with the doctors, we were at Vancouver Children's Hospital, we were working with a team of neurologists. And they were very dismissive of that. And I said, had got an explanation because all of the testing that we had done, came back normal. And they said, The problem is they don't have a normal child anymore. And in terms of time, it makes sense. That was the vaccine, I think we need to look at that. And you know what, it's like I was simply a parent looking for somebody to blame. You know, I have bad genes. What's a one in a million, I just My son just happens to be the one and in many all of those typical answers that a parent gets. Yeah. But I was a graduate student at the University of British Columbia and had access to the medical library. And so I did my own research on the DPT shot. And I found all kinds of evidence of vaccine injury, particularly seizure disorders. And so I would photocopy those research studies and bring him to the neurologist said, Vancouver Children's Hospital. And even then they were still dismissive and saying, even if it is it doesn't change, how we're going to treat your son. And so it was a difficult process. They the gift was, Dr. Paul is that when Josh was five, the chief neurologist took me aside one day and said, Don't bring your son back. And I, and I said, Why is that and he said, There's nothing we can do for your son. Oh, my goodness. And it was actually a gift. Because it was then that I started to explore alternative health care, I found a good natural path. And we began to detoxify and do some homeopathic and herbal and acupuncture and his seizure condition improved dramatically. So over a three year period, it went from 12 to 15 times a day. And as I said, 15 to 20 minutes long, two, three to four times a month, and the seizures were reduced about 30 to 60 seconds. So a huge improvement, we were never able to completely eliminate the seizures his entire life. And then he passed away in 2017, the coroner believes from a seizure. Dr. Paul 8:51 Wow. And probably with so many extensive seizures, his brain was harmed I imagine, severely Ted Kuntz 9:00 harmed so Josh required 24 hour care, he could never be left unattended. So the just the emotional, physical financial cost of caring for a child, 24 hours a day was significant. But I believe that Josh came to be of service to humanity. And it was my part in this to take what I learned from my journey with my son and share it with other parents to try to prevent that from happening to others. Yeah, Dr. Paul 9:25 you're doing a fine job with that. And thank you for your work and your mission, and different Josh's life. And I'm sorry, so sorry, that happened and that you had to endure. One of the most difficult things I think a parent can endure, not just that they have an injured child, but I don't know if you have any guilt. I hope you've been able to work through it, but it wasn't your fault. You were doing what you were told. I vaccinated my kids. I did what I thought was right, and they're not right. I they didn't have the devastating effects that Josh did, but I'm so sorry. We didn't wait GUP and yes, I'm linking arms with you. Let's get this information out to people. It is high time, the world wakes up to what's actually going on. Yeah, did this play at all into vaccine choice Canada beginning what tell us a little history of that organization, vaccine Ted Kuntz 10:15 choice Canada predates my involvement. It actually began in 1982, in Ontario. So Ontario was the first province in Canada, that mandated vaccines for children to attend school. And the initial legislation had no provision for personal belief or religious exemptions. And so a group of parents lobbied the government for two years until they were successful in having the legislation change to include personal belief and religious exemptions. And so that was the beginning of vaccine choice. Canada wasn't called that back then. And then for many years, it was called vaccine risk awareness. And they their task was trying to educate parents about vaccine risk, the name was changed in about 2014, to vaccine choice Canada. And that's when I joined the organization. So relatively speaking, I'm a late comer to that organization, even though I was actively involved in my own education and lobbying efforts. I wasn't aware of your organization, they invited me to be vice president in 2016. And then in December of 2019, just before pandemic rolled out as when they asked if I would be president not knowing what I was stepping into. Yeah, Dr. Paul 11:27 you've had assured that organization through COVID, that might be another whole discussion. You Ted Kuntz 11:33 know, what we retained a lawyer to assist us in suing our federal and provincial government in terms of the vaccine mandates and all of the egregious violations of our rights and freedoms that happened during COVID. And what our lawyer says to us is the best thing that happened to vaccine choice Canada was COVID-19, because we went from being fringe of the fringe, to a topic that we all needed to discuss and talk about, it's what in some ways launched us into a national and international arena that we certainly didn't have before. Dr. Paul 12:04 Yeah, no, that is the silver lining of COVID. Sadly, so many are injured or will become harmed. But enough people I think, sadly, were harmed, that people are waking up. And what you've been trying to say all along now has some greater validity. So it was always valid, but greater awareness, let's say and thank goodness, you're there to, for people to turn to. I understand you've written more than a new Parent's Guide to Understanding vaccination, what other things have you written, my first Ted Kuntz 12:36 venture into writing was I was trying to make peace with my son's disabilities, because I spent probably the first five years of Josh's life being quite angry, and and fearful. I was living in fear day after day. And I got to a place of saying that I couldn't keep living that way. I had to somehow make peace with this life circumstance that I had, I had to make peace. What I say is I had to fall in love with the sun that I have, not the sun that I don't have the sun that I lost. And so I worked through that process. And I found a way to make peace with the life circumstance that I was confronted with. And so I wrote a book called Peace begins with ME. And it was about what I learned about how do you accept hard things in life instead of being stuck in anger and resentment and fear and despair and all of those other dark emotions? That was my first writing. And then when my son passed in 2017, I wanted to honor him. And so I decided to take what I had learned over 30 some odd years of doing this homework into vaccination. And I wrote a book called dare to question one parent to another. And I was simply inviting parents to begin to question what they had assumed about the whole practice of vaccination. And so it's a whole series of questions about are vaccine safe? Are they effective? Are we being told the truth? Can the media be trusted? Can or health departments be trusted? And I would ask the question, and then saying, This is what I've learned over the last 30 years. So that was the kind of the next big foray into writing. And then recently, we decided that vaccine choice Canada primarily was a membership of parents of vaccine injured kids. And it was a support group. And it was our efforts to try to reach other parents, but we realized that we really needed to sharpen our mandate, and we needed to reach parents, before their kids gotten vaccinated. We need to reach them before they were injured. And that's where this book was inspired. And so we called it a new Parent's Guide to Understanding vaccination and we're trying very hard to be just informative, but we what we discovered and I'm sure you've seen this as well is that you see parents that they'll do hours and hours of research for that car seat for their child or their infant for the baby stroller for the crib. They'll be reading the ingredients list on baby food jars. But when it comes to vaccination, there's Almost no research that's put into that it really becomes a non decision by parents of simply accepting on faith. And what we say is that's not a good faith is not a good way to make a decision for the health of our children. Yeah. Dr. Paul 15:16 When you said your first book piece begins with me, I got goosebumps, I feel your soul, I feel your spirit. And I'm gonna get that book. And dare to question sounds like another great one. And if it has any similarity to what I've read with your I just couldn't stop going through your book. It's beautifully done a new Parent's Guide to Understanding vaccination. How do you think how would you say your new book differs from other vaccine books, Ted Kuntz 15:43 we recognize that our target audience is young parents, and so we have to speak to them where they're at, we have to be fairly gentle and how we bring them into the conversation. One of the things that we consciously decided to do is we start the book with first of all talking about congratulations on being a new parent. And then we say we think that the vaccine decision might be the most difficult decision that you'll be asked to make as a parent. And then we go on to explain why we talked about how difficult it is because of the amount of propaganda that parents are subjected to, and the lack of I would suggest modeling of actually informed consent, we take time to explain what informed consent actually looks like what's required to make an informed decision. We impress upon them that they actually have a right to consent or dissent. And but they have to exercise that. And so we start off in some ways, hoping to enlist them into the group of parents that will insist upon receiving proper information in order to make an informed, educated decision. And then what we've done is what I came to understand is that many parents today, they don't know what Measles is. They don't know what mumps is. They don't know what chicken pox is, the only thing they know about that is what they're told by the pharmaceutical industry, because they've never seen it. And so the marketing is, for example, with measles. It's this horrendous disease that you just don't want your kid to get because it'll kill them. And what I realized is we have to go back to basics and explain to them this is what measles looks like. This is what its symptom picture is. This is how long it lasts. This is how treatable it is. This is what mumps is, this is what chickenpox is. And so we've got a chapter in the book where we go through all of the disease conditions, and we explain what that disease condition actually looks like. Yeah, Dr. Paul 17:35 that chapter is a an encyclopedia. It's amazing. You You nailed it on the head, you did such a great job. And then you have one table in there. Oh, I'm blanking on how you titled it, but compared the rates of these illnesses that for which we have vaccines, the diphtheria, measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, pertussis, polio. And then on the right hand column is what was the likelihood of harm from those diseases, serious harm. And for every one, it was 99.999% chance of no serious harm. That's Ted Kuntz 18:12 right. We had a column that says what's the risk of being harmed by that disease condition? And then what's the percent of not being harmed? And you're right is for most of those disease conditions. It's 99.999. And the point was to help parents recognize that the risk of serious injury or death from these disease conditions is particularly in in our western Canadian US society is so remote, so rare, we ought to be more concerned about lightning strikes. Yeah. Dr. Paul 18:39 When you think about that informed consent decision that parents have to make, and they're weighing their two options, there's risk of serious harm from a disease, which is minuscule, truly one in 1,000,002 risk of harm from the shot that you're being asked, the risks are so minimized by the system. Your experience is a horrendous one. But it's not one in a million. Yeah. Ted Kuntz 19:07 Yeah. I've been like you Dr. Polls that I've interviewed many of people that are experts now when in understanding vaccine risk and and the immune system. And one of the questions that I often ask is, what percentage of children do you think are vaccine injured? And the answer used to be a number of years ago, it would be one in a million or one in 10,000, or something. Now, the answer that I'm getting from informed doctors and experts is all children are vaccine injured. It's just a question of degree. And that's what I tried to convey in this book is that you can't inject aluminum and mercury and all of the toxic ingredients into our babies and not cause harm. Yep. And we have a chapter there on the ingredients what we've done as we've gone to the trouble of providing links to all the product monographs for all of the vaccines products that are licensed for use here in Canada. And they're essentially the same schedule and same products as in the United States. But we've titled it the most important ingredients list you've probably never read. And we're asking parents at least pick one of those monographs and read it. We try to educate them how to read that monograph. And so it's more than just the ingredients list. It's what are the contraindications? What was this product tested on what population and what you realize is, most of these vaccines were never tested on infants. They were never tested on pregnant women, even though they're now given them to or pregnant mothers. So, yeah, Dr. Paul 20:37 the degree of insanity is just mind boggling. Absolutely. mind boggling. Ted Kuntz 20:42 It is it's hard to believe how we've gone from recognizing that pregnancy is such a very sacred time. And treat we would say to moms, you don't drink alcohol, you don't smoke cigarettes. You it's you don't take Tylenol to take any of those things. Because you there are two lives here that you're attending to now. And then some were in not that long ago. It's now what what is it six different vaccines they're now recommending for pregnant moms. It's just unbelievable to me. Yeah. callous disregard for the sacredness of that pregnancy? It the whole programs become insane. What do you think parents most need to know that perhaps they don't know about vaccines. One of the statements that we make in the book is that we have a chapter that's on vaccine immunity versus natural immunity. And we make the statement that the vaccine permanently alters the child's immune response. So this is not a temporary thing that happens. It's a permanent altering of the God given immune response. And they need to understand that they have to take this the vaccination decision seriously, they have to recognize it's not like taking a Tylenol that might last for 12 hours, and then it's out of your system. This is a permanent altering of the immune response. And I suggest that it's it's an altering that actually makes the infant dependent upon the pharmaceutical industry for managing symptoms for the rest of their lives. Yeah, Dr. Paul 22:13 that speaks to a term I've been using the Hoover and I will use the term. So there's vaccine damage or vaccine risk. And there's also vaccine effects and this effect that it has on the immune system, as one example, or the effect it has on the neurological developmental system of kids. You're right, it affects everyone, you It's like taking a little bit of poison or more poison or a ton of poison enough to kill you. And the vaccines don't generally necessarily kill you. Although we certainly know with SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome. Vaccines are killing kids. Almost all the SIDs data that's out there. Multiple publications show that it's happening in that first week after the vaccine. Yes, yep. So our kids are being affected at, like you said, universally. But I think what my data showed when I compared the unvaccinated the variably vaccinated was really the high percentage of kids are being significantly affected. The neurodevelopmental and the allergy auto immunity world, Ted Kuntz 23:23 those graphs that you've produced with James Lyons Weiler and of office visits, and I look at some of them anemia, I think, is the one that there's a huge difference ADHD, a huge like, you know, those graphs by themselves speak volumes. And I think you and I had a conversation about this before, I think we should make T shirts with just the graphs on Dr. Paul 23:45 I heard somebody did I was already beginning to do it. But yeah, they're pretty self explanatory. Or at least it'll start a conversation. That is one of the difficult things is talking to people on this topic when they're not in the least bit interested. It's and that's the Ted Kuntz 24:01 hard part is that we realized how our parents had been captured by the pharmaceutical narrative of safe and effective, and they've been masterful in their propaganda. But the problem is, it's a lie. And our children are being harmed, that you're right. It's, as we mentioned, at the start of this conversation with my own extended family, I've got grandchildren coming. And some of those parents like they're open and receptive to a conversation with me about what I know and what advice I have for them. And then there's others in my extended family where they have zero interest in hearing what I have to say and have actually been quite dismissive. And it's hard to watch when you have the kind of information that we have to watch parents, when my view be quite reckless with that decision. Because as I said, it's a permanent altering it, it can't be undone. You can't take it out of the body and That's one of the the kind of realizations that I got from reading Dr. Richard Moskovitz. His book, where he talks about, we're injecting the body's natural defense mechanism is in our nose and our mouth and on our skin. And what we do is we actually bypass the normal system of defense, by injecting a needle, we break through the skin, and we put it into the body, which is a closed system, and how does it come out of the body? For the most part, it doesn't. It just moves around. Yeah, and Dr. Paul 25:30 I've written about aluminum. And there's studies showing, it has a half life of seven years, when you inject doses that are 100 times more than the toxic dose. Seven years later, you're still 50 times the toxic dose and seven years after that 25 times if you use that HalfLife analysis. So it takes decades for this aluminum to really get down and out. That's assuming you don't introduce any more aluminum, which is hard to do, because it's in a lot of products. It Ted Kuntz 26:01 is and they finally have recognized that mercury is toxic, and they've taken steps to remove it for the most part, and it's still in multi dose vials of the influenza vaccine. Dr. Paul 26:10 Yet, but Ted Kuntz 26:11 you know, what I've been told is it's that's the most toxic substance that's not radioactive on the planet. And there we were for generations, injecting it onto our babies and the CDC and FDA. We didn't even bother to add up the amount of mercury that was being injected into it. Yeah, Dr. Paul 26:29 no, I was tragic. And your son was of that era, right. And the vaccine he got it had the both, I think aluminum and mercury. Just so sad. So parents, you're watching this, it is really on us, the parents, you if you're about to have a kid or you have a child, and they're still vaccines in that child's future, to do the research. I heard the comment made you either do the research, or you vaccinate, but you don't do both? Ted Kuntz 26:59 I hadn't heard that before. But I think that's a very good line. Because what we know is that as parents start to ask questions, when they dare to question, the evidence becomes quite compelling that this is this doesn't make sense of this whole vaccine paradigm. It it's I don't even know what to call it. I now believe it's criminal, right? This is the the knowingly intentional harming of merchant kids, there's enough information to know that this is harming our children. And if analysis of scale, and a vaccine manufacturers were still legally and financially liable for the injury and death, they would have stopped these products long ago, the worst thing that happened, and my belief is that the 1986 Act in the United States that gave vaccine manufacturers immunity from being held accountable for injury and death caused by their products was that was the most dangerous decision that a government could have made. It's an did Canada pass something similar? You know, what, we don't have the same kind of legislation. But in practice, there has not been a successful case of suing for vaccine injury in this country. The we have to prove both causation and negligence. And so even when you prove causation, it's very difficult to prove negligence negligence, because they say this is the vaccine schedule or our governments are in our courts are unwilling to acknowledge vaccine entry. Yeah. And we saw this most egregiously with the COVID vaccine, we're in Canada here. I'm astonished at the kinds of decisions judges made that would impose the vaccines on children in particular, in spite of the compelling evidence that this is a very dangerous product. Dr. Paul 28:40 Yeah. It is very strange. With our we know the public health and medical systems captured, but how do they capture the legal system to? Yeah, yeah, it's very weird. Tell me a little bit about there's a new initiative at the vaccine choice Canada raising nature's child. Yeah. Ted Kuntz 29:01 Again, when we began to recognize that our target audience really is young parents first step was we needed to provide information particularly around vaccination, but we realized that information by itself is not enough like that the decision not to vaccinate, to raise a child naturally is a very challenging step to take because you're under all kinds of scrutiny. People will attack you, they'll, you know, they'll call you names, you need a you need lots of information, but you need lots of support. And so we thought, we really need to figure out how to be a resource to parents to be the informed enough and courageous enough and stand in their authority to raise a child naturally. And so we said, let's start a program raising nature's child. We take the we're still in the development phase of it that we hope to have the first modules available in the next couple of months, but it's we talked about the first two years of life, the amount of development that a child goes through on the list first two years in terms of their neurological development, the development of the immune response, etc, etc. And then how what does it take to support that naturally, and just to say to a parent don't vaccinate by itself, that's, that's insufficient. It's not, it's not going to, for most people, it's not going to be effective. And so when you say, this is how you can do it different this is the things that you can do to ensure that your child is healthy enough to have a good immune response and can deal with what life shows up with. Dr. Paul 30:31 So is it a teaching module based program? Or is it a support group program? How does it work, Ted Kuntz 30:36 it's it's an online platform that people can access the courses 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, anywhere on the globe. So it has universal accessibility, which we like, it will be a series of videos of the written material of exercises, we're looking to bring parents together that are involved in a particular module, so they connect with each other. We're talking about things like developing a nutritional eating and cooking. And inviting parents, for example, give us a video clip of your pantry or show us the kind of meal that you're making for your kids and video, and then posting those videos on our platform. So we're looking for to provide both information, support a sense of community, and then looking for ways that those parents can connect with one another and build a network of support. We're excited to think how this is going to evolve over time. But we've had somebody who's involved in developing these kinds of learning platforms to build one for us. And so they've really created the infrastructure so that we can load anybody's program. So we don't actually have to create all the programs, we can work with someone like you and others to say, we've got a module that can be delivered on an online platform. And people would enroll, there would some would be free, some would be on a fee for service basis. And but it's a platform that would allow that kind of delivery of information and sounds like a huge project. Yeah. And again, we think that we have to do a better job of reaching parents early, because once your child has been vaccinated, one is one is that as I said earlier, I believe every child is vaccine injured. But two is what I've noticed is that once you go down that path, then you tend to want to defend that decision. And you're resistant to hearing that maybe that wasn't the best decision. So the earlier we can reach parents, the more success we think we'll have in assisting them. Yeah. Dr. Paul 32:34 You alluded to this, but is the vaccination schedule in Canada, pretty similar to the US? It's almost identical to the US. Yes. All right. Now to play devil's advocate with you. I know what I feel about this, but I'm gonna ask you, because you've really researched vaccines, in depth, great depth. So let's compare vaccination versus natural immunity. And my question, isn't it dangerous not to vaccinate? Ted Kuntz 33:00 My answer would be I think it's dangerous to vaccinate. But does it mean that your child may experience an illness? Yeah, if you don't vaccinate, your child will likely then have the experience of measles or mumps or chickenpox. I would suggest that and the research that I've done is that those are actually important childhood illnesses to develop the immune system to develop it into a mature and robust system of immune response. And when we withhold those experiences from a child, we actually get in the way of the development of a healthy immune response. And I liken it to it's if you go to the gym and want to develop some muscles, you have to lift some weights, the body has to experience some kind of a challenge. And I think what we think that we've, we can raise children without any illness. And I would suggest that's a flawed paradigm is to think that we can raise children without illness or that we would want to do that. Dr. Paul 33:54 So that sounds like theory, do you have any data to back that up? By Ted Kuntz 33:59 look at that I look at the results that you've produced. Paul, and I look at the Mawson study 2017 And look at the control group. There's a pretty compelling body of evidence that has been developed over the last six or seven years that show the health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated. And everything that I've looked at in those kinds of studies clearly demonstrates that the unvaccinated children are healthier. And to me, what I've come to realize is that or medical system is currently established, they measure success, or they measure health based upon the number of vaccines given they don't actually measure health. And when you do measure health, like you did in your study, like I said, just looking at graphs all by itself, I mean, we really ought to put that on the front cover of our book, because I in about 30 seconds, you realize that it's the vaccinated children that have poor health outcomes. And so I I know it's a complete inversion of what we've been indoctrinated with for over 100 years. Dr. Paul 35:08 Thank you, you brought up a super good point. Anybody that's worried that natural immunity is inferior? You've got to look at the data. We need data. And a few years ago, we didn't have much. But you're absolutely right with Mawson study with the Hooker and Neil Miller, and then my own data and that control group data. It's a lot of data now. And the difference in health outcomes for the unvaccinated who have natural immunity is astounding, right? It's, you know, and with your involvement with vaccine choice Canada, and just being in this whole movement of being vaccine risk aware, have you interacted with a number of unvaccinated families? Do you get that exposure, Ted Kuntz 35:58 what we get all is we get families where they vaccinated their first child, maybe their second child, and then they start to connect some dots, they start to realize that their children had been harmed. They've developed asthma or allergies, or seizure disorders, or attention deficit, hyperactivity, just all kinds of things. And they begin to recognize that vaccines may have caused that. And so they often then make a decision not to vaccinate the third child or the fourth child. And they, in some ways are the most powerful testimonies that we have is the same family, the same environment, the same food, the same nutrition, all those things. And they've got one or two kids that are vaccinated and one or two kids that are unvaccinated. And they often are, they always say, are unvaccinated kids are significantly healthier than our vaccinated kids. Yep. Dr. Paul 36:51 It's a perfect control group. It's the same genetics, the only thing different was the vaccines. So what do you say to those who will say it's our responsibility is for the greater good that we vaccinate our children? What's your response to that? Ted Kuntz 37:07 That's the propaganda, no doubt, that's what we're told. And they did that in spades with COVID that I mask for you and you mask for me. And the only way out of this is that we all take the vaccine. So they were very powerful in that messaging. And, you know, what I suggest is that they actually have weaponized compassion in the natural compassion that we have for one another, we do want to take care of each other. But what I've learned is that unfortunately, this pharmaceutical industry, it knows how to manipulate us and how to use our compassion against us. It when you actually look at the vaccines, what you discover is that many of them don't prevent infection, they don't prevent transmission. What they do is they reduce symptoms if you get it. And the protesters vaccine is a good example of that they've got ads that convince grandparents that the best thing they can do for the newborn grandchild has to take the Pertussis vaccine, it doesn't stop the grandparents from contracting protestors. What it does is it prevents them from having symptoms, where they might know that they're actually infected. And I suggest that the vaccine actually puts that new infant more at risk, because the grandparent could well be infected and not know it. Whereas there's a few studies Dr. Paul 38:23 that confirmed that old idea of cocooning if you're actually getting everybody around the infant, has failed for that very reason. In chapter 11, you cover how to minimize risk from vaccine harm. What would you say are a few key points that our listeners should be aware of how to minimize vaccine harm. Ted Kuntz 38:42 But first part is we encourage parents to take this decision seriously, this is a really important decision and do your homework and do it. Early in the process, I suggest you even look at it before you become pregnant so that you're not susceptible to taking vaccination during pregnancy. And so it's educate yourself, recognize that it's your decision, don't give that decision away, you have a responsibility. What I say to parents is you have a right but you also have a responsibility. And because you're the one who's going to experience the consequences of that decision, no matter what it is. So the first section of that chapter is really getting parents to recognize that it's up to them to make this medical decision. Do your homework. And then we talked about recognizing the limitations of vaccination. And then if you decide to vaccinate, there are things that you can do to help reduce the risk and some of those things is space out the shots. Don't do multiple shots at the same time. stop vaccinating. If you see evidence of injury or harm, those kinds of things. My hopes is that parents do enough research and as you said, there's two groups. There's the vaccinated and though there are those that educated themselves and what I've seen is that when you begin to do some read research into this, it becomes clear pretty quickly, that we're up against a medical paradigm that is actually false. And dangerous. Yeah. Dr. Paul 40:08 So if you're listening and you're a potential new parent or a new parent, or you're now rethinking whether or not you want to continue vaccinating, I think the most important thing is to get good information. And sadly, you won't get that from the CDC or the NIH or your doctor, most doctors that is. So where do you go, and this book you've written, My goodness, you have so many resources in that last part of the book. It's like the best list I think I've ever seen. Not to mention the fact that the book itself is just jam packed with what I consider very accurate because this is my wheelhouse. This is what I've been living the last few decades. My own book Vax facts, what to consider before vaccinating is coming out soon. So stay tuned for that. In fact, I'll come on your show when that happens. I'd love but tell our listeners and then I'll have Didi come torture you a little bit at the end. She loves to play devil's advocate, I don't know what she'll do with you. But share with our listeners your final thoughts about what you think is most important in this whole talk about vaccines and kids and pregnancy. And then also, what's the best way for people to get access to the book, get more information about what vaccine choice Canada is doing. Ted Kuntz 41:22 So the bottom line is they have to educate themselves. And you're right, Paul, is that they're not going to find it on the CDC website. They're not going to find it on FDA or Health Canada or any of those, you're dealing with institutions that are fully captured and controlled by the pharmaceutical industry. So you have to reach outside of that. And it's also very difficult to find the information if you just do a basic Google search, because I don't know whether your website comes up. But vaccine choice Canada is about page 15 on a Google search. And we're constantly having our videos removed. I did a short little video, for example, on my book, dare to question. And I got a little notice from YouTube about two weeks ago saying that I have violated community standards. And they've had to remove that little video clip. And I didn't say anything, actually didn't make any statements in it. I just invited parents to dare to question and do some homework. And that by itself was enough to have the the video removed. But there's an abundance of information out there, my library, my bookshelf is filled, I must have 50 books on vaccination in my library in boxes of research studies that I've read and photocopied over the years. So the information is out there. But you're in some ways somebody has to help you find it. And one of the advantages I think of our book, a new Parent's Guide is that we list probably 30 or 40 resources, and we give a short description about what each one is about and almost start anywhere. But and it goes from being a fairly easy read with just cursory information to a deep dive like the book turtles all the way down. I think every medical professionals shouldn't be forced to read that book, because it is so clear and compelling and well evidenced in the statements, the claims that it makes in that book. But the good news is there's lots of information out there, it's just that you have to go look for it. And sometimes you need to assistance to find that because the level of censorship that we're experiencing on this topic is most people don't understand how censored we really are. Yeah, yeah, Dr. Paul 43:26 it's next level. And where can people go to get more information? Well, Ted Kuntz 43:31 the book that the the new Parent's Guide to Understanding vaccination is honor on a we have an estore for our website for vaccine choice, Canada's vaccine choice canada.com. The E store is called up to everyone.com. And as soon as you go to that website, the the new parents guide is immediately on the front of the screen. But it also alternates with my other book called dare questions, so both of those books are showcased. But if you go into our estore there's there's all kinds of information there. We've got postcards, we've got flyers, we've got brochures, but those two books are probably the most valuable to start with. The new parents guide is can be downloaded it's electronic book PDF for $10. Canadian so that's that's probably like $2 American, I think that's not Dr. Paul 44:17 that bad stage. But yes, I can tell you, thank you for sending me a copy that I could go through that before this interview. It is brilliantly done. Lots of beautiful graphics that are really clear. And it's a pretty easy read this topics in my wheelhouse. But I think even for a new person. It's both a resource and a good read some Thank you. And then the other book dare to question is available. There's one you can actually download, download that book for free. And so it's also available as a print copy. I can't remember what exactly what that cost 10 or $15. I'm Ted Kuntz 44:52 not sure. But the the electronic copy is available for free so it can just be downloaded. We're in the process of developing the new Parents guide into a hard copy, print copy. And I expect those that will be up in our estore in about the next month. Dr. Paul 45:06 Very good. Thank you. You are doing amazing work. I appreciate you being on with the wind. Paul, thank Ted Kuntz 45:15 you and you've inspired me. And again, I admire your integrity and your commitment to honoring the right to informed consent. And you've suffered consequences for actually being an ethical doctor. But you're an inspiration. And I hope one day that you'll be the head of the medical system in the United States so that everybody has access to ethical medical care. I'll Dr. Paul 45:39 be a consultant, but I don't want to be the head. Thank you. Hi, Ted. Thank DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 45:45 you. For one being so wonderful with communication with me. I've been texting with you and all of that. And I'm just so excited to finally get to meet you in person. Ted Kuntz 45:55 Nice to be with you, Didi and thanks for the good work you Impaler doing. You're an inspiration. Thank DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 46:00 you. So first, I'm gonna say that, Dr. Paul, you are so amazing TED, that Dr. Paul thought you were a doctor. You have so much information. And your books, everything is so incredible that he's Oh, yeah, I'm trying to remember. And I'm like, I don't think he's a doctor. But you are very informed, very aware. And it's so important. And it's nice to see a quote, non medical person knowing so much and having so much. So first of all, I heard the books, some of the books that you you had, I'm went on to Dr. Paul's account and purchase them all for him. So he doesn't know that. Now he knows that. So he will be getting all your books, and I will be stealing them. It looks like you have a couple other books I didn't see on Amazon too. So you have been writing. And I just think that's awesome. I'm just getting started as an author myself. So that's great. So now I want to really talk about your family. And you mentioned a little bit with Dr. Paul first. But let's go back to when did you How old were you when you got married? Ted Kuntz 47:05 I was 20 when I got married. And I came into a family I married a woman with a two and a half year old daughter. So I got to be a dad from day one. My my own child and I've only got one son is Joshua and he was born in 1984. Okay. And DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 47:23 I want you to talk about that. You talked about that a little bit with Dr. Paul. But I want to jump to obviously doing everything you can do as a parent. I know that what that's I can't even imagine losing a child. So with that part of the vaccine injury, what was that like for you to go through? I'm guessing whether it was guilt or resentment in the medical field, all of those things. Can you just talk about some of those emotions? Because I don't know if I just said it or not. But your son died in 2017. Correct? That's correct. Yeah. Okay. So tell me a little bit about that is Ted Kuntz 48:04 I was explaining to Dr. Pol, Josh developed an uncontrolled seizure disorder following his very first vaccine shot, which was the DPT that pertussis, right theory, whooping cough, and he was seizing it at a phenomenal rate. Eventually, by the time he was four, he was seizing 12 to 15 times a day, each seizure was 15 to 20 minutes long, so it was excruciating. As a parent, I was yes, I had guilt because I didn't do any homework. I didn't do any research. I simply went into the first baby visit, and simply accepted the the suggestion that he received his very first vaccine shot. And so I would I now recognize I had done zero homework, I took no responsibility for that decision. And I regret that deeply. I would say that the emotions that I carried the most was fear. So I was constantly afraid I what I would say is that every day I thought my son would die in front of my eyes. It was that sense of powerlessness to watch him just sees over and over again. And just to give you some idea of how intense our life was, we had called an ambulance more than 30 times in a three month period. So it just that we spent most of the first years of his life out of Children's Hospital in and out. I had a lot of resentment because I thought the medical industry was unwilling to acknowledge what I saw as being the cause of his injury, which was the vaccine shot. If anything, they were dismissive, they were arrogant. They were disrespectful, if I couldn't say. And what I explained to the doctor Paul is that I was actually a graduate student at the University of British Columbia had access to the medical library. So I did my own research on the DPT shot and uncovered all kinds of evidence and I would bring that to the doctors and it was like I was wasting their time so I there was a lot of emotion to work through. But I finally got to a time when I realized I had to make peace With this situation, I use the phrase that I had to learn to fall in love with a son that I have not the son that I don't have the son that I began with, I lost at five months of age. And I kept trying to get him back. And I had to realize that wasn't going to get that son back. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 50:17 And so in those early years, again, with the seizures and things, what was life? Like? What did was it a strain on your marriage? Are you super connected? Because we hear a lot about that when when there's an issue with a child vaccine injury, whatever the case is, that puts a tremendous strain on a marriage. What was it like for you, dd, Ted Kuntz 50:37 it was a huge strain that we were united in caring for our son. But there was no space for a marriage, for example, Josh would cease throughout the night. And so I slept with my son his entire life. Because I what I learned was I couldn't fall asleep when he was in his own room, because I kept listening to see if he was seizing. And I realized the only way I was going to fall asleep, because I had to actually be in the room with him. And so that's what I did. When he was in hospital, my wife and I made a decision that we would never leave him unattended. She would be with him in the daytime, I would go to work, I would drive straight from work to the hospital. And then I would spend the night with him in the hospital. And the hospital kept trying to kick me out. And I said, I'm not leaving, I'm not leaving my son unattended for you. And then my wife would come in the morning, and she'd bring me a fresh change of clothes. And I would find a shower in the hospital and that I would drive to work. So I actually didn't live in my home for extended periods of time because I was either in my office, or I was in the hospital. But we had left Josh alone one night, when we first admitted him. And we came in the next morning and he was arms and legs were tied to that railing. So the bed. And we were so hard to see that that we said we will never leave him alone again. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 51:58 Yeah, that's awesome. And that's, that's love. That's your child. It has always astounded me when doctors think that, that you don't need to be there or it's interfering, or whatever the case is. It's yeah, no, I'm glad you were able to do that. And so through the years, you made a comment with Dr. Pol that it was basically 24/7 care. Was there any? I don't care for the word but normalcy as far as a childhood for Josh, did he get to play? Did he get to do anything that maybe go to school? What was that like for him? Yeah, Ted Kuntz 52:32 he went to school. So I mentioned that to Dr. Paul, that when Josh was five, the chief neurologist at Vancouver Children's Hospital came to me and he said, Don't bring your child back. And as hard as that was to get that message, it was a blessing because I stopped expecting the system of medical care to fix my son when they couldn't, if anything, they were making it worse. And then we explored alternative health care. And we got a significant improvement that did allow Josh to experience more of life because the space between the seizures got bigger and okay, the seizures got shorter and shorter. So there was some normalcy. He did go to school, but he required a one on one care the entire time that he was at school. So we were very fortunate to live in a community in a school district where we were, that care was available to him. And he needed it because he was still seizing throughout the day. But it's like you got used to that or you made peace with that you did the best that you could, but your life was it was driven by the seizure. So you might all get in the car and you think you're gonna go to the beach or have a picnic or do something. And as you're driving there, he has a seizure. So you turn around you go home, and that you just lift the best you could in between the seizures. But we had I had a stepdaughter that was five years older than Josh. And what I now know is that she got lost and all of that because you can't attend to the normal needs of a nine year old when you've got a five year old seizing 12 to 15 times a day. And DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 54:05 that's actually going to be my next question, because you mentioned that your wife had a daughter previously that was my next space is what was that? Like one question just so I have a better understanding how old was Josh when he died? Ted Kuntz 54:17 He was 31. Okay. And so he always lived with y'all. When he was about 25 I think I said to my to his mother, we were the marriage should come apart by then because it was just too difficult. If anything what I can say about that is when the marriage came apart, that's actually when she and I both got to live some of life because we would split Josh week on week off. And so the week you had him you spend all your time with him and you enjoyed him and then you had a week rest bite where you knew he was being cared for by his mother. And you had you got to rest because you knew that he was being well cared for. And so you In the week off, I got to have a life and in the week off, she got to have a life. So in a kind of bizarre kind of way, the ending of the marriage was actually good for all of us. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 55:10 And who was it? I asked what age Josh was when the marriage ended, Ted Kuntz 55:13 he was about 13. Okay. And DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 55:18 so then your, the, your other daughter, your stepdaughter was 18, then at that time dump something that helped with her to then and again, go ahead and explain what that was like for her as a nine year old all the way through 18. With being right there with Josh, as Ted Kuntz 55:33 I said, one is that there wasn't much ability to attend to the normal health needs of a nine year old because Josh dictated all of our lives. The emergency is said the amount of emergency care that we participated in, but just just to give you one little example of that is that if Josh would get into one of his grandma seizures, it would be typically that we would call an ambulance. When the ambulance arrived, I would get into the ambulance with my son, Josh's mom would take our daughter to a neighbor or a family member, and then she would meet me at the hospice. So that was our routine that we would do over and over again. And I can't remember how old Lani was she was probably about 17 or 18. And she said, Dad, when Josh was seizing, and he was in the ambulance, why did you not let me go to the hospital with my brother? Mm. And we thought we were doing her a favor by not exposing her that kind of trauma, because it really was trauma. And she said, Didn't you think I wanted to be with my brother? DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 56:43 Yeah, the government's doing that, because we hear that a lot. And so for anyone who's listening to this, and Dr. Paul and I both wellness coach, and this is something that I coach parents on is to understand that when there's other children involved, when we're in this crazy time, like you were Ted, you were trying to focus, you're trying to do what's right. We don't always see what that other child might need and what might be happening for them. And their involvement could be so critical. So yeah, I didn't mean to interrupt you, but keep going is not super important. So how did you respond when she said that Ted Kuntz 57:20 by then it was we're no longer in that situation. We're constantly calling it out in males, but I felt it still brings tears to my eyes that I didn't understand what she was going through and what she might have wanted. And the fact that she wanted to be with her brother in that ambulance, even though she was nine or 10, or 12. It touched me deeply. And I realized that as adults, we felt powerless and unsure as a young child, or 10 year old or 12 year old chi to felt the powerlessness that we're all living in. Yeah. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 57:50 And it's, again, it's tough for everybody involved. But I think especially when there's older siblings, there's still they also feel like a parent. In a way. It's also their responsibility to watch out for their younger sibling. I know that. Personally, when you're not kept in that loop, I can see where that would be harmful. So did Lani and Ted have a sibling relationship? Were they able to have that as they got older? Yeah, Ted Kuntz 58:16 it was always limited Josh's with the amount of seizing that he experienced, it causes significant brain damage, I believe, and so he was functioning it above the level of a two year old. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 58:27 Okay. I think I said Ted, I meant to say, Ah, yeah, hi. Ted Kuntz 58:31 It's okay. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 58:33 Okay, my brain is tired. Yes, too harsh. And Lani. So go ahead. Talk about that. Ted Kuntz 58:38 Yeah, Josh. He was functioning at the level of a two year old, his vocabulary had been reduced to about 40 words. And so I think he was very intelligent, but his ability to communicate was limited. But he loved his sister and a sister loved him. And they would spend time together but because of the seriousness of the seizing, it's she could never be left alone with him either when she was a child, right, even as a 12 or 14 year old, you don't want to put that on her. And then when Josh was about 25, I, I was at the position that we needed somebody else to care for Josh, we were getting up in age in terms of our ability to care for him. And Josh's mom is four foot 10 kind of a person and for her to be able to care for Josh lift him when he had seized her fall and she was getting injured. And I just said you know what, it's time that we have to invite somebody else to care for our son. And that was a very difficult decision. But we had some angels show up that they were a young couple with a daughter and they said they are always wanted to care for somebody with disabilities and Josh immediately fell in love with them. It was just a beautiful thing to watch. And it's like he saw the mother in that family is almost like his girlfriend. He He was just in love with her. And he would sit beside her and hold hands and he'd look in her eyes and, and the husband would say, I wouldn't let any man do this to my wife except for Josh, because but and they cared for Josh for a number of years, he actually passed well in their care. And I don't wish that on anybody. They, they came to him in the morning, and he was already dead in bed, and so to tick to carry that, and there was no sense of on our part that they were not responsible. But I'm sure they still carry the sense of responsibility that he passed on their watch. But DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:00:36 yeah, and that's tough, because, again, with the seizures and everything, hopefully, they don't carry that too much. Because it sounds like that was probably something that was inevitable whether we like it or not, or no or not, we don't know when something's going to happen in ways I know. I'm sure that to both of you. And Josh's mom, have, I would hope have a sense of at that time that now he's not struggling anymore. Now he's not fighting now he can find peace now. He is watching us. And I think that is so important. And that's important for other people. Ted Kuntz 1:01:11 You're absolutely right DD is that was a very hard body to be in. And again, I believe, and I talked about in my book that Josh came to be of service to humanity, and he woke me up and then enabled me to become a resource to other parents and other families, which wouldn't have happened without that experience. And so I honored him in, but it was time to release him. Like, that was too hard about it to be in. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:01:37 It isn't we have to I think when we can do that, too. I think it helps that person sold to know Okay, wow, I'm there. Good. I can go now. So thank you so much for being willing to share that now. The next little, probably emotional pieces. You said with Dr. Paul, that you have a grandchild now because I'm guessing that you still have a relationship with your stepdaughter? Is that true? Ted Kuntz 1:02:01 So I'm in a marriage that I've been in for 20 years, and I got to be a parent to three other kids. Oh, I thought you said you only had one child. Only one biological child. That's mine. Right? Oh, okay. So DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:02:13 now you're in an. So I guess what I'm trying to find out? Who's messed up there is? Who are the children that you're not able to talk to? Is that? So Josh's sister, or? No, Ted Kuntz 1:02:26 I've got four stepchildren who are all married. And actually, Josh's sister, Lani chose not to have children. And I think that might have been an experience a direct result of the experience with her brother, my other three stepchildren, all have produced grandchildren. So we've got five grandchildren currently and one imminent in the next day or two. So there's three of my stepchildren that are producing grandchildren for us. And one of them is very open and receptive to hearing all that I can share around this and doing her homework and reading and discussing. The other two are reluctant to have those conversations. And so we've been politely but firmly asked to step back and not have those conversations with them. Understand DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:03:14 that we hear that a lot. I just want knowing what with Josh, I guess, if you can talk, there's got to be emotional on your heart to love these children and know and every vaccine that goes in there can be a risk, right? How do you deal with that? Ted Kuntz 1:03:31 You're right, it's painful, knowing what I know, and not being able to communicate that not being able to protect our grandchildren and them because their life, if there's a vaccine injury, significant vaccine injury, it's life altering, is I've experienced him. But again, I've had to make peace with that. And part of it. I came across the work of a woman by the name of Byron Katie, I don't know if you've ever heard of her that she she asks, she worked as she helps people move through traumatic experience of their life. But she says there's three kinds of business, my business, your business and God's business. And the first question you should ask is Who business Am I in? Yeah, and I had to make peace with that those decisions are not my business, I can be a resource. But you can only be a resource, if there's receptivity to that information. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:04:23 That's, I don't think that's something that's important to remember. And I just did an interview recently to where you just made me think of it is when we're parents, we think especially when kids are young, we know the rules, it's not what you think is best for you, it's what we think is best for you and we're gonna make those decisions that are best for you. And so your business is my business because I'm running your life and and making sure that you grow up as healthy as possible. But once they're adults, you're right. That's their business and it's a fine line. I think I still, again, knowing what I know with my son and what he went through. I I still probably step into his business a little bit too much. Hey, have you read this? Do you know this? And they're not parents yet. So I think it's a whole different ballgame. So I can't imagine knowing why. And just not with someone you're so close to, and not being able to share it. But it's good that you again, when I guess you mentioned too, it's God's business. So we can pray and hope that if there is something going on, that God's gonna protect them. So I want to thank you, is there anything, any resources that you can think of, or mention or know of that? If a parent's gone through what you've gone through, and they're still struggling? Or they're facing what you're facing right now with Dr. Paul and I coach on this, but any other resources, that if a parents smashing heads with the medical system, they know it's a vaccine injury? What are your suggestions? Yeah, Ted Kuntz 1:05:50 those are good questions. What I've learned is that the medical industry is so captured by the vaccine paradigm that you're not going to have much success at trying to convince them otherwise, for the most part. Now, what I I certainly have witnessed, though, over the last four years as a result of the debacle that COVID was in the absolute farm that has been caused by approving a genetic experimental injection and calling it a vaccine. I've actually had a number of doctors that have contacted me and said, I need to apologize is that two years ago, I thought you were crazy, or, and now I realized I didn't do my homework. And I'm to blame. And I actually had a couple of doctors call me in tears, when they came to the realization that they participated in the harming of their own patients. And those doctors DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:06:44 names to reach out to you and see if they'll talk to me too, because that's the thing is, these people are in this medical system. And so many won't say anything or can't say anything can do anything. Ted Kuntz 1:06:55 Yeah, it's a hard transition to make, because you bought into something with the best of intentions, you thought you were doing good, and then to discover that you may have actually done harm, and even contributed to the death of a child. Those are, those are hard realizations to come to it's humbling to come to that truth. In my experience as a parent, if the doctor is open and receptive. That's one thing that, that in all of the doctors that I experienced, and I experienced many them in Josh's care, there was only a couple that said, I want to know what you know. And DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:07:33 again, especially if it's pediatrics, it's a whole different ballgame. One thing I do want to say that my son actually taught me this lesson, and whether you're a doctor out there, or a parent, like TED or myself, and especially what you just mentioned is if a doctor realizes that a vaccine that they gave a child killed that child, you just said that what probably happens with them emotionally, if they think they kill the child, we all need to remember that the vaccine did the damage. The vaccine is what killed the child. It's the things that are in this vaccine. It's the fact it wasn't tested. That's what did the harm, because I used to feel so guilty and my son looked at me and I'm like, I can't believe I did this to you and he's you didn't do this to me. The vaccine did this to me. You've done your best to help me come out of that. So I think I hope doctors are willing to listen if they're out there and they hear this that you can change your mind at any time. You can do the research at any time. You might have done something in the past that cost someone their life might have given them that shot because you thought that was what was best. But the research is out there and you can change Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
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Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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